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English Sheikh, Yemeni Gentleman


Feb 1, 2013
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Saudi Arabia
An award-winning documentary about Yemen from 2000. Rather good if you ask me.


Tim Mackintosh-Smith is an award-winning Arabist, writer, traveller, lecturer and Oxford graduate that is an expert in Yemeni, Arab and Semitic history. He has also lived for many years in Sana'a and speaks fluent Arabic with a Northern Yemeni accent. I still believe that he lives there although I am not sure.

He has also made other documentaries.


@Chai @Arabian Legend @JUBA @Yzd Khalifa @BLACKEAGLE @kalu_miah @BATMAN @Armstrong @Imran Khan @Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence @Zarvan @Aslan @chauvunist @Aeronaut @Pakistanisage @RaptorRX707 @fawwaxs @Al Bhatti @United @K-Xeroid @JonAsad @A.Rafay @Bubblegum Crisis @Banu Umayyah @MuslimConscript @salman108 @agentny17 @Hussein @Ammad Malik @T-123456 @Sinan @500 @Mosamania @somebozo @Mootaz-khelifi @Doritos11 @Tunisian Marine Corps @Skallagrim @Luffy 500 @Secur @explorer9 @tyrant @Jungibaaz @Hyperion @Mamba @BronzePlaque @Hu Songshan @Hazzy997 @mahatir @Mahmoud_EGY @MooshMoosh @Naifov @Spring Onion @Wholegrain @Malik Abdullah


Yemen is often a very misunderstood country and "mysterious" even in the Arab world or the Arabian Peninsula despite its ancient history (among the oldest in the Near East and thus the world). Apart from unfortunately having many problems, being impoverished and having internal turmoil right now in some parts of Yemen.

This documentary is very informative and also deals with the aspect of growing up in a country as an immigrant and being caught between two worlds - the traditions, culture etc. of the homeland (s) of your parents and your country of birth which many users here can probably relate to in some way or another.

It also displays most layers of Yemeni society. Northern Yemenis, Southern Yemenis, Afro-Yemenis etc.

Also most news about Yemen today is negative so I thought about giving another picture of Yemen and Yemenis here. The documentary is long I know but it is worth it.


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Im kind of busy these days working on my USMLE. I don't have the time to be onboard these days but sure yeah I will definitely watch those great videos when my time helps.

Thanks for sharing homeboy, Yemen is a great country with a rich history past and present.

Thanx again:cheers:
Im kind of busy these days working on my USMLE. I don't have the time to be onboard these days but sure yeah I will definitely watch those great videos when my time helps.

Thanks for sharing homeboy, Yemen is a great country with a rich history past and present.

Thanx again:cheers:

All the best of luck with your USMLE. I truly want you to perform as best as possible! No need to apologize at all 7abibi. We are all busy. I should not be on this forum here either since I have 3 exams in less than 7 weeks but this forum is a little bit addicting.:D

Thanks for the great words.

Take care.

I have seen it before. It is really an excellent commentary from the perspective of a Second Generation Yemeni born and raised in UK.


Yes, it is really good indeed. I saw it first time a few months ago and thought I should share it since I saw people comment on it on an Arab forum and on Facebook.:D Hope everything is well with you too bro. Let us hope for peace in the Muslim and Arab world. We need it. From Egypt, Iraq, Yemen to Pakistan and elsewhere (world overall).

Also remember that this documentary is 13 years old. Situation (economic) has improved in Yemen despite it still being impoverished compared to the GCC and many other countries. Also the last video I posted from the Ministry of Tourism in Yemen is also a bit old. Today must countries do not recommend travels to Yemen at all.:disagree:
@al-Hasani, In Islamic history I vaguely remember of reading something like 'al arabal araba' who are/were from the southern part of the Arabian peninsula. Are/were they from Yemen by any chance?
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@al-Hasani, In Islamic history I vaguely remember of reading something like 'al arabal araba' who are/were from the southern part of the Arabian peninsula. Are/were they from Yemen by any chance?

Yes, if you are referring to the so-called العرب العاربة better known as the Qahtanite Arabs the prodigy of Ya‘rub bin Yashjub bin Qahtan of which the ancient kingdoms such as the Saba', Ma'īn, Qatabān, Haḑramawt, Awsān, and Himyar were a part of. Later came the Ghassanids, Lakhmids and Kindites who settled in Northern Hijaz, Jordan, Syria and Iraq and had great civilizations there.

You should also remember that the Arabian Peninsula is the homeland of all Semitic people and if we believe science then the first human migrations out of Africa came through Yemen. Lastly genetic studies correspondent with the theory of Semitic migrations out of the Arabian Peninsula (especially Yemen) to all of the current Arab world and even outside that.

You can see more here if you look at the map of this haplogroup below or just google some of the things I wrote in this post.:D Highest concentration and variety in what is now modern-day Yemen.


Anyway not to go too much off-topic then I can highly recommend you to watch that documentary, bro, if you have the time. An fairly old (13 years) documentary but it has a special feel. I really think they displayed Yemen authentically although they did not saw all part of the country for obvious reasons.

Prophet Muhammad (saws) also praised Yemen and Yemenis more than any other land and people outside his native Hijaz. And so have hundreds of other important Muslim and non-Muslim figures throughout history.
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Makintosh and the Italian seemed more in love with the country then the Yemeni from GB.
He was more the stranger then those two.
I like the north btw.
Makintosh and the Italian seemed more in love with the country then the Yemeni from GB.
He was more the stranger then those two.
I like the north btw.

Did you watch it bro? I am impressed.:D Yes, at the beginning but in the end he comes to another conclusion. Although I don't want to tell everything. People should watch the documentary themselves if they have the time.;)
Did you watch it bro? I am impressed.:D Yes, at the beginning but in the end he comes to another conclusion. Although I don't want to tell everything. People should watch the documentary themselves if they have the time.;)
I watched it,yes in the end he felt what they did but i still found him to English even in the end.
Makintosh was the real yemeni for me.
I watched it,yes in the end he felt what they did but i still found him to English even in the end.
Makintosh was the real yemeni for me.

Oh, that is great. Yes, I agree with that. Before the documentary was made and his visit to Yemen he did not fully understand it and Mackintosh was the better integrated. But at the end a part of him realized the wonders of the country that many people have written about throughout ancient history until today. He got a new understanding and said that he would never be the same again. I also like that the documentary portrays different layers of Yemen and areas inside Yemen. Northern Yemenis, Southern Yemenis, Afro-Arabs etc.

I also like his words of belonging. That there is not necessarily one place of belonging but more. I can agree with that as coming from a mixed family from both sides of the family and having lived across the world. And I believe that this opinion is shared by many people like me if not most, dare I say. In general an excellent documentary not just about Yemen but other issues too. Has a "special" feel about it.
Thanks a lot. This is first time, i had the opportunity to hear about Yemen, otherwise i only knew it from pictures.

I like the way locals wear gutra around the face, and i must try gatak and coffee.

I once had a Yemeni Engineer as colleague, and he was a sincere friend too. I knew nothing beyond him about Yemen.

I see, tribal Yemenis...... same as our tribal people.

InshAllah, i will visit Yemen and hope to make good friends there, as i always do ;)
I was writing a commentary on a very good documentary on a Saudi governor, it was an exceptional masterpiece showing KSA in a very different way, alas my work is lost and I am dreading that i wont do justice to it.

this documentary on Yemen is exceptional thanks for sharing
Thanks a lot. This is first time, i had the opportunity to hear about Yemen, otherwise i only knew it from pictures.

I like the way locals wear gutra around the face, and i must try gatak and coffee.

I once had a Yemeni Engineer as colleague, and he was a sincere friend too. I knew nothing beyond him about Yemen.

I see, tribal Yemenis...... same as our tribal people.

InshAllah, i will visit Yemen and hope to make good friends there, as i always do ;)

I was writing a commentary on a very good documentary on a Saudi governor, it was an exceptional masterpiece showing KSA in a very different way, alas my work is lost and I am dreading that i wont do justice to it.

this documentary on Yemen is exceptional thanks for sharing

You are both very welcome. Yeah, Yemenis are talented people. Millions of diaspora Yemenis in Indonesia, Malaysia, South Asia, Eastern Africa and Latin America who have been presidents, prime ministers, astronauts, businessman (especially that), billionaires etc.

Irfan, you are probably referring to the documentary called Inside the Kingdom - if I remember correctly? The governor was the governor of Ha'il in the beautiful Ha'il province. 5-6 years old I believe.

Inside the Saudi Kingdom (BBC Documentary) - YouTube

Nearly 10 MILLION viewers! Talk about interest for an ordinary documentary.
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