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2 Saudi Border Guards Killed at Yemeni Border

والله يرحم الشهداء القتلتهم التنفظية بمصر
مش فاهم يعنى اية التنفظية
Nothing racist in my signature. These are static facts.

Only for you !! Any ways leave it . And stop quoting me . I have nothing against Arabs ...
Only for you !! Any ways leave it . And stop quoting me . I have nothing against Arabs ...

You quoted me in the first place.

If you can't stand the heat get off the tunnel.
You quoted me in the first place.

If you can't stand the heat get off the tunnel.

I can`t stand stupid people .. !! ... I hate the ones who don't know that they are stupid , they will fight you to death to prove what they think is right is really right ..... So I am not wasting anymore time on you .. You are free to believe in whatever you want !!
مش فاهم يعنى اية التنفظية

Security ministry it police, you call one side martyrs and disrespect the lives of the others. That shouldn't be like that.
Security ministry it police, you call one side martyrs and disrespect the lives of the others. That shouldn't be like that.
i never disrespect the memory of any one died even if he is my enemy i have respect for death
i never disrespect the memory of any one died even if he is my enemy i have respect for death

That's not what I said, you selectively glorify certain people as martyrs but the innocent people killed by Egyptian security forces for demonstrating did you glorify them and say they died by the way of God?
You have got nothing to do with Pakistan.

Your cause is different.

Our record speaks for itself.
thanks for Mutawa fatwa.....wat a drama queen lolzzz suadi mullah
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I can`t stand stupid people .. !! ... I hate the ones who don't know that they are stupid , they will fight you to death to prove what they think is right is really right ..... So I am not wasting anymore time on you .. You are free to believe in whatever you want !!

Having seen the mountainous blowback at your derogatory comments by your fellow countrymen, I think it is up for people to say who's stupid and who isn't:

Pakistanis hold anti-terrorism rally in Lahore

thanks for Mutawa fatwa.....wat a drama queen lolzzz
Pleasure :smart:
I didn't harass him, he asked for it and has been going on a tantrum rage the past few hours. :lol:

Of course he says he's ready to make me cry yet he's the first person who starts tagging mods and his fellow friends. :lol:

Show me where anybody called you terrorists? You've called two nationalities that same term so why don't you refrain from that?
واع بكيت منك، طبعن منا انجيب سيرة الله بتهرب، بتعارفش غير تغلط لاكن وضح انك تتعرف انو الله مش معك ولا مع ناس مثلك، الله اكبر منك وكلمشرك ملوش اخلاق وكان يحقد عا نبينا وحبيبنا محمد، مافي فرق بينك وبين العار القريش، لاكن هما بل اخبار الله عقبهم والمسلمين انتصرو وبذن الله سنتصر مرة اخرا

ي اولاد العار


Yeah I said Waaah Waaah you made me cry, sarcasm you ahbal. :omghaha:
@Yzd Khalifa

Houthis have launched attacks before under the disguise of smugglers. Many of the smugglers also have ties with the Houthi's. They cooperate together when it comes to smuggling.

So I am sure that the satanic Houthi cult has a hand in this.

Many times it is the same coin.
even if they have, what can you do????????
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