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Engineering design of Kalabagh dam completed

From KPK they also have concerns. They think it will sink the charsada I guess. BTW charsada is flooded every year by this flood water they are not allowing to store in Kalabhag dam :sick:

Ahhh the irony !

There are people in Karachi who have never been anywhere in Pakistan outside Karachi, for them Punjab is like Saat Samander par Land jahan foreigner rehtey hain aur wo hamara haq martey hain, and they will oppose Kalabagh Dam even if it doesnt effect them one bit. @Secur will have issue with what I am saying because he has been to Hyderabad too

Do not begin a race debate again for it works both ways and just maybe the other side have a few stories to tell - credibility of course doesn't matter since talk is cheap . @Secur will have a problem with that here .

Where Pakistan talks India is in the process of finalizing designs of 300 dams on all its northern rivers.

Alright , how is it related to the topic at hand or is the sudden and uncontrollable urge to troll again at work ?
@karan21 has a valid point.

Its our incompetence we have not been able to build a single dam in last 50 years. we need dams and instead we get political bickering. Its the fault of leaders. these leaders are in politics for families not the country. If they were for the country, they would have been uniting us, not dividing us.

Those who oppose Kalabagh dam are in the so called national parties of the country. Most of their fears could be valid but almost all of it is just politicking.
Ahhh the irony !

Do not begin a race debate again for it works both ways and just maybe the other side have a few stories to tell - credibility of course doesn't matter since talk is cheap . @Secur will have a problem with that here .

to solve a problem first we have to admit what is really behind the curtain or we will never solve the problem, we all know its a racial issue it has nothing to do with sindh's reservation about the water distribution. Lets assume its a water distribution issue and Punjab will steal 5% of sindh's water and to say we do not even want 95 galons if Punjab is going to steal our 5 galons.
Come to issue, talk it out, its a racial issue...at least as far as MQM is concerned.
or we can dig our heads in the sand and pretend all Pakistani bhai bhai
This shows Pakistan's political system is a farce!
Few thousand people hijacking the country.
Nawaz Sharif will not build it, as he use this a bate to earn co-operation from ANP.
Neither, you will never see opposition fighting for it.
Do not begin a race debate again for it works both ways and just maybe the other side have a few stories to tell - credibility of course doesn't matter since talk is cheap . @Secur will have a problem with that here .

Be a man for once & say it....say it to my face ! :mad:

P.S Asal mein na boool daiiin....dialogue maaar rahaa thaaa ! :unsure:
Pakistan needs at least 10 big and 100-300 small dams over the next decade to make sure the entire 200 million population has access to water for the next decades. Other wise Pakistan will face floods every year and millions of dollars of crops and infrastructure will be damaged. As I said Pakistan talks and India and China are building dams are very fast pace.
Come to issue, talk it out, its a racial issue...at least as far as MQM is concerned.
or we can dig our heads in the sand and pretend all Pakistani bhai bhai

Yeah , I have been told by a young gentleman that MQM committed the first murder on earth . :D The political party has little or no representation or vote bank in the rural Sindh where the issue is dominant in politics and propaganda works best because of illiteracy and feudals dictating the " thought patterns " for a common man . You do not get votes in Karachi , Hyderabad because of opposition to Kalabagh Dam . Makes me wonder whether you have ever crossed the Sukkur area looking at these comments .
Yeah , I have been told by a young gentleman that MQM committed the first murder on earth . :D The political party has little or no representation or vote bank in the rural Sindh where the issue is dominant in politics and propaganda works best because of illiteracy and feudals dictating the " thought patterns " for a common man . You do not get votes in Karachi , Hyderabad because of opposition to Kalabagh Dam . Makes me wonder whether you have ever crossed the Sukkur area looking at these comments .

for someone who was born and raised in Karachi to Chukwalian parents you'd hope he must have crossed Sukkur a few times in his life, for someone who was always taken as a mohajir and whose closest friends didnt even know he is the enemy...so I know it all...but lots go to issue at hand.

My father is from the border area of KPK Punjab, his village was suppose to go down under water if Kalabagh dam was to become a reality and people there were talking about relocating to where but no one ever raised a voice that this dam should not be built, so I dont whose language is ANP speaking, similarly I think the same about ordinary Sindis
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so I know it all...

Again , I would say , far from it . It has never been a racial issue for MQM , for a person that claims to be " all knowing " , it is very surprising that he doesn't know about the vote banks of different political parties in Sindh .
Again , I would say , far from it . It has never been a racial issue for MQM , for a person that claims to be " all knowing " , it is very surprising that he doesn't know about the vote banks of different political parties in Sindh .

does MQM vote bank care about a damn Dam?
because I dont remember this issue ever became a topic of conversation on the corner paan shop, but again I left in 1988 may be things changed after that
Well we are building these dams but you guys are doing nothing but crying.

Secondly we are the 3rd largest producer of electricity in the world and another 80000 MW is under construction.

Good for you .. now go vomit somewhere else.. nobody gives a shit abt india .. nor is this thread related to india.. so get lost.
When I saw the first post I was really looking forward to reading about the plans of how to construct the dam, but damn I'm saddened that there is so much politics about it. Isn't all natural water ways Pakistan's and not the provinces ?

I really hope that the dam will be constructed, and by all means do so under authoritarian rule. The downside is all that corruption, but as long as it ensures infrastructure, dams, water reservoires / control I think it could be tolerated.

I think you are facing some tough challenges that can only be implemented through one-party rule or authoritarian regime. Turkey has still it's challenges, but some of the projects that are yielding results are the Southeastern Anatolia Project - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and it's been sped up since we got a one-party rule. And other projects as well, but as you probably can read from the news, there is a serious graft probe the government is trying to eliminate, which comes from not having transparency.
Ironically, its the only country in the world where technical issues are being dealt with public opinion and politicians. A purely technical disputed based on scientific research should have never been a political dispute.
Can't the Punjab unilaterally build it after some more design changes so that it falls solely in the Punjab & we wouldn't be required to obtain permission from any other province ? :(

This isn't a Nehari shop munshi jee .:omghaha:
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