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Endgame for MQM?

MQM will survive. It has to keep in mind that people count on it as their last hope for a truly secular Pak. If it dies, the idea of a Jinnah's Pak will die as well. It can't let that happen, no matter what. It champions a value-system that embraces diversity and is hard to find amongst the other regional, feudal political parties in Pak. So, it has a natural evolutionary advantage against them.

Hardships can be taken as an opportunity for some soul-searching. There is some tragic flaw in their system that is inhibiting them to realize their full potential. I just hope and pray that they acknowledge their "shadow" and assimilate it healthily in their psyche. Doesn't mean that they have to give up on their strengths. No. Just deal with your demons and elevate your game to the next level. And you have the brain, the brawn and the spirit to do so.

Arguable if MQM represents diversity. It replaces religios bigotry with ethnic bigotry with the pro-Muhajir (Urdu speaking) stance. It is overtly anit-punjabi and anti-pathan.

PS* I am a muhajir so the bias against muhajirs does not apply to me.

MQM as we know it is dead. Moving forward what remains to be seen is that hopefully it evolves into the Kemal Mustafa version of MQM or the mafios (terrorist) style of altaf.
It is overtly anit-punjabi and anti-pathan.

That's what I was hinting at... I see this bias as a symptom for some deep-rooted cause. Maybe it's time for them to dive in this chasm of hatred and grasp some "abstract" pearls that will help them to fill it to some manageable extent.

"Punjabis are exploitative." [A layman will see this as a racial problem]
"Feudal Punjabis are exploitative." [A layman will see this as a social problem]

This is just an example. But if you can see, with just a single refinement, I've narrowed down my area of contention. And the good news is that I've gained the support of the poor Punjabi that has been exploited by the feudal lords. Win-win situation. That's what I'm talking about: abstraction.

We have to understand that language is divisive. The deep-rooted emotions that a person feels for another person are hard to be grasped by language perfectly. So, we take the shelter of stereotypes (abstractions). But then, we risk alienating all the cases that fall under the stereotype and don't deserve our grouch at all.
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What everyone is not understanding that MQM's vote bank is 90% of that of Altaf Hussain. There's a good reason to believe his power as he orders the party workers to beat Farooq sattar up, they do so without even a slight hesitation. There's a reason that he hasn't built up any subsequent leadership in MQM. All of MQM's rabita committee and leadership are political nobodies. Ask Waseem Akhtar,Farooq sattar (He may get some support from his memon community), Sabzwari etc to contest elections on their own against MQM and win, they would end up with not much in their ballots. Altaf is the MQM and he has corrupted the minds of his workers so much that they wouldnt accept anything contrary to him.
A little disagree here, to understand MQM you need to be learn Bhaiism:agree: every Bhai has his own group the areas the raised and belong they all know who is good Bhai and who is bad Bhai, AH does had his own strong much violant group but all junior Bhai of that group left Pakistan ( Babar Ghouri W.Jalil M.Azizabadi were hard supporters of AH and I doubt there is any left who can lead AH group in Karachi.
Beaten up RC reasons were various that time Bhai Group was much active people has problems with M.Kamal and Qaimkhani Raza Haroon etc. 2018 election not far MQM Pakistan have much time for recovery Sattar doing good in his yesterday RC meeting he amended and take off AH name from constitution which make party more reliable for good change intentions.
The big factor is establishment if they accept new MQM than party go straight and fast to get back what they lose IF the relations stay same there might be a very big question mark for current MQM future. MQM and establishment is the key of the game.
Haider Abas Rizvi Sabzwari Rashid Godel come back is another factor which a lot in favor or not for MQM.
I am surprised why such a party is even allowed in today's Pakistan.
They should be told in no uncertain words either clean your mess, get rid of AH, militancy and bhatta or get ready to be dissolved.
Some undisclosed international backing in the name of democracy.
Wont be end game so easily for a party with heavy mandate in Karachi but it would sure be an operation cleanup..MQM has chances of survival if altaf and his cronies are dumped out..

I am surprised why such a party is even allowed in today's Pakistan.
They should be told in no uncertain words either clean your mess, get rid of AH, militancy and bhatta or get ready to be dissolved.

Our weakness and threat of power vacuum being taken over sindhi nationalist parties who are even greater terrorist and low life scum. MQM has very must kept the Sindhi nationalist terror in check inside Karachi...
Some undisclosed international backing in the name of democracy.
The undisclosed are actually all the usual "well wishers", spreading sickularism, democrazy and freedumb worldwide. I think it's time Pakistan said enough to them.
It is overtly anit-punjabi and anti-pathan.

And if MQM is really "anti-Punjabi", then why is Nadeem F Parcha, a Punjabi, singing praises about them?

My point is that what a person says has no bearing on what he really does. Language is blunt, and as a result, we face so many causalities. We should strive to differentiate a man from his tongue to his actions.
Can this vacuum be filled by the new party formed by Mustafa Kamal..or is he seen as a traitor by Karachiites & average MQM supporters?
Would he be able to make any inroads into Mohajir vote bank?
Ahmad Raza Kasuri had said in a talk show that the leadership of next 20 - 25 years is now being readied. To me, his statement seems valid.

The Establishment trusts Pervez Musharraf, but, he is quite old; hence, unsuitable for the leadership of the Mohajirs of Urban Sind. Syed Mustafa Kamal is young, energetic and dedicated and has experience of working with the Establishment. That is why he was brought from Dubai to convert the vote bank of Mohajirs. He was given some time, but, he could not lure enough people; the reason was fear of terror gangs of MQM. In order to support the transition, next step is to create an atmosphere that speeds up the transition. Altaf Husain's hate speech helped the Establishment to put pressure on MQM by sealing and destroying the MQM offices. This action has really scared MQM (and Altaf Hussain).

Now they are fighting for political survival, but the scenes of destruction of MQM's offices have brought the fear out of people's hearts and more and more people will come into the fold of 'Pak Sarzameen Party'.

I believe that MQM should be put to rest now.

I am quite confident and hopeful that the days of a secure, peaceful and prosperous Karachi are not far now.
MQM should be banned, their leadership be arrested and killed, all their assets be destroyed. That is the end of this cancer.
And if MQM is really "anti-Punjabi", then why is Nadeem F Parcha, a Punjabi, singing praises about them?

My point is that what a person says has no bearing on what he really does. Language is blunt, and as a result, we face so many causalities. We should strive to differentiate a man from his tongue to his actions.
Pointing out outliers in any scenario is futile.... the general underlying theme is still ethnic based politics... no denying that.
is there any chance we could include millions of immigrants from Indian Punjab jammu , Kashmir and rajhastan in the muhajir category or only folks from Delhi and u.p have this privilege----- and if anyone still consider himself a muhajir, he/she should go f*** his/herself @The Sandman
It is not what we think that matters but what a big population of Karachi thinks and getting a solution to the problem. It the people who gave them an identity of hindustani and matarway that has led to this problem. The partition led to few injustices and those lead to a distinct characterisation of muhajors specially from urdu speaking regions who could not blend in. Their just demands were hijacked by a psycopath and turned them from an ethnic group to a cult. We need to nurse these wounds. If wounds don't heal, 70 years or 100 years are immaterial. First we need to give them security from Sindhi feudals, 75 % job is done. Encourage education and lawful culture, For that we need totally new metropolitan police force and federal city status.
Can this vacuum be filled by the new party formed by Mustafa Kamal..or is he seen as a traitor by Karachiites & average MQM supporters?
Would he be able to make any inroads into Mohajir vote bank?

Usually those who are ahead of the curve are viewed as traitors by those who lag behind... once the average ex-MQM supporter migrates away from MQM they will view Mustafa as a pioneer.

That is how history is made. It takes guts from the the few to lead the way.
Can this vacuum be filled by the new party formed by Mustafa Kamal..or is he seen as a traitor by Karachiites & average MQM supporters?
Would he be able to make any inroads into Mohajir vote bank?
No he he himself and Qaimkhani were most cruel with bad behaviour with their own supporters just google out M.kamal harsh language he use in past u might find some videos still.they have no scoop no vision just anti AH Lang can't help them now cos Sattar and group are now on same page regarding with AH.
No he he himself and Qaimkhani were most cruel with bad behaviour with their own supporters just google out M.kamal harsh language he use in past u might find some videos still.they have no scoop no vision just anti AH Lang can't help them now cos Sattar and group are now on same page regarding with AH.
Yes but you think we've any other choice? MK is the only good option we've atm imo and he's the only way to get rid of AH and MQM
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