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'End of virginity' if women drive, Saudi cleric warns

The 'mullah' actually meant that he is going to lose his virginity if women drive.
If you think they live in stone age, why do you let your country men go there ?

Please call them back ASAP, you need to save them.
Agreed They are one the the most advanced countries in buildings atleast.
Agreed They are one the the most advanced countries in buildings atleast.

For the love of God what should we tear down all the buildings so you all be happy?? These buildings are not built with state money everyone keeps rubbing it as a negative thing. these buildings are a showcase of a successful economy all the countries of the world are doing it why is it Haram for us to do it??

I am amazed by people here actually no this is exactly what i come to expect from this stinking forum and its dwellers you believe negative western media against KSA but scream "LIIIIEEEEESSSS" if it is negative media against Iran. Everybody here is despicable double faced hypocrite. You have gone beyond the need to feel ashamed of yourself.
Come to your sences why don't you read the post Title

Whats wrong with women driving in Saudi ? Women were in battle in during the prophets time ie riding camels and horses

You speak to me ad if I am against it or something. I am a women's rights activist myself I pray that our country become like Turkey I really like their system but also with a few nibs and tucks here and there.
My point is it was not even a big deal here some college professor somewhere said something and it is being blown way out of proportion. People only found out about this through western media and this guy became the laughing stock here but nooooooooo one guy said something lets bash the entire country and religion and race and everything. After all Iranians and Psedo-Iranians are in abundance here. Bunch of Racist F**s is what they are.
sorry Saudis are progressive and have the greatest human rights in the world.

that is because A-mer-i-KKK-a said so. i cannot type normally because i am living in Occupied Mexico, where the tota|litarian pol ice state is monitoring internet by keyword filters.

Are you being sarcastic or are you high?

And as usual, Saudi Arabia shows why the only reason it isn't hated by its sponsors is because of oil.
For the love of God what should we tear down all the buildings so you all be happy?? These buildings are not built with state money everyone keeps rubbing it as a negative thing. these buildings are a showcase of a successful economy all the countries of the world are doing it why is it Haram for us to do it??

I am amazed by people here actually no this is exactly what i come to expect from this stinking forum and its dwellers you believe negative western media against KSA but scream "LIIIIEEEEESSSS" if it is negative media against Iran. Everybody here is despicable double faced hypocrite. You have gone beyond the need to feel ashamed of yourself.

Come to your sences why don't you read the post Title

Whats wrong with women driving in Saudi ? Women were in battle in during the prophets time ie riding camels and horses.

As for the article its self:

First I want to point out certain people on this thread who are attacking Saudis

1) How do we know that this article is genuin ? How did the BBC have this story why are they the only ones ? Maybe this mullah is a fake, working for the west to conjure up a propaganda story against Muslim and ISlam.

2) like the previous Al Bhatti post mentioned

In the news article there is a picture and under it is written "Saudi Arabia remains one of the few countries in the world to prevent women from driving"

All of you left those "few countries" and are just focusing on KSA. Why not the other countires as well?

why do all you islamaphobes do you, constanly bash Saudi not allowing female drivers when their are other countries that don't

4 things :

1) HAve you guys ever been to Saudi and seen every second of it... not to see woman drivers around or are you basing your facts on people who don't know how to count from 1 to 10.
YOu people have gain a level of stupity built in your head. Instead of researching and finding the facts yourself you are willing to act like house matts and accepting anything as fact from western media. Its the sole reason how the the war on terror has managed to have so much momentum. Have you idiots heard of compounds in Saudi ? no wait i'm goung to get a retard trying to be smart about to say that saudi women are NOt allowed to drive even in compounds
COme on did you even knwo that they existed or even know what it is instead of jumping to conclusions
YOu people know who you are.

2) there are countless of abuse on women in the west why is Saudi is always on the spotligth on western media. Its NON of WEST DAMN Business to poke their noses. They should worry about their fail economy.

3) Wahbis are the perveted version of ISlam.

4) The only good thing about this is that this will bring into a revo;lution which the west and ISlamaphobe HATE TO SEE.
So lets put it this way:
1. The scholar is trying to say that their women are wh_res who will jump at the first sight of a man..Obviously years of frustation have gotten their best.
2. The Islam of these scholars live in a female vag_na!
Saudi report: Women driving spurs premarital sex
AP – Sat, Dec 3, 2011

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — A report given to a high-level advisory group in Saudi Arabia claims that allowing women in the kingdom to drive could encourage premarital sex, a rights activist said Saturday.
The ultraconservative stance suggests increasing pressure on King Abdullah to retain the kingdom's male-only driving rules despite international criticism.
Rights activist Waleed Abu Alkhair said the document by a well-known academic was sent to the all-male Shura Council, which advises the monarchy. The report by Kamal Subhi claims that allowing women to drive will threaten the country's traditions of virgin brides, he said. The suggestion is that driving will allow greater mixing of genders and could promote sex.
Saudi women have staged several protests defying the driving ban. The king has already promised some reforms, including allowing women to vote in municipal elections in 2015.
There was no official criticism or commentary on the scholar's views, and it was unclear whether they were solicited by the Shura Council or submitted independently. But social media sites were flooded with speculation that Saudi's traditional-minded clerics and others will fight hard against social changes suggested by the 87-year-old Abdullah.
Saudi's ruling family, which oversees Islam's holiest sites, draws its legitimacy from the backing of the kingdom's religious establishment, which follows a strict brand of Islam known as Wahhabism. While Abdullah has pushed for some changes on women's rights, he is cautious not to push too hard against the clerics.
In October, Saudi Arabia named a new heir to the throne, Prince Nayef, who is a former interior minister and considered to hold traditionalist views, although he had led crackdowns against suspected Islamic extremists. His selection appeared to embolden the ultraconservative clerics to challenge any sweeping social reforms.
Prince Nayef was picked following the death of Crown Prince Sultan.
There is some truth to this--- well was in the 60's . many americans lost their virginity in the back seat of a car :P.
December 11, 2011

Far-fetched fatwas on the rise

Good judgement and common sense should be the order of the day when it comes to dealing with such edicts

To many devout Muslims the world over, certain fatwas released by Islamic clerics in recent times have severely taxed their sensibilities. The western press picks upon such edicts with front page headlines depicting them as ‘barbaric', ‘shocking', ‘bizarre', or even ‘absurd'. Some of these edicts also make their way as humorous skits on late night television around the world.

One of the latest such edicts that have created a lot of international media mileage is the recent ‘scientific' report prepared by Kamal Sobhi, a former Saudi professor working with Muslim scholars in Saudi Arabia's highest religious council. The report was reportedly delivered to the entire Shura Council body, 150 strong. The report assessed the possible impact of repealing the ban off allowing women to drive in Saudi Arabia, the only country in the world where such restrictions exist.

As a result of the study, it was feared there would be "no more virgins" if the female drive ban is lifted, and relaxing the ban would also see more Saudis of either sex deviate towards homosexuality and pornography. It states that allowing women to drive would also "provoke a surge in prostitution and divorce". And so confident were the authors of the report, they predicted that within ten years of the ban being lifted, there would be "no more virgins" in the country.

In justifying his claims, Sobhi points to the moral decline where women are allowed the privilege of driving themselves. He describes such depravity through a personal incident that happened to him while he was sitting in a coffee shop in an unnamed Arab state. "All the women were looking at me," he wrote. "One made a gesture that made it clear she was available. This is what happens when women are allowed to drive." It would have been more interesting had he described exactly the mechanics of that particular gesture.

And out of Cairo comes a report that an Islamic cleric residing in Europe released an edict stating that women should not come in contact with bananas and cucumbers to prevent any sexual thoughts. The shaikh was quoted as saying that if women wanted to eat these food items, a related male family member such as a father, brother or husband should bring it to them already cut up in small pieces.

He added that these fruits and vegetables "resemble the male penis" and thus could arouse women or lead them into sexual thoughts. Carrots and zucchini should be similarly considered as part of the list of forbidden foods for women to handle in their natural state. When asked how such controls would apply to women out shopping in the vegetable section of a supermarket for their family without holding and inspecting the goods, the shaikh answered saying this matter was between them and God. In answering another question about what to do if women in the family like these foods, the shaikh opined that it was best to take the food and cut it for them in a hidden place so they couldn't see it in its natural state.

This edict has rightfully stirred a storm of criticism among Muslims, with the majority mocking the cleric and saying that such religious leaders only served to give Islam a bad name. One online reader claimed that the shaikh was retarded and should quit his post immediately, while another charged him as a "seeker of fame". Another said only those who foster "evil or immoral thoughts" could think up of such a thing. There have been no official responses from renowned Islamic scholars on this edict yet.

Now getting back to the driving and virginity issue, was the scientific report forwarded to the country's legislative body based on quantitative polls which did indeed indicate that Muslim women in countries worldwide had indeed lost their virginity upon acquiring a driving licence and getting behind the wheel? And was it proven beyond a certainty of doubt that once a driving licence is in possession, prostitution, homosexuality and divorce are to follow? If that is the case, it would add to the credibility of the authors, and such a statistical study should be published to refute all these media allegations of "bizarre and barbarity".

The report hasn't gone down well with some Saudi males and females who have dismissed it as yet another attempt to subjugate the rights of women, this time by injecting the morality factor. They also see such claims as an affront to the virtue of Muslim women in other countries who do indeed drive, saying that such claims insult Muslim women world-wide and make a mockery of our religion on the international arena.

Why do such extreme fatwas always seem to concern women's rights they wonder, particularly when Islam is so tolerant on that issue? Then there are others who resent such attempts from what they believe is a marginalised segment of the population to introduce their own extreme views in an attempt to make them part of the law.

For confused Muslims, I suppose good judgement and common sense should be the order of the day when it comes to dealing with such fatwas.

Tariq A. Al Maeena is a Saudi socio-political commentator. He lives in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

gulfnews : Far-fetched fatwas on the rise
A report in Saudi Arabia has warned that if Saudi women were given the right to drive, it would spell the end of virginity in the country.

The report was prepared for Saudi Arabia's legislative assembly, the Shura Council, by a well-known conservative academic.

BBC News - 'End of virginity' if women drive, Saudi cleric warns

This guy just took the whole "boob quake" thing to whole nothaaaaaaaa level
I lol'd
I thought you were banned for good
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