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'End of virginity' if women drive, Saudi cleric warns

These perverted mullahs got nothing better to do other than trying scare folks that their daughtrers will not remain pure if they are allowed to drive. If I remember correctly Islam left these issue to individual families, correct me if I am wrong.
For the last f888ing time read my replies.

If an article today comes saying "Saudi say rape all the girls and cut off their arms and feet" EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WILL BELIEVE LIKE AN IDIOT.

I can not find this news anywhere at all not even in Saudi Women's rights pages. This news is just like the covering the eyes one is just a load of crab.
For the last f888ing time read my replies.

If an article today comes saying "Saudi say rape all the girls and cut off their arms and feet" EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU WILL BELIEVE LIKE AN IDIOT.

I can not find this news anywhere at all not even in Saudi Women's rights pages. This news is just like the covering the eyes one is just a load of crab.

i expect more from a country which still prevents women from driving,or which punishes if a unrelated man and women lives in the same place.
i expect more from a country which still prevents women from driving,or which punishes if a unrelated man and women lives in the same place.

Mr. C6H5C(O)CH3 . I never said we were perfect or have an awesome women or human rights index. But this news is a lie pure and simple. There is a lying bonanza going on against Saudi Arabia lately for people like you who are nothing but pure idiots who would believe it immediately. I expected more from someone with a scientific name but I guess once an idiot always an idiot.
People hate them with a passion that burns like the fires of a thousand sons....and that is an under statement.

The government wouldn't dare listen to them anymore. They realize that if they do they will get another Egypt on their rich royal ***. Also I kind of petty the King.... He is between two parts of society completely contradicting themselves where half the country is super conservative and the other half is super Liberal he has done a good job so far by not pissing off either one of the two but a time will come when they have to decide or expect the people to make the choice for them.

Mosa, may I ask you how exactly clerics wield power and Saudi politics/society or domestic policy making?
Kamal Sabhi is no cleric, he was a professor at King Fahd University :cheesy:
Kamal Sabhi is no cleric, he was a professor at King Fahd University :cheesy:
"The study of Islam dominates the Saudi educational system. In particular, the memorization by rote of large parts of the Qu'ran, its interpretation and understanding (Tafsir) and the application of Islamic tradition to everyday life is at the core of the curriculum. Religion taught in this manner is also a compulsory subject for all University students."
If Mosamania was correct and these clerics really had such little influence in the government then women would be driving today... They aren't. So Mosamania can rant all he wants, but the obvious reality is that the clerics have immense power with the government.
Mr. C6H5C(O)CH3 . I never said we were perfect or have an awesome women or human rights index. But this news is a lie pure and simple. There is a lying bonanza going on against Saudi Arabia lately for people like you who are nothing but pure idiots who would believe it immediately. I expected more from someone with a scientific name but I guess once an idiot always an idiot.

what makes you say that the news is fake??
why BBC has to report every loonatic who babbles bull?
reminds me of pervy victorians who told african women that if the dont expose their cleavage..their breasts wont get sunlight and they will get diseased......the african women beleived them ;)
why are the lunatics allowed to roam free

---------- Post added at 01:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:22 PM ----------

How many virgins u find in West ?..only newborns make exception they mostly fxxx n get fxxxed in teenage...I dont find anything wrong with the report..they just said this will lead to this...and This is the internal matter of KINGDOM of Saudi Arabia n IMO has nothing to do with Islam
brother may be i am not seeing the same thing as you or perhaps my english is way stupid but one thing is for sure i do find the report abnormal
what makes you say that the news is fake??

It might be.

If you Google, only some Western news sites are reporting this. That is, not all of them reported.

I believe BBC was the first one to report it.

It's not even on Al-Jazeera.

Although, it really made my day yesterday :lol:
And nothing in the Saudi Shura council website news feed:
Majlis Ash-Shura - News

Okay, now suppose that the news if fake. Are the Saudis going to log a complaint against BBC?
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