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Encounter underway in Kashmir

India is blind in hatred
What about bogging down a decent chunk of a much larger antagonistic Army (which otherwise would be available for aggressive manoeuvres) using relatively few resources?
yeah it would work if not for a country with billion ppl having economical human resources. India does not even need soldiers just transplanting a 500 thousand from bihar along with lalu to kashmir would scare the rats back to their holes.

India is blind in hatred
Even I can fly a pakistan flag but that would change nothing on the ground.
They are killing innocent Muslims in India.
Those how go outside and blow all paid and financed by by CIA, Mossad and RAW to malign Muslims.
more inoccent muslims are killed in muslim countried worry about that,take Pakistan for example more muslims are killed in Pakistan than in India inspite of having same muslim population...
what you are saying is muslims can be easily brian washed using religion than others,otherwise how can CIA, Mossad and RAW pay and make people blow themselfs up.

Introspect man there are holes in you know what ?
They are killing innocent Muslims in India.

Those how go outside and blow all paid and financed by by CIA, Mossad and RAW to malign Muslims.
yes whole worlds knows how iran is killing their sunni muslim broth-hood in middle east. how world can forget Allepo. it is really shame. but again you type of immoral and illiterate guys are reply with your non sense logic, which we dont care.

first come india and see how peacfully muslims are living here. India is safest place for muslims around the world and that is what we already know. so request you to please dont spread this zihadi mentality atleast in india. already our pakistani brothers are affected.
yes whole worlds knows how iran is killing their sunni muslim broth-hood in middle east.
Yes and I am against Mullah regime of Iran but no body is killing sunnis in Iran.
I am also Sunni Iranian.
There are zero strategic gains for Pakistan from this sort of war fighting.

It will continue to be relegated to the status of a cottage industry providing short term employment to unemployed youth, with a high turnover rate.

DEATH BY A THOUSAND CUTS. Self inflicted cuts in india's case. ;)
Yes and I am against Mullah regime of Iran but no body is killing sunnis in Iran.
I am also Sunni Iranian.

I think few sunnis mullahs were mass hanged soem time ago citing the reason of being pro Saudi. You are lying here.
Yes and I am against Mullah regime of Iran but no body is killing sunnis in Iran.
I am also Sunni Iranian.

Brother look at this kid eye, he is from Aleppo,, he is a kid of a mother. he is not shia or sunni. neither hindu and muslim. and one more thing, there is no stone platter in his hand.


Syria is totally destroyed. who destroyed it Christians/hindu/jews??? No Muslims destroyed muslims.

You guys think Muslims brothers are killings Muslims in the influence of WEST but reality is HATE is killing HATE.
Brother look at this kid eye, he is from Aleppo,, he is a kid of a mother. he is not shia or sunni. neither hindu and muslim. and one more thing, there is no stone platter in his hand.


Syria is totally destroyed. who destroyed it Christians/hindu/jews??? No Muslims destroyed muslims.

You guys think Muslims brothers are killings Muslims in the influence of WEST but reality is HATE is killing HATE.
Who created ISIS? Why Israel helping them?Why Russia, US bombing them?Why Turkey, Iran and Saudis helping their groups?
I think few sunnis mullahs were mass hanged soem time ago citing the reason of being pro Saudi. You are lying here.
This is a people led movement how many will you kill?
What about bogging down a decent chunk of a much larger antagonistic Army (which otherwise would be available for aggressive manoeuvres) using relatively few resources?

My friend, these Jihadist attacks do not in any way "bog down" an army of this size. The army, in the size of its deployment, is there in a simple holding pattern. Nothing more, nothing less.

The "aggressive maneuvers" do not come in that terrain. They will come along the length of the IB on the plains of Punjab and Rajasthan from strike formations who train and are raised and exist for only that. There is no cross pollination or subsidy deployment taking place.

Hope that clarifies.

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