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Emotional feelings from brother from same Mother:United Staes of INDUSTAN

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OMG... what u mean borders are borders?We dont have borders man .. This border wr dictated by Britishers.We are the same people.Just look at u at a Mirror,.Do u look like Arabian ? or Indian ?

:raise: I look like a mixture of Iraqi, Irani and Pakistani...I have people coming over to me and talking in Arabic and some asking if I understood Persian?! :blink:
What was the best ? DIVIDED by White Guys from the West and Fueled by CHINESE ? Mannn we need to think smarter than THEM as we are//and We wr

United or not, it is not my business. But you mentioned the word "Chinese" 9 times in your article, as if we caused all of your problems. Ohh, don't you even know - it was your country that backstabbed China in the first place. And you problem was not caused by us in the first place.

Additionally, of probably 95% time since IVC, the Indian subcontinent was made of many small kingdoms. So instead of blaming them, you actually should thank the white guys who united your country.
If mother land india was all that great you will not be an NRI in UK right now.

If mother land india was all that great you will not be an NRI in UK right now.
With all respect.At the time of Mahabarata we had even larger teritory... We ruled the whole world. Read InFamous Book called India Once ruled America , India Once ruled Greek etc. U will know how languages nations and cultures wr derived from INDIA.Even english Language was derived from Sanskrit.And Sanskrit was derived from even older Language Which they call Pre Sanskrit or Brahim Text Which has History of 3 lac years old. West says cultures born just 5000 bc but Scientifically proved that we had civilisation befor 12000-14000 BC but its even Older. The time when EU and American continet was covered with ICE. We have our Own history which is unique It belongs to all INDIAN AND PAKISTANIS.We all are One... Still we are.How can we change our past and our DNA ? not possible We can pretend as diffrent people but inside our Heart and Soul we all know we are from same MOTHER and We are brothers..

What was the best ? DIVIDED by White Guys from the West and Fueled by CHINESE ? Mannn we need to think smarter than THEM as we are//and We wr

Guys As i mentioned U can Hate it or Love it.But Post rebute with my quates so we all know what is ur Point and what is Hard to Digest ... Am ready to answer.I know its not a Simple COPY PASTE...Its Specials Hope atleast few Pakistanis Brothers will agree ...

:raise: I think our DNA speaks louder in today's world of SCIENCE AND DEVELOPMENT
Not to be rude, but i read an article that some parts of India are more poor than Africa. So how would it be in Pakistan or India's interest to unite with such social problems going on?
Pakistan's Identity Crisis is most debated topic by Pakistani NRI in many forums...

If mother land india was all that great you will not be an NRI in UK right now.

If mother land india was all that great you will not be an NRI in UK right now.

What a stupid statement is that wow...I like u to educate urself...Am a Mariner i hold nearly 16 country Visa I chose Britan to stay for ma holidays and i work for brit company... WOW dam b statement ever

If India and Pakistan problems settled there wont be any reason for pakistan to exsist as seperate nation and no need to spend 80% of ur GDP on Army and Corrupt politicians cant sustain their free RUN In India and Pakistan .... Worst Fake killer corrupt Politicians ans Babus

If mother land india was all that great you will not be an NRI in UK right now.

If mother land india was all that great you will not be an NRI in UK right now.

Will u leave ur Mother if she is poor or Sick? Dude wat kind of mindset u have .OMG! Its not about hoe poor Its about acting smart
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United or not, it is not my business. But you mentioned the word "Chinese" 9 times in your article, as if we caused all of your problems. Ohh, don't you even know - it was your country that backstabbed China in the first place. And you problem was not caused by us in the first place.

Additionally, of probably 95% time since IVC, the Indian subcontinent was made of many small kingdoms. So instead of blaming them, you actually should thank the white guys who united your country.
haha U need to learn ur real history..Not the one ur communist Govt Thought u.U dont even have or had voice to express ur views. And most of all As i mentioned Ur whole culture was and is derived from India. Do u know world famous SHOLIN TEMPLE devoted to DAMO? The school whioch thought ur tribe to defend against thugs ? Dude DAMO Masteer of Kung Fu is an INDIAN SOuthern King called BODHI DARMA. and another point i made on Russia. U guys backStabed RUSSIA and INDIA also.U sign a treaty for peace and Then attack INDIA? What it is called? BACKSTABERS. Ur whole identity from Science to God is Ancient Indian's Legacy ... After all what will u do poor chinese people.U cant do anything about it .U should do what u are told to and u should read What is published by State run News papers... BLESS U AS WE ALWASYS WISHED U IN PAST AND NOW
OMG... what u mean borders are borders?We dont have borders man .. This border wr dictated by Britishers.We are the same people.Just look at u at a Mirror,.Do u look like Arabian ? or Indian ?

and this fact can be clearly seen maan people of india are v diverse .. if we share any similarities they would either b punjab, himachal or kashmir.. ist not like other people of india are absolutely different , they are not absolutely different but still considerablly different than us pakistan .. on the other hand genetically all pakistanis are pretty much similar with some variations in percentages(the percentages of genetics) and they share common genetics with people of punjab, himachal and kashmir, ..as u go south of these areas the difference between the ethnicities genetically gets wider until its gets v wide in south india. i dnt claim that i m an arab as i have seeen ver very dark arabs but we might share some looks with sikhs or himachalis or kashmiris .. but i will stress on the fact that india is pretty diverse , in gujarat i ahve seen very fair people too and also in other states ...
@hkmarine55, you seem to believe in theories propagated by people who use their intelect and imagination of deal with deep-seated inferiority complex. Read this (P. N. Oak - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia) to get an idea of what I am trying to convey to you. Unless you believe in the whole of humanity as a family, you can not be worth talking to or exchanging ideas with.

This assumed superiority is the crap that got us in the mess that we are in today. When you talk about partition being a British plot, then you may have a point, but you are ignoring the dynamics of that era. Partition happened because it had to happen. Learn to accept realities rather than live in a mythological scheme of non-existent superiority. If I and you are brothers, then so are we and Africans, we and Arabs, we and Jews, we and Europeans, we and aboriginies all around the world, etc...
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United or not, it is not my business. But you mentioned the word "Chinese" 9 times in your article, as if we caused all of your problems. Ohh, don't you even know - it was your country that backstabbed China in the first place. And you problem was not caused by us in the first place.

Additionally, of probably 95% time since IVC, the Indian subcontinent was made of many small kingdoms. So instead of blaming them, you actually should thank the white guys who united your country.

Since u dont get real Facts in ur country I like to educate u about ur own Culture . Leave budhism for a while .
The monk Bodidharma, or Da Mo in Chinese, is the man credited with establishing Zen Buddhism in China, approximately one thousand five hundred years ago. He is also said to have taught the first exercises that would later become Shaolin Kung Fu to the monks at the Shaolin temple.

Da Mo was not Chinese, he is believed to have been a prince in Southern India, who excelled at Buddhist studies. Before his master died, he told Da Mo to go to China. So after the death of his master Da Mo gave up life as a prince and made the long journey to China.

Upon arriving in China, he visited emperor Wu, who ruled over Southern China at the time. Emperor Wu had erected many Buddhist statues and supported Buddhist temples. The emperor asked Da Mo if his actions were good. Da Mo replied that they were not, pointing out that the emperor had done these things out of a desire to show off and accumulate blessings, rather than truly caring for his people. Emperor Wu ordered him to leave the palace.

So he continued traveling, and saw a monk lecturing to a group of people, this monk was named Shen Guang. Bodidharma would occasionally nod his head in agreement at Shen Guang's lecture and sometimes shake his head in disagreement. This angered Shen Guang and he took his monk's beads and threw them at Da Mo, knocking out some of his teeth. Da Mo simply smiled and turned to walk away. Seeing this Shen Guang realized that Da Mo was a great master and followed him, yet Da Mo said nothing to him.


When Da Mo came to a river he is said to have stood on a single reed and glided across on the surface of the water. Shen Guang tried to do the same and fell into the river.

When Da Mo, still being followed by Shen Guang, arrived at the Shaolin Temple in what is now modern day Henan province, he went to a cave behind the temple and proceeded to meditate facing a wall for nine years. Throughout this time Shen Guang stood guard outside the cave, occasionally asking Da Mo to teach him, but getting no response.

When Da Mo finally awoke after 9 years, he moved into a room the monks had prepared for him in the temple and.....meditated for a further 4 years! Shen Guang stood guard the whole time.

After awaking from this second period of meditation, he saw the monks bodies were weak from sitting for long periods, so he taught them a set of exercises to strengthen their bodies—these exercises were later evolved into Shaolin Kung Fu. Da Mo also saw Shen Guang's devotion and taught him Buddhism, Shen Guang adopting the name Hui Ke would later become the abbot of the Shaolin temple.

Da Mo is one of many figures in Chinese history who displayed supernormal skills and an ability to meditate for years on end. These skills were seemingly linked to their ability to show compassion and let go of the troubles of the world, especially when they were harmed by others. The monks of the Shaolin temple followed this tradition and their skills in martial arts reached heights far beyond what is normally considered humanly possible.

Even Laughing Budha is a dipictin of DAMO-BodhiDarma Raja

As far as ur Buddhism is concerned I dont have to talk about Lord Buddha a lot i guess.

Yeah thanks for ur reply.What is propaganda? Dude India streched from Afganistan too. Many 1000s years ago.Today its a muslim state it dosnt mean it was Islamic state from its birth. Facts are what i said.No wonder if u say India and Pakistan was seperate country from the start
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India is not a homogenous country, it has many ethnicity, race and languages, there is no "we"

Silly article. I'm from Punjab, Why the hell Are you are associating our punjab with the south Indians. If you love the ethnicity of Pakistan so much, how about we send few Pushtoons in tamilnadu. Let's see what happens.

How the hell India taught west? That's just delusional, subcontinent is not the center of the world.

Claiming Chinese cultural achievement as your own? I am not suprised. It is indian stereotype, that Indians believe they are the cradle of civilization and discovered everything and everyone else " stole " from them. Indians do not seem to have the heart to appreciate other civilizations and their achievement.

Why are you telling Pakistanis how to handle its own affairs, who to be friends with and not to be. India doesn't have any good relations with ANY of it's neighbours. Considering how much jealousy they have for other nations. I'm not suprised why.

Kashmir belongs to Kashmiris thus the name Kashmir. What are non-kashmiris Indians doing there without visas and carring guns? Leave Kashmir and go back to your own Indian states where you came from.

I would pass the offer to live with Indians, their ethniciities and races and I do not prefer to be friends with Hindus.

and this fact can be clearly seen maan people of india are v diverse .. if we share any similarities they would either b punjab, himachal or kashmir.. ist not like other people of india are absolutely different , they are not absolutely different but still considerablly different than us pakistan .. on the other hand genetically all pakistanis are pretty much similar with some variations in percentages(the percentages of genetics) and they share common genetics with people of punjab, himachal and kashmir, ..as u go south of these areas the difference between the ethnicities genetically gets wider until its gets v wide in south india. i dnt claim that i m an arab as i have seeen ver very dark arabs but we might share some looks with sikhs or himachalis or kashmiris .. but i will stress on the fact that india is pretty diverse , in gujarat i ahve seen very fair people too and also in other states ...

Please I am from Punjab, we share same genetics with punjabis of east punjab, but even so we are quite culturally different because they are mostly sikh.

I'm not sure what similarities do we have with rest of India, especially the south and east type.

Plus I do not like Hindus in general. They worship idols and God will send them to hell for it.
Funny, how these people claim that we have similarities while applying skin whitening creams on their faces to become fair like punjabis or Pathans.

These people aren't even content with their own Skin color and want to look like ethnicities of Pakistan.

Claim they contributed to to the west, while it is the west that brought modern infrastructure, technology and knowledge to the subcontinent.

And these Indians say this while hating themselves and applying dangerous skin bleach cream to look like white people...

Trying to counter Inferiority complex with a superiority complex.
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