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Emirates---GCC Nations & Kashmir:---


Dec 26, 2005
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United States

In the background of what has transpired in kashmir---pakistan govt must declare a state of emergency in the nation---just like Indira Gandhi did in india and bring some control to the workings of the govt---.

And across the pond---the GCC nations should reconsider the issue and take a very strong stand for kashmir's independence and support pakistan---.

The GCC nation like the Emirates which may be analyzing the situation must support the cause of the Kashmiri muslims fair & square---because it has nothing to lose in the end---.

Emirates can never trust India---because emirates does not have the geography to benefit india over the long run---.

Tactically---India will always stand with Iran because of its special deal for oil---and then land route to many other regions---even if Iran supports the Kashmiri cause---.

With un-conditional support of kashmir---emirates comes up ahead of the game in the long run---. Emirates must not commit itself against the cause or stay neutral---because this game has just started---there are lots of players in it---and this game is not ending soon. For emirates---india is a captive audience for now---.

The union of indian states is not on solid grounds---there are one too many separist movements going on. They just need some kind of catalyst to go into a higher gear and explode out of control---.

What Modi has done to Kashmir is to break Kashmir but if that does not happen then rest of india would be in turmoil---. The other states will look at the happenings in Kashmir and feed of the changes taking place in that mountain region---.

Once those movements pickup steam---it would be very difficult to control the split up of the states---.

I personally believe that it does not do any good for emirates to stay on the side lines & now is the time to put its 100% support for Kashmir and pakistan---.
Pakistan has supported Palestine issue on humanitarian and brotherhood basis for the past 70 years and we did not recognise Israel though we had no direct threat from the Zionist state. We never said it is an Arab issue, so why can't GCC countries support Pakistan in the same faith.
Pakistan has supported Palestine issue on humanitarian and brotherhood basis for the past 70 years and we did not recognise Israel though we had no direct threat from the Zionist state. We never said it is an Arab issue, so why can't GCC countries support Pakistan in the same faith.

Their leaders are viceroys to the crown of the British Empire, Israel is also a creation from Britannia, thus sister countries are united, hence the cold shoulder to Pakistan.

In the background of what has transpired in kashmir---pakistan govt must declare a state of emergency in the nation---just like Indira Gandhi did in india and bring some control to the workings of the govt---.

And across the pond---the GCC nations should reconsider the issue and take a very strong stand for kashmir's independence and support pakistan---.

The GCC nation like the Emirates which may be analyzing the situation must support the cause of the Kashmiri muslims fair & square---because it has nothing to lose in the end---.

Emirates can never trust India---because emirates does not have the geography to benefit india over the long run---.

Tactically---India will always stand with Iran because of its special deal for oil---and then land route to many other regions---even if Iran supports the Kashmiri cause---.

With un-conditional support of kashmir---emirates comes up ahead of the game in the long run---. Emirates must not commit itself against the cause or stay neutral---because this game has just started---there are lots of players in it---and this game is not ending soon. For emirates---india is a captive audience for now---.

The union of indian states is not on solid grounds---there are one too many separist movements going on. They just need some kind of catalyst to go into a higher gear and explode out of control---.

What Modi has done to Kashmir is to break Kashmir but if that does not happen then rest of india would be in turmoil---. The other states will look at the happenings in Kashmir and feed of the changes taking place in that mountain region---.

Once those movements pickup steam---it would be very difficult to control the split up of the states---.

I personally believe that it does not do any good for emirates to stay on the side lines & now is the time to put its 100% support for Kashmir and pakistan---.
it is our duty to sell the Kashmir cause to our GCC allies.

we need to teach them that housing 200 m Muslims doesn't make India same as Pakistan or any other Muslim country. its a hateful fascist and genocidal towards non Hindus and Muslims have faced their main wrath.
the other thing we need to do is pull the thumbs out of our own arses and become useful and beneficial in all aspects where Indians are excelling and contributing towards the GCC and sending back precious foreign exchange
Pakistan has supported Palestine issue on humanitarian and brotherhood basis for the past 70 years and we did not recognise Israel though we had no direct threat from the Zionist state. We never said it is an Arab issue, so why can't GCC countries support Pakistan in the same faith.
Their leaders are viceroys to the crown of the British Empire, Israel is also a creation from Britannia, thus sister countries are united, hence the cold shoulder to Pakistan.
Do they know that RSS Hindutva terrorists are against all Muslim..not just the Muslims in subcontinent and the RSS has the same or even stronger hatred for Arabs in their hearts and when the bhindus denigrate the Muslims, they call us Arabs or children of Arabs. They openly talk about taking over of Kaaba and destroying it when they get the chance. So in fact, it is Pakistan who's shielding the GCC from these maniacs.
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Because the Arabs are gutless cowards
They don't care about Muslim brotherhood but love the whites . That much that they love to get bund maared by the gorras people
it might be a little bit true but its also our failure that we have not gone beyond the notion of entitlement expecting automatic support and approval. its wishful but not practical thinking
it is our duty to sell the Kashmir cause to our GCC allies.

we need to teach them that housing 200 m Muslims doesn't make India same as Pakistan or any other Muslim country. its a hateful fascist and genocidal towards non Hindus and Muslims have faced their main wrath.
the other thing we need to do is pull the thumbs out of our own arses and become useful and beneficial in all aspects where Indians are excelling and contributing towards the GCC and sending back precious foreign exchange
Shouldn't it be clear and self-evident?
There are 53 muslim countries which can give a powerful statement. It would force any country to pay heed to their demands but look at it now. OIC has not done anything good for the Muslims. Rohingyas, Palestinians, Kashmiris even Bosnians didnt receive the require support from them.
GCC is taking instructions from American deep state. That's what it is.


That is not true---.

The GCC---specially the Emirates---they want a confirmation from pakistan that it would stand with Emirates if iran does any attack---.

If Pakistan makes a total comittment to Emirates---I will guarantee you emirates will be supporting pakistan's cause 110%---.

Arabs are pice shit.. I have spent many years with them.


So are many a pakistanis as well---.
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