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Emerging nations lead increasing output in research and publishing workflow

Send me the entire report then as it says. The classification as per an Asia-Pacific index and China index and Japan index just makes matters hazy. Better be dumb than dishonest. At least u won't be riled for not learning instead of not learning the right thing.

You're just a delusional Indian. I gave you two opportunities to answer my question. You don't have the courage to admit you're spouting crap. Goodbye.
I won't deny that. But research even on a academic env. works in a similar manner. Imagine a PhD student who works on his problem, the easier way for getting a PhD is significant incremental updates to his work and enable him to publish in Conferences 2-3 times a year. It is very unlikely that Grad students can make continuous impactful significant breakthroughs while working on the problem unless it is unexplored territory.
That's the point. You HAVE to work on problems which aren't touched. That's how quality of your work increases so does citations. My supervisor always said don't submit too many papers in conferences, better go for journals especially the high impact factor ones.....you might have to wait for 6 months to 18 months for your work to be accepted but it will be worth it.
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