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Emergency Imposed!

Vote about Emergency Imposed!

  • I support it. I am done with CJ, political instability, Benazir.

    Votes: 36 54.5%
  • I condemn it. Musharraf needs to step down, and elect as a RETIRED General.

    Votes: 30 45.5%

  • Total voters
the release of the troops captured by ,militants , is, a very positive step,they also should realize tht, fighting with pakarmy, is not, beneficial for them any way, if they stop fighting pakarmy, and start, helping, pakarmy, by supprting it, and help pakarmy, to capturation of, the people who were wanted in the killing of innocent pakistanis, may be they will have a good efect,in thier future, strugle of real democracy in afghnistan, against afghn goverment of KARZAI.;);):welcome:;);):pakistan:
200 men of PA were not held by Taliban but by MI. They were released just to show emergency is having positive effect. This was arranged by ISI.
;)SHOULD NOT BE PAKISTAN, demnding, USA ,tht usa should, start withdrawing its, troops frm afghanistan, and, should, make afghan goverment, wth all parties, including, tailbans,to justifiy, the real calims of democracy?;):smitten::pakistan::smitten:

I did not vote since I am an Indian and it would not right from me to vote since it is an internal matter.

However, I would surely give my opinion since the stability of Pakistan is very important to Indians.

We wish you well. Honest!
Lawyers, political workers take out protest demo in Mardan

MARDAN: The lawyers and the workers of the political parties took out the procession against the imposition of emergency in the country on Sunday.

Mardan police arrested Muslim League-N leader Abdus Subhan.

A large number of workers belonging to various political parties along with lawyers attended the protest demonstration convened under the aegis of Mardan Bar Association.

Former MPA and Senior Muslim League-N leader Abdus Subhan led the procession, which was taken from Kutchehri Chawk to Pakistan Chawk.

On reaching Pakistan Chawk, Abdus Subhan was arrested.

anyone have a clue how would they shut the mouth of intenational news chanels like bc cnn sky and howloing tehy would remain off the air
When our beloved general tookover he made some promises and said that he will turn the fate of this country . So here we are after 8 years....no old promise kept and country is in state of emergency....clap clap clap....BRAVO GENERAL...You did it.

He is one the sickest F$%*K this country has ever seen. He is in a self illusion that Pakistan will be destroyed without him ( well all previous generals also thought same) and he is the only well wisher. I have never seen the events in my life that I have seen in past few years..thankyou general for thrilling us all with your far sighted decisions and action.

He will go to any length to stick his --- with the chair. We ( pakistanis) are so unfortunate that he is our president and sole decision taker.
Musharraf tightens emergency, elections under threat

ISLAMABAD (updated on: November 04, 2007, 19:43 PST): Security forces rounded up hundreds of opponents Sunday as General Pervez Musharraf sought to shore up his grip on power by imposing emergency rule and possibly postponing elections.

Defying international condemnation, Musharraf had a day earlier suspended the constitution, sacked the chief justice, imposed strict media curbs and arrested more than 500 opposition activists and lawyers.

Accusing the judiciary and militants of destabilising the country, Musharraf said Saturday he had acted to stop the nuclear-armed nation from committing "suicide," and appealed for understanding from the West.

Troops and police poured into Islamabad and surrounded the Supreme Court, which had been due within days to rule on the legality of Musharraf's victory in an October 6 presidential election.

The government said parliamentary elections scheduled for January could be put back, amid fears that militants may retaliate with further attacks and that tensions between Musharraf and the army could escalate.

"There could be some timing difference on the election schedule but we have not decided yet," Prime Minister Shaukat Aziz told reporters. "In an emergency, the parliament could give itself one year."

Aziz said up to 500 people had been detained across Pakistan in the past 24 hours.

The White House led global criticism of the emergency declaration, but Musharraf -- a key US ally in the fight against al Qaeda and the Taliban -- insisted he had no choice.

"Inaction at this moment is suicide for Pakistan, and I cannot allow this country to commit suicide," he said in a late-night televised address.

Police and paramilitary soldiers on Sunday set up barricades and unrolled coils of barbed wire to block access to the parliament, presidential residence and Supreme Court buildings.

The security forces fanned out nearby, and set up posts near the state-run radio headquarters, television stations and luxury hotels. Shops were open but traffic was thin and markets were quiet.

Pakistani media were incensed by the developments. "Gen. Musharraf's second coup", said a headline in Dawn, referring to his first power grab in 1999, while the Daily Times said: "It is martial law."

"We are heading for a very uncertain time because this coup will be challenged by political parties. This will also build strain between him and the military," political analyst Hasan Askari said.

Police arrested Javed Hashmi, acting chief of the Pakistan Muslim League-N party of former premier Nawaz Sharif, and leading rights activist Asma Jahangir after earlier detaining cricket legend-turned-politician Imran Khan.

"I am neither afraid of prison nor of generals, because I have served the major part of my political life in prison," Hashmi told reporters alerted to the raid on his house in the central city of Multan.

Former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, who rushed home from Dubai on Saturday night, branded Musharraf's emergency declaration an attempt to impose martial law -- but did not rule out a proposed power-sharing deal with him.

"It all depends on whether General Musharraf restores the constitution immediately and forms an independent election commission for the holding of fair, free and impartial elections," she told the BBC from Karachi.

Musharraf's first decisive step after announcing the state of emergency was to replace outspoken chief justice Iftikhar Muhammad Chaudhry, a thorn in his side since the general first tried to sack him in March.

The new chief justice, Hameed Dogar, cancelled Chaudhry's caseload.

As well as considering legal challenges to Musharraf's election, Chaudhry had been hearing hundreds of human rights appeals from families of people who went missing over the last four years because of alleged al Qaeda links.

Police on Sunday surrounded a compound where Chaudhry and other judges live.

Musharraf had pledged to step down as army chief by November 15 if he won the election and the court upheld it, but that now appears unlikely.

The White House called emergency rule "very disappointing." The United States however said there was no plan to suspend military aid to Pakistan.

China, one of Pakistan's closest allies, expressed concern and said it hoped stability could be maintained. Pakistan's neighbour and nuclear rival India expressed "regrets".

I already said this...........this is the fate of our sins that such rulers are imposed....... Its only some divine power that this country is still running.......
When our beloved general tookover he made some promises and said that he will turn the fate of this country . So here we are after 8 years....no old promise kept and country is in state of emergency....clap clap clap....BRAVO GENERAL...You did it.

He is one the sickest F$%*K this country has ever seen. He is in a self illusion that Pakistan will be destroyed without him ( well all previous generals also thought same) and he is the only well wisher. I have never seen the events in my life that I have seen in past few years..thankyou general for thrilling us all with your far sighted decisions and action.

He will go to any length to stick his --- with the chair. We ( pakistanis) are so unfortunate that he is our president and sole decision taker.

he will face the same fate like what happend to the generals in the past(either be thrown out like ayub or roasted in plane crash like zia)
our politicians played a vital role in this disaster by supporting that traitor.all politicians are "Lotas" and are ready to sell their souls :hitwall:
Cant say what fate he wil see.....but one hting is for sure...he has realized that he is his 60s and if he leaves his office now he willn probably be killed or woiuld be forced to live in exile which migh not be acceptable to his big ego, a same ego which lead to the removal of a legitimate PM nawaz......so he is maybe convinced that he should prolong his power as much as possible by keepng a gang of lotas aroud him and as oong as uncle SAM supports him he will stay.....in other words he wont go out horzontally.....he will ve a vertical fligh straight up!
Karpov, you havent got a clue what you're on about.

I'd like to see the poll who, voted for who. I reckon all these 10-100 post people (probably alter egos of *cough* dabong or someone) have been trying to make up the numbers for "no". :disagree:

Just an article for those, especially Mr Wilko who have been denying that REGULAR ARMY has not been taking action in Waziristan at all, lolz. he feels it is only FC and Khasadar

Admin Edit: Cut the crap now. Pakistan Army is involved in Waziristan, however it is FC which is mostly surrendering and getting casualties. Please refrain from discussing this issue. Its end of it!
This is a mini marshal law, the big one is soon to come, one of the smaller generals will force Musharraf to resign from office, and after that they will allow elections to be held and then go back to the army Barracks where they should be.

This will only happen when the People of Pakistan and especially the Lawyers of Pakistan come out on the streets and right now at this very moment the army heads and army men are talking about Musharraf, they are fed up of being targeted by insurgents and the citizens, the army is really very unpopular because of Musharraf their moral is down and they cant even wear army suits to go any where around the country they a constantly targeted, this is his last days before he either escapes the country or gets hanged.
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