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Elite US troops ready to combat Pakistani nuclear hijacks

See your thinking is pretty much the same as the architects of WOT.

Also mujahideen in Kashmir fighting India are completely different from those operating in Afg. They have never waged war on Pak but the indians here are reluctant to admit that and the differences in groups reveal their ignorance and arrogance the attrocities their troops are committing in kashmir.

Even if I agree to your distinction (which I dont), my logic stands. Please go back 20-30 years in history and at that time the taliban were fairly well supported and loved by the pakistani establishment. Now that the pakistani establishment is working with the US in WOT to whipe them out, it sends a message to other terrorist groups (which you are calling mujahideen) about what can happen to them at a later date as well.. ..Remember Haqquani is next in line and he has never attacked Pak as well..Hence the logic of insecurity.. Also it will be a tough ask for pakistan to continue supporting them publically while hitting the TTP and the likes...

Your definition of terrorist is the same as those of yoru masters: any muslim with an inch length beard carrying a weapon.

This is uncalled for. Lets keep the discussion fact based.. You dont know what I think or what I dont
Yeh, I think they would find the Pakistani nukes in a DIY store in downtown Karachi somewhere............

People think these are that accessible, and if they were, India along with Israel would have done so, long ago.

Attacking another countries nukes is not as easy as is sounds unless the country is in a full scale war as the consequences of any such action would most definately lead to such anyway.

It is not like you are bombing a nuclear facility, you are actually attacking to seize nuclear warheads, that is a different field of attack altogether.


Oh, and the talk about the TTP is going off on a tangent.

By the way, I was thinking about discussing India's numerous violations where nuclear material has been seized from citizens in India and countless violations, including the theat from terrorists and Naxals, especially now that the Indian on the forum decided to always contaminated every thread on this forum with their spiteful remarks towards anything Pakistan therefore it would be only befitting to return the favour.

More to come
another hindi film what we expect from indian people junk which they have posted man our nukes safe and sound and we have taken care of it from last 30 years
The americans dont even know where the weapons are stored..secondly the weapons are stored unassembled with assemblies spread at assorted location. So in any given scenerio the terrorist needs to grab hold of many locations before they can assemble a sucessfully nuclear war head. Then factor in the expertise needed to assemble, the manuals and handbooks, logistics and finally delivery mechanism..

Therefore unwarranted US concerns only mean one thing:

- Something is cooking to scrunutize Pakistanin nuclear assests
- A pre-emptive measure to "satisfy" indian concerns so large trade and defence contracts can be sacked
- Stirring up hysteria against Pakistan for scoring political points.
- anothe jewel in obamas crown of failed diplomacy!
- pressurizing Pakistan for something upcoming..
The way I perceive this case is as:

1. Americans are concerned about nukes getting in what they consider as 'wrong hands.' A de-stabilized nuclear weapons state might be regarded as the greatest threat to US national security.

2. Even if a nuke some how gets in to the wrong hands, it cannot be used until the owner has its security codes and launching mechanism. However, Americans would not want the owner to sort out the mystery, and some sort of action may be warranted.

3. In case of WCS, the Americans may offer to dispatch "crack units" to defend Pakistani nuclear assets. Since sensitive military installations (e.g. GHQ) have been attacked before, so Americans are concerned that our nuclear installations might also be under threat.

Until or unless Pakistan stabilizes, these concerns would remain.

On the contrary, it might be a ploy to get 'more insight' about Pakistani nuclear assets and working mechanims, since Pakistan might be asked to clarify its security arrangements. Who knows, such talks might have taken place by now as Americans later on acknowledged that Pak nukes are in safe hands.

In both scenarios, I see some "intel gathering" taking place. However, insiders might be in a better position to explain the 'ground realities.'
As far i know Pakistan has offered to sign on NPT if india chooses to do so!
whaere is it so hard to convince indians to sign? all problems would be solved by it self!
What is indian perspective on this one? why they hesitate to sign NPT?

Its a discriminatory treaty of haves and have nots. Its not acceptable to India today and has never been.

But with Dr Singh in power anything can be brokered in return for FDI, I fear...so unable to say with certainty that India wont sign in the future...maybe a seat on the UNSC could persuade India.

Personally, I wont sign it ever. Period.
if US had such guts to enter Pakistan and take its weapons, they would have done it before. Now they can't do it insha Allah.

They have seen our response to their illegal crossing of borders by NATO ... I don't think they will do such a mistake...

If they does so, they will inshaAllah get the fate they have never seen before in Pakistan....

Its just an attempt to pressurize Pakistan and its people...... nothing more than that..

We know the potential of our Pakistan Army. Insha Allah they can't do this until our single soldier and Pakistani is alive.....
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