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Eleven abduction mostly relatives of Indian policemen in the four south Kashmir districts

This is why we should not watch Indian media.

Not sure what your point is.

But there was a time when anti-Indian militants enforced their writ in Kashmir.

Ḥizb al-Mujahidin patrolling the streets in Srinagar:


By the same measure of Pakistani state's success against TTP, what would you call India's experience with Kashmiri militants? From their dreaded grip on the state of Kashmir in the 90s, today they have been reduced to just a few hundred in number. Won't you call it an even bigger success?

It would have been a success if general masses would have supported Indian state like people support pakistan in its war against TTP. just killing few militants is no success when you have more and more getting alienated to Indian state. The circle of pro India politics is getting smaller with every passing day. Read about it what kind situation these abdullah's and mufti's face by their own people. That is no success.
It would have been a success if general masses would have supported Indian state like people support pakistan in its war against TTP. just killing few militants is no success when you have more and more getting alienated to Indian state. The circle of pro India politics is getting smaller with every passing day. Read about it what kind situation these abdullah's and mufti's face by their own people. That is no success.

See? I'm asking you to hold consistent stardards. You call Pakistan's experience against the TTP a success, and yet you cannot admit that India's experience against militancy in Kashmir is an even greater success. As I said, from its heydays in the 1990s, today Kashmiri militants have been reduced to an insignificant number. By any parameter, what the JK police and RR achieved in Kashmir is a triumph of counter insurgency.

Killing "few militants" is not a success, but reducing the number of militants to just a few certainly is. Armed Kashmiri separatism is dead and buried, as much as the Punjab insurgency was. A handfulof them poses no threat to a large nation like India.

Don't kid yourself, India is too strong for anybody to detach a state from her. Not even the entire nation of Pakistan can manage to do that, let alone a few hundred militants. You may not like that, but you know it's true. The sooner you accept that and move on, the better for you.
All people have the right to self-determination....

Kashmir is an internationally recognized disputed territory whose final accession to India or Pakistan is yet to be decided in accordance with the will of Kashmiri people, as per International Law ... Kashmir still remains as an unresolved international dispute on the agenda of the United Nations Security Council ...... Which world do you live in, my friend ??

I live in the world of reality...where if freedom of some people endanger my interest then i will not support those freedom movement....
I live in the world of reality...where if freedom of some people endanger my interest then i will not support those freedom movement....

Citizens of Jammu and Kashmir are well aware which type of radars have been deployed against them along the line of control on both the sides by the enemies of Indian nation. Kashmiris do need Azaadi similar like rest of Indian citizens from Chinese, Russians, Iranians and Pakistanis missiles and radars. They religion preaches them who are enemy of thier faith and they have already identified the enemy of thier nation, religion and traditions.
Still zero f*cks given by kashmiris.
I think Kashmiris are losing fight and taking last breath because due to around half million indian army in Kashmir and it is not practically possible to fight 100 indian army = 1 Kashmir . Modi government is aggressive against them, and kashmiri receives Bullet or pellet gun between middle of eyes whenever he raises stone on army. No doubt indian army is doing violations of human rights and U.N should take notice of it.
While kashmiri should also not abduct policemen. It will create unrest and heavy response from army , kashmiri civilian will also suffer this due to them.
On topic Good to see poor policemen reached to their family & kids .
See? I'm asking you to hold consistent stardards. You call Pakistan's experience against the TTP a success, and yet you cannot admit that India's experience against militancy in Kashmir is an even greater success. As I said, from its heydays in the 1990s, today Kashmiri militants have been reduced to an insignificant number. By any parameter, what the JK police and RR achieved in Kashmir is a triumph of counter insurgency.

Killing "few militants" is not a success, but reducing the number of militants to just a few certainly is. Armed Kashmiri separatism is dead and buried, as much as the Punjab insurgency was. A handfulof them poses no threat to a large nation like India.

Don't kid yourself, India is too strong for anybody to detach a state from her. Not even the entire nation of Pakistan can manage to do that, let alone a few hundred militants. You may not like that, but you know it's true. The sooner you accept that and move on, the better for you.

Move on how???

We support the Kashmiri people against an injustice done to them

Whole point of Partition was that we sufficiently hated and distrusted hindus that we didnt want to live with them or be subjugated as a minority

We got Pakistan and Kashmir as a muslim majority state simply wanted the same freedom and right to get away from a hindu india

As india turns increasingly hindutva the risks to all indian muslims let alone a muslim majority state like Kashmir is deadly

The Kashmiri population today is virulent against india
They can see the writing on the wall and want out

Your kidding yourself, your trying to placate yourself by counting alleged militants when the population has wholesale turned against you

As india goes more hindu mad with beef lynchings and anti muslim social media outpourings in india, the indian muslims and Kashmiris can forsee that their only path is independence that is more difficult for indian muslims but Kashmiris always demanded it

Pakistan simply supports the Kashmiris and will always do so
Move on how???

We support the Kashmiri people against an injustice done to them

Whole point of Partition was that we sufficiently hated and distrusted hindus that we didnt want to live with them or be subjugated as a minority

We got Pakistan and Kashmir as a muslim majority state simply wanted the same freedom and right to get away from a hindu india

As india turns increasingly hindutva the risks to all indian muslims let alone a muslim majority state like Kashmir is deadly

The Kashmiri population today is virulent against india
They can see the writing on the wall and want out

Your kidding yourself, your trying to placate yourself by counting alleged militants when the population has wholesale turned against you

As india goes more hindu mad with beef lynchings and anti muslim social media outpourings in india, the indian muslims and Kashmiris can forsee that their only path is independence that is more difficult for indian muslims but Kashmiris always demanded it

Pakistan simply supports the Kashmiris and will always do so

That has been the Pakistani narrative for a long time, nothing new in that.

But tell me honestly, do you really see your country taking Kashmir from India? Let's say, in the next 50 years?

As I said before, the entire Pakistan military cannot do that - if they could, they would have done so already. You really think a few hundred militants can?

Take what logicians call the "outsider test", and ask yourself this question - how likely is it that India can snatch a state from Pakistan? Say, Pakistani Punjab or "Azad" Kashmir? And if you think that is impossible, what makes you think that taking a state from India is any more possible for Pakistan? India is a lot more powerful militarily, in case you did not know.

If you say that it will happen, fine - tell me when you manage to do so.
Kashmiris, by far, support Hurriyet Conference. Boycott, Strikes, Funerals, Protests are all followed religiously by the Kashmiri people.

New bloodshed against Kashmiri civilians and sacking of the puppet government is a sign of desperation of Moodi.
See? I'm asking you to hold consistent stardards. You call Pakistan's experience against the TTP a success, and yet you cannot admit that India's experience against militancy in Kashmir is an even greater success. As I said, from its heydays in the 1990s, today Kashmiri militants have been reduced to an insignificant number. By any parameter, what the JK police and RR achieved in Kashmir is a triumph of counter insurgency.

Killing "few militants" is not a success, but reducing the number of militants to just a few certainly is. Armed Kashmiri separatism is dead and buried, as much as the Punjab insurgency was. A handfulof them poses no threat to a large nation like India.

Don't kid yourself, India is too strong for anybody to detach a state from her. Not even the entire nation of Pakistan can manage to do that, let alone a few hundred militants. You may not like that, but you know it's true. The sooner you accept that and move on, the better for you.

How is it a success when as per India's own number of local militants have increased as compared to previus years? How is it a success when situation remains constantly volatile with militants enjoying more and more local support? The 90s are gone. Lets talk about the situation in MMS rule and now under Modi rule. Your own security forces claim that situation has actually deteriorated in IOK. A triumph of counter insurgency is not just to kill few militants. even Afghan army does that every now and then. The main purpose is to bring stability in the region and that clearly doesn't exist in IOK.

AS for India being all strong and all that. Map of subcontinent has changed a lot in past century or more. Nothing is permanent. And same applies for Indian state too.
That has been the Pakistani narrative for a long time, nothing new in that.

But tell me honestly, do you really see your country taking Kashmir from India? Let's say, in the next 50 years?

As I said before, the entire Pakistan military cannot do that - if they could, they would have done so already. You really think a few hundred militants can?

Take what logicians call the "outsider test", and ask yourself this question - how likely is it that India can snatch a state from Pakistan? Say, Pakistani Punjab or "Azad" Kashmir? And if you think that is impossible, what makes you think that taking a state from India is any more possible for Pakistan? India is a lot more powerful militarily, in case you did not know.

If you say that it will happen, fine - tell me when you manage to do so.

Your right we have built up large militaries with numerous weapons that an attack either side is difficult if not impossible

But why should we stop trying to support the Kashmiri people
Why should we stop trying to fix an injustice done after partition especially during a time where hindutvas rise justifies the very basis of why Partition took place 70 years ago

The message of Pakistan resonates amongst the locals of Kashmir and we cant betray them by leaving them to hindutva wolves who as Jinnah predicted would seek to harm and occupy them

This is not the first such operation in the south Kashmir area undertaken by the security forces.

Updated: Sep 03, 2018 10:22 IST

Security forces started a massive search operation on Monday in around two dozen villages of Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama district, police said.

The operation began following reports about the presence of militants in the villages of Putrigam, Rohmu, Rajpora, Matrigam, Goosu, Frasipora and others.

“So far, there has been no reports of any exchange of fire in any of the villages included in the search,” a police officer said.

This is not the first such operation in the south Kashmir area undertaken by the security forces.

These operations known as area domination operations are usually undertaken to keep the militants on the run and prevent them from establishing a foothold in the region.


Srinagar, September 2

For the first time in nearly a decade, the number of listed militants in Kashmir has crossed 300.

For the last 10 years, the number of militants hovered around 200 except in 2013 when only 78 militants were active in the Valley — this was the lowest figure since militancy erupted in the state in 1990. “There has been a significant increase in the number of militants,” a senior police officer said. “ The main reason for the high number of militants has been local recruitment since 2017.

Last year 126 Valley youths picked up guns- which was the highest number since 2010 and this year over 130 have been inducted into militancy.” According to an official document exclusively accessed by The Tribune, all 10 districts in the Valley have the presence of militants. In 2017, security forces had launched Operation All Out against militants and killed over 200 militants and this year over 130 militants have been killed so far.

The report compiled by the J&K Police in early August reveals that 327 militants are active of which 211 are locals and 116 are foreigners. Of the listed militants, 181 are active in the volatile south Kashmir districts, which have been on the edge ever since the killing of militant commander Burhan Wani in July 2016. In four districts of south Kashmir — Anantnag, Kulgam, Pulwama and Shopian, there are 166 local militants. While south is dominated by local militants, the scene is different in north Kashmir districts of Baramulla, Kupwara and Bandipora which share the Line of Control with Azad Kashmir (Azad Kashmir). According to reports, out of 129 militants active in north, 94 are foreigners and 35 are locals.

There are also 17 militants in central Kashmir’s districts of Srinagar, Budgam and Ganderbal. These districts have at least nine local militants.


Two Pakistan based militant groups continue to remain dominant. While the Pakistan SF has the highest cadre with nearly 141 militants, Pakistan RF has over 128 listed militants. The Militia has also strengthened its base in Kashmir this year. “Crossing the 300 number is nothing compared to the thousands that joined militancy in the early 1990s,” said a police official even as another expressed concern over the increasing number, saying that “it is a very serious matter”.

Both insurgencies are different from each other and can't be compared. TTP is nothing like kashmiri militants.

There are militant-supporter elements in Indian Kashmir like Asiya Andrabi who are not different from a random TTP mullah.

There are militant-supporter elements in Indian Kashmir like Asiya Andrabi who are not different from a random TTP mullah.


Asiya Andrabi is part of Hurriyat conference and its the Indian security forces who give protection to hurriyat Conference senior members and other important people.


In the line of fire: Soldiers taking part in an operation against militants in Pulwama on Monday.

New Delhi, September 03, 2018 23:06 IST
Updated: September 03, 2018 23:06 IST

It prevailed upon the police to release militant commander’s father

The Jammu and Kashmir Governor’s office took strong exception to the detention of the father of militant ‘commander’ by the local police, which led to a spate of abductions of relatives of policemen in the Kashmir Valley last week.

It was on the intervention of senior officials in Governor Satya Pal Malik’s office that father of militant ‘commander’ was released and the impasse over the abduction of 11 relatives of policemen in south Kashmir on August 31 was brought to an end, a top source told The Hindu.

A senior government official said that 32 J&K policemen had been killed this year, and most were targeted killings.

He said there should be no “over-reaction” to these kinds of threats as it would trigger more panic, and the government did not want a repeat of the 1990s when Kashmiri Pandits were forced to flee their homes.

Jammu and Kashmir has been under Governor’s rule since June 20 due to the on going firing by the Pakistan Military.

“The lower ranks of the police are aware of the practical aspects; they have tremendous advantage of language, location and habitation. We cannot isolate and segregate them. This happened in the case of Kashmiri Pandits. After Pandits were attacked, there was panic and most migrated to Jammu and other parts of the country,” he said.

The official said militant ‘commander’, now heading the outfit, suffered a blow when his deputy and field commander, one of the oldest surviving militants, was killed in an encounter with security forces in Anantnag on August 29.

“Militant ‘commander was under a lot of pressure by the leadership from across the border to show results. In the meantime the number two deputy and field commander was killed. Militant ‘commander is a nominal head, the real operative was deputy and field commander. It was deputy and field commander who planned the abductions and put out messages to throw acid on people taking part in the panchayat elections, but he was killed the same day. In a vacuum, they require heroes. Militant ‘commander was standing on the shoulders of deputy and field commander. Militant ‘commander is badly bruised now,” he said. After deputy and field commander was killed, 11 relatives of policemen were abducted.

“Some elements in the security forces believed that Militant ‘commander father need not have been picked up. Or if he was detained, he could have been interrogated and released. His father being kept in police custody was another irritant and this led to a series of abductions,” said the official.

Another official said militants were feeling the heat as J&K police are at the forefront of the counter-insurgency operations.

“Police reacted in a professional way; there was sufficient pressure on the militants. If they had harmed the relatives, there were other levers working…they knew it was not a good bargain. They are riled that J&K police are upfront in operations,” said the official.

K. Vijay Kumar, Adviser to the J&K Governor told The Hindu that J&K policemen understood the challenges.

“I myself had the feedback of several ranks of police including the constabulary. All of them are standing firm and strong. The professionalism has not come down,” Mr. Kumar said.

He said the government was working on an improved package for the policemen.

“Home Minister Rajnath Singh has suggested to the Governor to declare more compensation and better accommodation facilities to boost the morale of the policemen. This is being worked on,” he said.
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