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Elective Quran course approved for military schools

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Oct 19, 2010
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The Turkish General Staff has approved elective religion courses for military high schools that include instruction on the Quran, the Life of the Prophet Muhammad and basic religion, private broadcaster NTV reported today.

Responding to claims, General Staff also said the curriculum of schools tied to the military did not include any open or secret courses to instruct students about coups.

source: HDN

My warning signals started blinking when I read this piece of news. My first worry is how this would impact on the current military, and secondarily how the current government would try to draw benefit from this.

I still see the military as the guarentor of turkish secularism, even though the current government has done a lot for our country.

On the other hand I'm thinking if the soldiers receive education in the teaching of the Quran etc. they'd be more than just Mücahit/mehmetchik, and no I am not thinking of Jihadists like some radicals would think. I think they'd be "can mehmetcik" soldiers knowing the value of life through islam, and anyone firing/killing them would be kafir, and thus don't have the right to exist.

Granted, I have the same opinion for the current TSK, anyone firing/killing them don't have the right to exist, so it's just a small change. :D
There is nothing that justifies teaching religion in military academies, nothing. WTF

Ahh, your "type" of secularism has come from some other planet. Name me "One" military force on the face of the earth that doesn't have religion taught in them as an elective subject or somehow religion is not part of their training and operational doctrine.
What about "chaplains" in all western militaries, what about "In God We Trust" tags in the US army, and "So help me God" oath and regular bible prayers in almost every western military ?Lets, not be ridiculous, i get the secular ideals in the military but the one you think is simply non existent anywhere in the world. Plus it is the right of those who "elect" to learn religious studies to have this facility in the armed forces.
No need to compare: how does religion improve anything for these soldiers? Will they have suprerior tactics?

The answer is: Nothing. Its just another step towards theocracy.
Ahh, your "type" of secularism has come from some other planet. Name me "One" military force on the face of the earth that doesn't have religion taught in them as an elective subject or somehow religion is not part of their training and operational doctrine.
What about "chaplains" in all western militaries, what about "In God We Trust" tags in the US army, and "So help me God" oath and regular bible prayers in almost every western military ?Lets, not be ridiculous, i get the secular ideals in the military but the one you think is simply non existent anywhere in the world. Plus it is the right of those who "elect" to learn religious studies to have this facility in the armed forces.

Teaching religion is not the duty of a secular state. Especially if it is about teaching a particular religion while dismissing other religions.
she is from Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory :) dont know guess I am just trolling...


What are the odds you being a secret missionare, rejecting the evolution theory by sending that video... It is hard to think from what she evoluated :D
Teaching religion is not the duty of a secular state. Especially if it is about teaching a particular religion while dismissing other religions.

And it is the RIGHT of the soldiers to be able to practice and learn their religion freely in a secular Army, am i wrong? - I don't know what the setup they have in Turkish Military for other religions than Islam, if they have other soldiers than they must be provided with facilities to "elect" to study their religion. As, long as there is a choice for the soldiers there is nothing wrong.
Sad indeed to see that Turks run away from what they actually are .They run away from being Muslim and trying so hard to act like one they are not.

U tried so hard to make urself europeons but alas EU never recognise u as a part of EU.

This step by GOVT is a good one , They should introduce few course in their school curriculum as well .Muslims need to know Islam better than non Muslims does.

and for the person who was making fun of fighting with Iman . I guess u never had one . It is only most powerful thing in this world.

As Allah says in Quran


"And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided. And remember the favor of Allah upon you - when you were enemies and He brought your hearts together and you became, by His favor, brothers. And you were on the edge of a pit of the Fire, and He saved you from it. Thus does Allah make clear to you His verses that you may be guided."[(03)Al-Imran][Verse :103]

May Allah help us Muslims to be more like Muslims rather than non-Muslims.Ameen
And it is the RIGHT of the soldiers to be able to practice and learn their religion freely in a secular Army, am i wrong? - I don't know what the setup they have in Turkish Military for other religions than Islam, if they have other soldiers than they must be provided with facilities to "elect" to study their religion. As, long as there is a choice for the soldiers there is nothing wrong.

Dude, we as Turkish citizens are living in a supposedly secular country. The Presidency of Religious Affairs (An institution that shouldn't be the part of Secular Turkey in the first place) has multiplied its budget in the last 10 years, hence now it has almost two times more budget than our Ministry of Health. A budget that more than some country's budget for space researchs.

My point is, i don't expect something good from these applications which are the products of our government's sick, ideological motivations.
Dude, we as Turkish citizens are living in a supposedly secular country. The Presidency of Religious Affairs (An institution that shouldn't be the part of Secular Turkey in the first place) has multiplied its budget in the last 10 years, hence now it has almost two times more budget than our Ministry of Health. A budget that more than some country's budget for space researchs.

My point is, i don't expect something good from these applications which are the products of our government's sick, ideological motivations.

AKP has two thirds majority the ONLY govt with such majority in entire Europe. That means, people want their policies, am i wrong?

And lastly, its not about "ideological motivations" or "expecting something good" - its about "Rights" that a secular constitution of a country protects of a soldier. Is it too hard to understand?
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