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El-Sisi: Egypt has armed forces that are among the most powerful armies in the region

What kind of nonsense is this reasoning. Egypt is one of the oldest civlizations. It has thrived multiple times and it is still thriving. The world is not only Today but Tomorrow and Egypt has a promising future

So why are you not there?
If you see all this potential then why are you not there using that potential and reaping the huge rewards? Why do other people not do it?
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الرئيس عبد الفتاح السيسي يلتقي بقادة وضباط وضباط صف وجنود القوات المسلحة

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that Egypt has armed forces that are among the most powerful armies in the whole region, but our use of force is always balanced and rational and aims to protect our national security, our borders, and the stability of the Egyptian state.

During the meeting with leaders, officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the armed forces, President El-Sisi added that drawing the red line in Libya aims to put an end to the conflict between the brothers in Libya, and we hope that there will be an end to all conflicts in the whole region

President El-Sisi indicated that the results achieved in this are good, and this is what we see now from the Libyan House of Representatives discussing the regulations and names of the new Libyan government, which will, during its period of work, reset the political, security and economic situation in Libya and prepare for the stage of elections in which power is handed over to an elected president by will The Libyan people mark the end of a chapter of conflicts that lasted more than 10 years.

President El-Sisi stressed that Egypt supports the Libyan reforms, stressing that the Libyan national security is the security of Egypt and the stability of Libya means the stability of Egypt.

President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi said that 500 to 600 billion pounds had been allocated within 3 years, to redevelop the Egyptian countryside, change and improve the lives of citizens. The President added that this project was planned to be implemented in 10 to 15 years/.

President El-Sisi sent a message to the Egyptians, saying: “With the current population growth rates, we will not be able to talk about a million people who want job opportunities every year. How do we work a million every year? There is no solution other than birth control in Egypt, wanting to achieve a future that remains in need. At 400 thousand annually for at least 10 years.


he is right .
So why are you not there?
If you see all this potential then why are you not there using that potential and reaping the huge rewards? Why do other people not do it?

100mio people call it already home. How many people does Canada has what like 25m? Egypt is the heart point of all civilzations. You don't see anyone leaving there because it is the heart point of civilzation
100mio people call it already home. How many people does Canada has what like 25m? Egypt is the heart point of all civilzations. You don't see anyone leaving there because it is the heart point of civilzation

Yes, thank you! 100 million people, it is stuffed. No resources, hardly enough water, too many people. NO potential. just taking from those already there. like too many pigs in a hog house without enough food, eat each other.
Egypt cannot even feed itself. It only has enough water because of what it obtains from others namely the Ethiopians. Anybody who says it has great potential should go there and partake of that great potential.

Indeed, Canada has HUGE potential, so millions of migrants come to get a piece of that potential (just like the Germans flooding into Britain and Europe in the past).
Yes, thank you! 100 million people, it is stuffed. No resources, hardly enough water, too many people. NO potential. just taking from those already there. like too many pigs in a hog house without enough food, eat each other.
Egypt cannot even feed itself. It only has enough water because of what it obtains from others namely the Ethiopians. Anybody who says it has great potential should go there and partake of that great potential.

Indeed, Canada has HUGE potential, so millions of migrants come to get a piece of that potential (just like the Germans flooding into Britain and Europe in the past).

I was talking about potential. Egypt has more migrants then Canada by the way if we are going by migrants and More go to Egypt then Canada due to centrality location and Egypt is open society in regards to migrants.

Egypt is not a poor country as per say as you putted and yes Canada is more wealthy then Egypt as it stands but Canada is hardly the standard Egypt wants to become. Egypt has far larger low-class and medium middle-class and smaller higher-class.. Canada has a much bigger middle-class. Canada is wealthier then Egypt.

But still Egypt has more potential then Canada.. infrastructure wise Canada is not the standard Egypt is aiming for but rather Gulf-Singepore standard since Egypt is building 20 new cities model after these places as the infrastructure is the highest there in the world. I have been to CANADA and the infrastructure is still old and 1900-ish. With 20 new cities worth 2 trillion USD, plus Neom being next door and connected to Sharm El-sheikh the future is doubtedly in Egypt plus it is a much bigger market then Canada.

Egypt has always been the cradle of civilization and it will return to it's original position as the cradle of civilization within the next few 2-3 decades as the planners behind Eygpt are moving ahead with massive plans towards a new cradle of civilization boom. Which is futuristic plus Canada is lazy and don't want to build or change main while Egypt is building 20 new cities? Who has more potential and who does the future belong to?

I think in 2-3 decades people will move to Egypt and try to enter it even from EU and North America as it will become once again the cradle of civilzation and it is currently accelerating towards that target.

Such thing can only be achieved by people who are self-proud and who take pride in their history like the Egyptians and go on building craze just like they are doing now. Yesterday belonged to the Egyptians and tomorrow will belong to the Egyptians
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I was talking about potential. Egypt has more migrants then Canada by the way if we are going by migrants and More go to Egypt then Canada due to centrality location and Egypt is open society in regards to migrants.

Egypt is not a poor country as per say as you putted and yes Canada is more wealthy then Egypt as it stands but Canada is hardly the standard Egypt wants to become. Egypt has far larger low-class and medium middle-class and smaller higher-class.. Canada has a much bigger middle-class. Canada is wealthy then Egypt.

But still Egypt has more potential then Canada.. infrastructure wise Canada is not the standard Egypt is aiming for but rather Gulf-Singepore standard since Egypt is building 20 new cities model after these places as the infrastructure is the highest there in the world. I have been to CANADA and the infrastructure is still old and 1900-ish. With 20 new cities worth 2 trillion USD, plus Neom being next door and connected to Sharm El-sheikh the future is doubtedly in Egypt plus it is a much bigger market then Canada.

Egypt has always been the cradle of civilization and it will return to it's original position as the cradle of civilization within the next few 2-3 decades as the planners behind Eygpt are moving ahead with massive plans towards a newer cradle of civilization boom. Which is futuristic plus Canada is lazy and don't want to build or change main while Egypt is building 20 new cities? Who has more potential and how does the future belong to?

I think in 2-3 decades people will move to Egypt and try to enter it even from EU and North America as it will become once again the cradle of civilzation and it is currently accelerating towards that target.

Such think can only be achieved by people who are self-proud and who take pride in their history like the Egyptians and go on building craze just like they are doing now

We are talking POTENTIAL, dude.
So go to Egypt. Walk your talk. I say Canada and the USA have potential. I AM HERE.
You say Egypt has the potential leave Denmark and move to Egypt. LIVE YOUR WORDS. You can move, most Indians, Bangladeshi and Pakistanis cannot. In a free world those folks would eat the lunch of most people in Europe (Asians, South Asians, Africans, SE Asians, Germans...are all tough to compete against). See if you can even compete against the slow weak Arabs.
Climb into that crowded Egyptian pen "full of potential" (according to you) and enter the hog eat hog world because of the lack of food (ie new wealth/resources).
Edit: I should add....maybe you will kick butt and find great success.
Yeah sure. Just like the pounding the israelis gave their inept forces. All arab militaries only have the latest toys for fly bys.
they cannot have enough to eat for their foot soldiers. It is a mafia organisation running completely parallel industries.
The pharoahs are dead... long live Pharoah Nasser, Sadat, Mubarak, Sisi.

I told an friend when Morsi came into power - since dawn of humanity, Egypt has been under the york of armed men; there is no way they were going to let him go; well history continued to repeat itself.

It is too busy with commercial interests and corruption to worry about fighting.
he is right .

Indeed he is. Just militarily only which is what he's referring to, he's done an extraordinary job with all the modernization that all the branches have gone through in such a short period is staggering and like none other. On the civil side of things he has also done a remarkable job, but this is only militarily relegated to and so yes, indeed he's right for sure. Both airforce and navy have practically been completely transformed and he's done some amazing things with the EADS and radar systems to scan and protect the entirety of the county. Not to mention all the new buildings and military compounds that have been put together for the military. He's also been instrumental in reaching out to several countries for exercises, countries that have never had any military relation with Egypt in the past and now are involved on the seas as well as in the air and on land. It's truly been a remarkable transformation in a very short period.
Indeed he is. Just militarily only which is what he's referring to, he's done an extraordinary job with all the modernization that all the branches have gone through in such a short period is staggering and like none other. On the civil side of things he has also done a remarkable job, but this is only militarily relegated to and so yes, indeed he's right for sure. Both airforce and navy have practically been completely transformed and he's done some amazing things with the EADS and radar systems to scan and protect the entirety of the county. Not to mention all the new buildings and military compounds that have been put together for the military. He's also been instrumental in reaching out to several countries for exercises, countries that have never had any military relation with Egypt in the past and now are involved on the seas as well as in the air and on land. It's truly been a remarkable transformation in a very short period.
Indeed... It was said by Sisi that the Egyptian army is still the strongest in the region and in the whole of Africa. Now, unlike the past. It is now apparent, known and proven. The Egyptian army got too high and flew too far. Thanks to the great updates, very fast in the armament process. It has not been seen an army advancing so quickly. Mashallah. All of this, and nothing much was revealed by the Egyptian army. Also, if we take Sisi's words. The President of Egypt and the Supreme Commander of its military forces. And its intelligence director and former defense minister. When he said the text, "We are hiding everything so that they do not know and can says that we are boosting." This is the statement of the most insightful person in the Egyptian army on the face of the earth. So After all what had been seen. he says every thing is hidden ... every thing!!!
Especially since it is known that the military leaders have kept far from announcements for a long time.. Rather, the facts are concealed and the statements about the strength of the Egyptian army is diminished on purpose in order not to open an arms race or draw attention.
Egypt in this region did not enter a war or two. But fierce wars with great powers. So they don't understand that you have to work very hard and in a terrible silence ...
So yes, Egypt hides a lot ... and there is not much hidden quantitaively ... but mostly qualitatively... The secret Egyptian missile program is the first and although it is now known to everyone, the issue has long been beyond ballistic missiles . Egypt now has other projects and it has been done well.

Here is a good link to have a glimpse of things..


And an example :

International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology
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Volume Volume 2 (1987)
Volume Volume 1 (1985)

Improvement of CEP Accuracy for Vehicles Re-entry Using INS/GPS/GNSS Integrated System
Article 32, Volume 17, AEROSPACE SCIENCES & AVIATION TECHNOLOGY, ASAT - 17 – April 11 - 13, 2017, Spring 2017, Page 1-11 XMLPDF (737.43 K)
Document Type: Original Article
DOI: 10.21608/ASAT.2017.22458
Hadia M. S. EL- Hennawy1; Ibrahim I. Arafa2; Alaa M. Fekry2
1Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt.
2Egyptian Armed Forces, Egypt.


This paper describes the theoretical and practical stages through development to testing of an integrated navigation system, specifically composed of an Inertial Navigation System (INS), and Global Positioning System (GPS). Among various INS/GPS integration strategies, our aim is to construct a mathematical model of INS and GPS systems. A Kalman filter is designed and implemented depending upon these models. Besides these, the performance of the developed system is evaluated with real data recorded by the sensors. A comparison with a reference system and also with a loosely coupled system is done to show the Superiority of the tightly coupled structure. The strap down inertial navigation system (SINS) uses (ENU) frame and the integrated system uses position and velocity as measurements. The system model of the integrated system for Kalman filtering are derived and modeled as 27-states. These states estimation system showed clearly the application of fundamental modeling and filtering techniques. The simulation is built on the integrated system INS/GPS/GNSS and the trajectory generator data for flight simulation to be used as a base line algorithm contributing for design, analysis and develop a guidance and control strategy which compensates for the effects of the uncertainties accompanying the navigation systems produced by INS alignment..

There is much more of course like RV and MIRV.. as well as cruise missiles...etc
Sisi is a dictator and all dictators are corrupt leeches sucking blood of their own people, bending and twisting to the wishes of their foreign masters at the expense of their own country just to legitimatize their rule. Anything they say or do should be taken with a pinch of salt.
I hope egypt gets rid of this parasite soon enough.
Sisi is a dictator and all dictators are corrupt leeches sucking blood of their own people, bending and twisting to the wishes of their foreign masters at the expense of their own country just to legitimatize their rule. Anything they say or do should be taken with a pinch of salt.
I hope egypt gets rid of this parasite soon enough.

I would not put all dictators in that category... The dictators of South Korea, China, and Singapor lead their nations to being major economic powers today. Had Pakistan stuck to the likes of Ayub Khan for another decade or Mushraf another decade our economy would easily be above the 1+ trillion GDP range today if not a few years ago.
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