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Egypt's human rights situation is going from ugly to uglier

This would be a perfect post, had you only applied it to yourself. You need to re-learn what you think you know.
I do. I'm always open to discovery and correction. But I don't subscribe to lies - that's the difference between myself and many of the members here.

You want to associate your own sense of moral high standing with being pro-Israel, but that rests on a wide range of false narratives and assumptions. Being a Jew, you feel a degree of kinship with Israeli Jews. Its understandable.
I think you've got it backward. You're assuming that since I'm a Jew I necessarily stand with Israel being moral out of kinship - because that's what you do, I suppose. That's not really how it works with Jews, however: it's the law and conduct that are important. We have a great capacity for self-criticism, even favorably comparing the moral conduct of non-Jews to ourselves for a given set of particulars.

But reality is detached from what you want it to be. Israel is getting more right wing politically, racist/xenophobic and religiously more ultra orthodox.
Perhaps, but you should note that even if it is true, it doesn't negate anything I've said before. You're probably drawing more parallels with Pakistan here, as the racist/xenophobic/Islamist types are the ones most likely to commit outrageous violence nowadays.

There is how things are and how things you wish they were. Learn the difference and then come back and talk.
I know the difference. What you're doing, essentially, is to take my arrows and shoot them back at me. But it doesn't work, because the facts don't support it.

Too many people here will fill in the gap with fibs, claiming they have the right (or their country has the right) to teach whatever "truth" they want. Well, the Egyptian M-B found out the hard way where that leads: dispossession of property by the state, being compelled to sign documents asserting they surrendered their property voluntarily. Just like what happened to Egypt's Jews after 1967. Had the moral principle of truth over convenience been asserted then, Morsi supporters couldn't be abused so much today.
I know the difference. What you're doing, essentially, is to take my arrows and shoot them back at me. But it doesn't work, because the facts don't support it.

Well your arrows were blunt. Mine were sharpened by the facts. lol
Well your arrows were blunt. Mine were sharpened by the facts. lol
Sure you can laugh, 'cause you didn't cite any facts.

Either you care about the truth or you don't. All you're doing is parroting the goo that dribbled from your teachers mouths - teachers who can't teach anything else, as their curriculum is controlled by Arabs, not Pakistanis. There are great benefits to be gained by breaking out of the box: Pakistan could pull the rug out from under its terrorists entirely and live like a normal nation under the rule of law, with officials subject to the law. I think many officials don't like to think of that prospect, hence they like having terrorists around, especially thugs in their employ and under their protection.

Just ask yourself, in your own heart, what you would do if you had the opportunities of, say, a Punjab minister or corps commander. Would you really concentrate on law-and-order and eliminating terror if keeping terrorists and thugs meant better opportunities to enrich yourself through corruption? There you go.
Sure you can laugh, 'cause you didn't cite any facts.

Either you care about the truth or you don't. All you're doing is parroting the goo that dribbled from your teachers mouths - teachers who can't teach anything else, as their curriculum is controlled by Arabs, not Pakistanis. There are great benefits to be gained by breaking out of the box: Pakistan could pull the rug out from under its terrorists entirely and live like a normal nation under the rule of law, with officials subject to the law. I think many officials don't like to think of that prospect, hence they like having terrorists around, especially thugs in their employ and under their protection.

Just ask yourself, in your own heart, what you would do if you had the opportunities of, say, a Punjab minister or corps commander. Would you really concentrate on law-and-order and eliminating terror if keeping terrorists and thugs meant better opportunities to enrich yourself through corruption? There you go.

What are you babbling about? Im not a Pakistani. :rofl:
This is exactly what I thought, if a jew supports it, then somethings gotta be wrong

The jews will support any dictator even if he burns children in pits as long as the dictator is supportive of israel..

This is the case with Egypt, decades of oppression, a military junta in power dosent matter, if the egyptian people are crushed under jackboots.. All the jews care about is whether the dictator is good for israel

and once again that tells you everything you want to know about Sisi, and military regime that the jews love them so much
the Jews also cheered on white people killing each other in WW2, at the end only the Jews benefitted from ww2.

both morsi and sissy are puppets, the only question is who was the bigger puppet.
Very difficult to fight against this kind of terrorism and no doubt Egypt will suffer more losses - but at some point it will level off and then start to decline as long as Egypt keeps the pressure on them.

Informants are very important in this type of conflict. Many of our hits against terrorists have resulted from direct information given by Palestinians themselves.

Countries like Algeria had regular terrorism and now it's much more rare than it used to be.

Egypt must never let the Sinai go out of control again.
we did fight this war before in the 80s and 90s and we won like i said it is just a matter of time
Egypt's not in any state of war, however, Egypt lead by the military leadership is cracking down on civilian protestors and has killed over 1,000, injured many thousands and imprisoned 16,000 protestors ever since the ousting of the democratically elected government in 2013.

Here are statistics and footage of the Egyptian dictatorships brutality:

Egypt bloodshed: Death toll rises to 327 after troops clear pro-Morsi camps - NBC News

Strangling female protestor and attacking everybody else:

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