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Egypt's army is expected to have the Russian K-300P Bastion-P mobile coastal defence system

The SC

Feb 13, 2012
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Bastion-P Mobile coastal defence system




The main role of the Bastion-P is to engage various surface ships. It can also engage carrier battle groups, convoys or landing craft. In some cases missiles fired from this system can target surface targets.

The Bastion-P launcher carries two P-800 Oniks/Yakhont (SS-N-26 Strobile) anti-ship cruise missiles. These have a range of 300 km with hi-low flight trajectory and 120 km with low-low flight trajectory. It is worth noting that the same missile was used as a basis for the BRAHMOS cruise missile.

The missile has a two-stage propulsion system. It uses solid-fuel rocket booster for initial acceleration and liquid-fuel ramjet for sustained supersonic cruise. The booster is ejected by the airflow after it has burned out.

The warhead weights about 200-250 kg. It seems that this missile can carry nuclear or conventional warheads.

It is a fire-and-forget type missile. It uses a satellite guidance at the initial stage of the flight and active radar guidance when it approaches a target. This missile uses a Russian sea-skimming cruise missile technology.

It can fly at altitude from 5 to 14 000 meters above the sea level. At the final stage of the flight it has minimum altitude. Also it can maneuver at supersonic speed before hitting the target. Close-in weapon systems might not be effective against this missile, as it travels too fast. Also this missile can be used in electronic countermeasures environment. So it might be a hard nut for air defense systems to intercept.

The launcher vehicle is based on a Belarusian MZKT-7930 heavy high mobility chassis. Vehicle has good cross-country mobility and can operate over rough terrain. The TEL vehicle is operated by a crew of 3, including commander, operator and driver.

The TEL vehicle can launch its missiles within 5 minutes from travelling. Vehicle has a vertical launch configuration. It can launch both missiles with short interval of 2-5 seconds between the launches. The missile can be used up to a Sea State 7.

The mobile launcher can remain on active standby over a period of 3-5 days. Once supported by a combat duty support vehicle, the Bastion-P launchers can remain on active standby for up to 30 days.

A battery of Bastion-P consists of 4 mobile launchers, 1-2 command and control vehicles, 1 support vehicle; 4 transloaders. Launcher vehicles can be located up to 25 km away from the command and control vehicles. The whole Bastion-P battery is controlled from the main Naval headquarters. If required launcher vehicles can operate autonomously.

Also Russians propose additional over-the-horizon radar for the Bastion-P. A mobile version is based on the same MZKT-7930 8x8 high mobility chassis. Alternatively Russians their Ka-31 airborne early warning helicopter for this role.

Russian military operates a broadly similar Bal coastal defense missile system, which was adopted in 2004. It uses less capable Kh-35 anti-ship cruise missiles, but carries 8 missiles per launcher vehicle.

The Egyptian army is seeking to possess the Russian super-defense system "Bastion", where news confirmed that Egypt wants to secure its coasts and gas fields in the Mediterranean.

A military source confirmed to RT, that the armament contracts between Egypt and Russia in 2015 included the "Bastion" system with a maximum range of 300 km, noting that Egypt's acquisition of these systems is a logical and expected matter within the framework of a comprehensive development plan for the Egyptian navy that will include access to modern defense systems Off the coast of the country, in a process to replace old systems.

The source continued: "The Bastion system is considered one of the most important and best effective and deterrent systems in the world, especially in light of the huge need to secure new naval bases and Egyptian economic areas in the eastern Mediterranean in front of two adversaries, such as the Israeli navy and the Turkish navy."

He added that a single system can protect 600 km of coast and secure a sea area of 100,000 square kilometers, and its batteries can include 18 vehicles and arm with Vertical Launch platforms, with a total of 36 rockets for the vehicle, with the ability to engage with 24 targets in the simultaneous launch mode.

It is noteworthy that the Israeli "DEBKA" website published a report expressing great concerns about Egypt's efforts to obtain the "Bastion" system, known as "K-300".

The site indicated that this constituted a very serious threat to Israel.

He pointed out that the installation of such missiles in Port Said will allow the Egyptian army to strike all Israeli ports and installations in the Mediterranean and reach southern Cyprus.

The conflict between Egypt, Cyprus and Greece on the one hand, and Turkey on the other hand, is fueling the Mediterranean's wealth, as Egypt accused the Turkish authorities of "continuing to take unilateral measures" that increase tension in the Mediterranean, against the backdrop of Ankara sending its ships to the coast of Cyprus to explore for gas.

Source: RT
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The Bastion has been with The Iskander BM for 3 years in Egypt.. not everything is announced on the spot when it comes to Russian weapons' systems procurements..

Iskander At a Glance


Originated From: Russia
Possessed By: Russia
Alternate Names: Stone, Tender, 9M720, 9M723, 9M723-1
Class: Short-Range Ballistic Missile (SRBM)
Basing: Road-mobile
Length: 7.3 m
Diameter: 0.92 m
Launch Weight: 3,800 – 4,020 kg
Payload: 480–700 kg, 480 kg (Export variant)
Warhead: High-explosive, submunition, earth-penetrator, thermobaric
Propulsion: Single-stage solid propellant
Range: 400–500 km, 280 km (Export variant)
Status: Operational
In Service: 2006


For the first time .. Russian "Iskander" missiles in the Middle East


Guest on Today’s “Best to Say” Igor Kurochenko, Military Expert
Egypt will be the first country to buy Russian "Iskander" missiles.

I am killing them softly...(The bad hearted ones):D:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
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The Bastion has been with The Islander BM for 3 years in Egypt.. not everything is announced on the spot when it comes to Russian weapons' systems procurements..

I am killing them softly...(The bad hearted ones):lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Lol, good for you! Keep up the good work. I remember this coming up in 2015 and thought it was actually a done deal, only they never announced it because of the sanctions on Russia and they figured they would keep it quiet until the right time like they did with the TOR and BUK systems. But what I find intriguing is Russia having a system set up already that uses "the less capable Kh-31" LOL! That's a deadly missile itself but the Yakhont is really in a whole class of itself. It would be great to know how many batteries they end up with (or already have) because you know that with all the new bases they've built in just the last 5 years that they need a MAJOR coastal defense system and it makes all the sense in the world. Between Bernice, Alexandria, Marsa Matruh, Port Said, whatever else they have on the Red Sea coast and even the Octagon and Mohammad Maguib base these are all HUGE military installations that need major protections against all sorts of modern attack capabilities. That's why it's no surprise to many of us when they go out and get something like the S-300VM, then the German IRIS-T SL and now this and sandwiched in between all this are the new satellites and the amazing mega Protivnik-GE radars accompanied now by what, the Rezonas-NE? LOOL! Yan7ar abiab ya Om Ahmad! :lol::lol:

The site indicated that this constituted a very serious threat to Israel.

He pointed out that the installation of such missiles in Port Said will allow the Egyptian army to strike all Israeli ports and installations in the Mediterranean and reach southern Cyprus.

Yeah they can chill out and not worry. We need to take care of our land just like they do and it's all defensive and the nerve on these people, really?!?! Do they forget who attacked who and who stole who's land and how many times?!?!?! The friggin nerve, I tell ya! Kussomen abukoum ya w'lad el kalb ya metnakeen ya ma'araseen!
Lol, good for you! Keep up the good work. I remember this coming up in 2015 and thought it was actually a done deal, only they never announced it because of the sanctions on Russia and they figured they would keep it quiet until the right time like they did with the TOR and BUK systems. But what I find intriguing is Russia having a system set up already that uses "the less capable Kh-31" LOL! That's a deadly missile itself but the Yakhont is really in a whole class of itself. It would be great to know how many batteries they end up with (or already have) because you know that with all the new bases they've built in just the last 5 years that they need a MAJOR coastal defense system and it makes all the sense in the world. Between Bernice, Alexandria, Marsa Matruh, Port Said, whatever else they have on the Red Sea coast and even the Octagon and Mohammad Maguib base these are all HUGE military installations that need major protections against all sorts of modern attack capabilities. That's why it's no surprise to many of us when they go out and get something like the S-300VM, then the German IRIS-T SL and now this and sandwiched in between all this are the new satellites and the amazing mega Protivnik-GE radars accompanied now by what, the Rezonas-NE? LOOL! Yan7ar abiab ya Om Ahmad! :lol::lol:

Yeah they can chill out and not worry. We need to take care of our land just like they do and it's all defensive and the nerve on these people, really?!?! Do they forget who attacked who and who stole who's land and how many times?!?!?! The friggin nerve, I tell ya! Kussomen abukoum ya w'lad el kalb ya metnakeen ya ma'araseen!
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India too.. even more..don't you think so?
Nah. The budgets (as a percentage of GDP) are declining constantly. Going forward I think it's only going to continue declining.

That has a sort of positive effect in the long term though. It's forcing the military to buy local (traditionally they don't) and grow the domestic military-industrial complex.
Nah. The budgets (as a percentage of GDP) are declining constantly. Going forward I think it's only going to continue declining.

That has a sort of positive effect in the long term though. It's forcing the military to buy local (traditionally they don't) and grow the domestic military-industrial complex.
Yes but India already bought a lot of Western systems as well as Eastern ones..
I guess it is good to support your own local production industries anyway.. Only your decision makers still prefer to import.. It might mean you till need to master a lot of new tech out there..
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The Egyptian army is seeking to possess the Russian super-defense system "Bastion", where news confirmed that Egypt wants to secure its coasts and gas fields in the Mediterranean.

A military source confirmed to RT, that the armament contracts between Egypt and Russia in 2015 included the "Bastion" system with a maximum range of 300 km, noting that Egypt's acquisition of these systems is a logical and expected matter within the framework of a comprehensive development plan for the Egyptian navy that will include access to modern defense systems Off the coast of the country, in a process to replace old systems.

The source continued: "The Bastion system is considered one of the most important and best effective and deterrent systems in the world, especially in light of the huge need to secure new naval bases and Egyptian economic areas in the eastern Mediterranean in front of two adversaries, such as the Israeli navy and the Turkish navy."

He added that a single system can protect 600 km of coast and secure a sea area of 100,000 square kilometers, and its batteries can include 18 vehicles and arm with Vertical Launch platforms, with a total of 36 rockets for the vehicle, with the ability to engage with 24 targets in the simultaneous launch mode.

So 600km of coastline and a sea area of 100,000 square kilometres for a single battery which includes 18 vehicles with a total of 36 rockets per vehicle that can target up to 24 targets simultaneously in a single launch mode is very impressive. No wonder the Israelis are a bit worried, but they don't need to be as long as they behave themselves. However, seeing the 300 km range in those circle radii suggests we could possible use a total of 5 batteries and not just 2. That, of course, depends on the cost of the system and if 2 is all that can be brought for now, so be it. If the interest is to also protect other areas such as the Red Sea coast and since the system can be used on land as well -- which makes it a phenomenal piece of defensive/offensive armament -- as well as being extremely mobile at the same time, they should acquire more than just 2 batteries and then they can move them around as needed, even to the west coast border. An interesting defensive layering between the S-300VM, the German IRIS-T-SLM (very glad they bought the medium range version of this SL missile) and this Bastion. They have a lot of sights to protect as well.

So 600km of coastline and a sea area of 100,000 square kilometres for a single battery which includes 18 vehicles with a total of 36 rockets per vehicle that can target up to 24 targets simultaneously in a single launch mode is very impressive. No wonder the Israelis are a bit worried, but they don't need to be as long as they behave themselves. However, seeing the 300 km range in those circle radii suggests we could possible use a total of 5 batteries and not just 2. That, of course, depends on the cost of the system and if 2 is all that can be brought for now, so be it. If the interest is to also protect other areas such as the Red Sea coast and since the system can be used on land as well -- which makes it a phenomenal piece of defensive/offensive armament -- as well as being extremely mobile at the same time, they should acquire more than just 2 batteries and then they can move them around as needed, even to the west coast border. An interesting defensive layering between the S-300VM, the German IRIS-T-SLM (very glad they bought the medium range version of this SL missile) and this Bastion. They have a lot of sights to protect as well.

Yes indeed.. and 2 batteries might be just the start to replace older systems like the Silkworm and the Otomat...etc

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