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Featured Egyptian President Sisi arrives in France to visit Macron for controversial visit

These arab world leaders are playing with fire and they will end up burning themselves. From recognizing Israel to getting cozy with Macron when he has committed Blasphemy and is attacking Muslims in France. These are bad move and these countries are heading towards second wave of Arab spring. My prediction is this time it would be arm uprisings, not just protests at Tahrir square.
These arab world leaders are playing with fire and they will end up burning themselves. From recognizing Israel to getting cozy with Macron when he has committed Blasphemy and is attacking Muslims in France. These are bad move and these countries are heading towards second wave of Arab spring. My prediction is this time it would be arm uprisings, not just protests at Tahrir square.
Time is with the masses
These arab world leaders are playing with fire and they will end up burning themselves. From recognizing Israel to getting cozy with Macron when he has committed Blasphemy and is attacking Muslims in France. These are bad move and these countries are heading towards second wave of Arab spring. My prediction is this time it would be arm uprisings, not just protests at Tahrir square.

Recognizing Israel is a totally separate issue from the France and blasphemy issue. There is nothing inherently anti-Islamic about recognizing Israel and making peace with Zionism.
I find it hypocritical for Pakistani Muslims to live in France where our Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is openly blasphemed against while Pakistan refuses to recognize Israel where mockery of Islam is totally a illegal. Why does Pakistan have a French embassy but not an Israeli embassy?
Recognizing Israel is a totally separate issue from the France and blasphemy issue. There is nothing inherently anti-Islamic about recognizing Israel and making peace with Zionism.
I find it hypocritical for Pakistani Muslims to live in France where our Prophet صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم is openly blasphemed against while Pakistan refuses to recognize Israel where mockery of Islam is totally a illegal. Why does Pakistan have a French embassy but not an Israeli embassy?
We consider Israel an illegitimate state and rightly so. We have raised voice against France and its actions along with Turkey when most leaders from Muslim world have chosen to be cowards. We would keep taking stand on Islam and for Muslims.
We consider Israel an illegitimate state and rightly so.

Israel is a legitimate state, internationally recognized, with a seat in the UN. It is only regarded as illegitimate by Muslim countries. Even your good friend China recognizes Israel, so why not Pakistan?
Israel is a legitimate state, internationally recognized, with a seat in the UN. It is only regarded as illegitimate by Muslim countries. Even your good friend China recognizes Israel, so why not Pakistan?
It's an illegitimate state. A state born as the result of a crime. Crime of grabbing Palestinian land and deriving its residents out of there. So yes it is an illegitimate state.
It's an illegitimate state. A state born as the result of a crime. Crime of grabbing Palestinian land and deriving its residents out of there. So yes it is an illegitimate state.

Typical pan-Arabist propaganda.
Israel was created as per the UN Partition Plan which the Arab states rejected because of their arrogance and racism. They attacked Israel without provocation in 1948. That was the original crime. Jews have continuously lived in Palestine going back thousands of years. There have been Jewish States in Palestine before even the name "Palestine" was invented (by the Romans)
Typical pan-Arabist propaganda.
Israel was created as per the UN Partition Plan which the Arab states rejected because of their arrogance and racism. They attacked Israel without provocation in 1948. That was the original crime. Jews have continuously lived in Palestine going back thousands of years. There have been Jewish States in Palestine before even the name "Palestine" was invented (by the Romans)
UN had no right to give that land to Israelis. Israel is illegitimate state and will vanish sooner or later.
Typical pan-Arabist propaganda.
Israel was created as per the UN Partition Plan which the Arab states rejected because of their arrogance and racism. They attacked Israel without provocation in 1948. That was the original crime. Jews have continuously lived in Palestine going back thousands of years. There have been Jewish States in Palestine before even the name "Palestine" was invented (by the Romans)
Do praytell, who handed Aelia to Muslims? What were it's accession clauses? How many jews were there?
Once you do that,
Do tell me what Jewish theology says about a jewish homeland and why they never tried to have one before... once done, See how many jew lived in what is now Israel before 1898? Who is Theodore Herzl? What and when world Jewish organization was formed? What is Der Judenstaat?What did sultan say to Herzl on his proposal to purchase Palestine? Did sultan still not allow all European jewry fleeing persecution and pogroms to resettle in his empire without doing a deal on Palestine?
What is Balfour Declaration?
What is Lehi or Irgun or Sicarii or Baruch Goldstein or Yakov Teitel?
So on and so forth? But you aren't concerned are you? Your purpose is not truth but blindsiding it a rather wilful amnesia, purposeful deceit or just plain ignorance...
But I'd let you define yourself!

Do tell me what Jewish theology says about a jewish homeland and why they never tried to have one before...

Ever heard of the Maccabees? They established a Jewish state after liberating Palestine from the Seleucids. Before that it was Prophet Joshua son of Nun who established the original Jewish state in Palestine, which lasted until the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem in the early 6th century BCE. So this is nothing new.
No reasonable person who is even passingly familiar with history can deny that Palestine was the original Jewish homeland going back thousands of years.
I find it strange that Pakistanis oppose the partition of Palestine under the UN plan but Pakistan itself was created as a consequence of a partition of India.
Ever heard of the Maccabees? They established a Jewish state after liberating Palestine from the Seleucids. Before that it was Prophet Joshua son of Nun who established the original Jewish state in Palestine, which lasted until the Babylonians attacked Jerusalem in the early 6th century BCE. So this is nothing new.
No reasonable person who is even passingly familiar with history can deny that Palestine was the original Jewish homeland going back thousands of years.
I find it strange that Pakistanis oppose the partition of Palestine under the UN plan but Pakistan itself was created as a consequence of a partition of India.
Is this your Jewish Theological answer?
It is actually a good exercise, who are Neturei Karta or Aguda? What are the Three Oaths?
It goes without saying that Zionism is secular, a reformed Judaism movement ...

Anyways, continue...
Is this your Jewish Theological answer?
It is actually a good exercise, who are Neturei Karta or Aguda? What are the Three Oaths?
It goes without saying that Zionism is secular, a reformed Judaism movement ...

Anyways, continue...

Neturei Karta are a tiny, insignificant faction. They number in the mere hundreds. They are a vocal and visible protest group and so its understandable people overestimate their importance. They are anti-Zionist, but the rest of the Haredi community is simply non-Zionist or apathetic.

From a theological perspective, the Haredi groups that are anti-Zionist don't even oppose Zionism on solid theological footing. Kabbalah itself is a departure from the rationalist and mainstream orthodox Judaism of Maimonides.
Zionism is neither secular nor religious, it is simply the idea that Jews are entitled to a state in their historic homeland. There are both secular and religious Zionists, among the prominent figures belonging to the latter category was Avraham Kook. The Jewish settler movement, those who wear knitted kippot, is a good example of religious Zionism.
Neturei Karta are a tiny, insignificant faction. They number in the mere hundreds. They are a vocal and visible protest group and so its understandable people overestimate their importance. They are anti-Zionist, but the rest of the Haredi community is simply non-Zionist or apathetic.

From a theological perspective, the Haredi groups that are anti-Zionist don't even oppose Zionism on solid theological footing. Kabbalah itself is a departure from the rationalist and mainstream orthodox Judaism of Maimonides.
Zionism is neither secular nor religious, it is simply the idea that Jews are entitled to a state in their historic homeland. There are both secular and religious Zionists, among the prominent figures belonging to the latter category was Avraham Kook. The Jewish settler movement, those who wear knitted kippot, is a good example of religious Zionism.
I see you always pivot to your comfort zone ... you lean on confirmation bias and not facts...
So let's back track to Herzl... was he according to you religious?
Perhaps, he was just a triggered guy venting on European Antisemitism? Perhaps... right
But then, was he even a semite? Ashkenazi, Sephardi or even Kabalah itself...
Anyways, I was sure you'd only pick Neturie Karta... it was too easy or perhaps your were that transparent...

Enough from me!
I see you always pivot to your comfort zone ... you lean on confirmation bias and not facts...
So let's back track to Herzl... was he according to you religious?
Perhaps, he was just a triggered guy venting on European Antisemitism? Perhaps... right
But then, was he even a semite? Ashkenazi, Sephardi or even Kabalah itself...
Anyways, I was sure you'd only pick Neturie Karta... it was too easy or perhaps your were that transparent...

Enough from me!

It doesn't matter if Herzl was religious or not. The point is Zionism isn't inherently an anti-religious concept for Jews. On the contrary, Zionism is quite in line with mainstream Judaic theology and thinking. Doesn't the Hebrew Bible say that the children of Israel have been given the Promised Land? Didn't King David establish Jerusalem as his capital?
Neturei Karta and those type of groups aren't even opposed to Zionism in principle. They merely claim that the Jews cannot establish a State in the Promised Land until the Messiah comes. And this doctrine of theirs is definitely not even established in the Hebrew Bible, it is based on their post-Biblical Rabbinic teachings. Judaism is based on 613 mitzvot, which mitzvah says not to establish a Jewish state until the Messiah comes?

Ashkenazi and Sephardic are both Semitic Jews. Jews are genetically very close to each other, they are closer to each other than they are to their host populations. That means the average Ashkenazi, Polish Jew is genetically closer to a Sephardic Iraqi Jew than he is to a non-Jewish Pole. And Ashkenazi Jews are likewise genetically very close to the other populations that inhabit the Middle East, including Palestinian Arabs.
It doesn't matter if Herzl was religious or not. The point is Zionism isn't inherently an anti-religious concept for Jews. On the contrary, Zionism is quite in line with mainstream Judaic theology and thinking. Doesn't the Hebrew Bible say that the children of Israel have been given the Promised Land? Didn't King David establish Jerusalem as his capital?
Neturei Karta and those type of groups aren't even opposed to Zionism in principle. They merely claim that the Jews cannot establish a State in the Promised Land until the Messiah comes. And this doctrine of theirs is definitely not even established in the Hebrew Bible, it is based on their post-Biblical Rabbinic teachings. Judaism is based on 613 mitzvot, which mitzvah says not to establish a Jewish state until the Messiah comes?

Ashkenazi and Sephardic are both Semitic Jews. Jews are genetically very close to each other, they are closer to each other than they are to their host populations. That means the average Ashkenazi, Polish Jew is genetically closer to a Sephardic Iraqi Jew than he is to a non-Jewish Pole. And Ashkenazi Jews are likewise genetically very close to the other populations that inhabit the Middle East, including Palestinian Arabs.
Did you just agree? So, Herzl doesn't count, the architect of Zionism! but subsequent foot soldiers do... interesting takeaway.
But forget about all of the above... since your argument is based on historic settlement... Do tell me when was the last time they ruled and inhabited that land?
Did Muslims exile them?
On what terms did Aelia(Jerusalem) accede to Muslim rule under Umar(R.A.) and what did their clauses demand of Muslim rule?
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