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Featured Egyptian President Sisi arrives in France to visit Macron for controversial visit

Did you just agree? So, Herzl doesn't count, the architect of Zionism! but subsequent foot soldiers do... interesting takeaway.
But forget about all of the above... since your argument is based on historic settlement... Do tell me when was the last time they ruled and inhabited that land?
Did Muslims exile them?
On what terms did Aelia(Jerusalem) accede to Muslim rule under Umar(R.A.) and what did their clauses demand of Muslim rule?

The architects of the Two Nation Theory were modernists. It was not originally construed as a religious idea, but subsequently Islamic Ulama analyzed it and justified it in light of Islamic Scriptures and theology, for example, Maulana Zafar Usmani who penned a text refuting Husain Ahmad Madani's Composite Nationalism. You simply have the same dynamic in the Jewish world regarding their internal debate on the religious validity of Zionism - religiously observant Rabbis on both sides of the debate disagreeing as to whether Zionism is in accord with Judaism or not.
The Arabs conquered Jerusalem in the 7th century, but has it always been under the same regime, dynasty, or state since then? Why should the modern day Palestinian nationalist movement be considered the rightful heir of sayyidina Umar's رضى الله عنه conquest of the Holy Land from the Romans and not the State of Israel? It's absurd to even discuss such a point. You're tying to say that the Jews welcomed sayyidina Umar's liberation of the Holy Land from the Romans who persecuted them, especially during the time of Heraclius which was still fresh in their collective memory at that point. Does that mean they agreed to be perpetually ruled by the Muslims for the next dozen centuries and more? Please be logical.
The British liberated the Punjabi Muslims from the oppression of Ranjit Singh's successors through the Anglo-Sikh wars. Muslims of Punjab by and large welcomed the British for relieving them of the yoke of the Sikhs. Does that mean the Muslims of Punjab consented to perpetual rule by the British and Pakistan shouldn't have been created?
The architects of the Two Nation Theory were modernists. It was not originally construed as a religious idea, but subsequently Islamic Ulama analyzed it and justified it in light of Islamic Scriptures and theology, for example, Maulana Zafar Usmani who penned a text refuting Husain Ahmad Madani's Composite Nationalism. You simply have the same dynamic in the Jewish world regarding their internal debate on the religious validity of Zionism - religiously observant Rabbis on both sides of the debate disagreeing as to whether Zionism is in accord with Judaism or not.
The Arabs conquered Jerusalem in the 7th century, but has it always been under the same regime, dynasty, or state since then? Why should the modern day Palestinian nationalist movement be considered the rightful heir of sayyidina Umar's رضى الله عنه conquest of the Holy Land from the Romans and not the State of Israel? It's absurd to even discuss such a point. You're tying to say that the Jews welcomed sayyidina Umar's liberation of the Holy Land from the Romans who persecuted them, especially during the time of Heraclius which was still fresh in their collective memory at that point. Does that mean they agreed to be perpetually ruled by the Muslims for the next dozen centuries and more? Please be logical.
The British liberated the Punjabi Muslims from the oppression of Ranjit Singh's successors through the Anglo-Sikh wars. Muslims of Punjab by and large welcomed the British for relieving them of the yoke of the Sikhs. Does that mean the Muslims of Punjab consented to perpetual rule by the British and Pakistan shouldn't have been created?
Logical! One word, the only word odd in your lastest pivot... this time on the crutches of TNT ....
Nothing of sort what so ever!
We just above discussed Zionism, settlement and treachery... British Raj was an existing amalgam of vicarious religious, linguistic and ethnic groups... Muslims were not fulfilling a historic prophecy nor mandate from haven to displace natives but a niche of their own as Brits parted, largely again on the backs of a fascist revisionist hindu rashtra... Britain by not dissecting India further has done a great disservice to the people of that land and horrors that followed and continue to give...

But we are not discussing that... a further diversion.
I wouldn't even bother with your extrapolation on accession of Aelia or Jewish exile, all of which have been consequential series of events duly rought on by overzealous charlatans with a historic grievance, a perpetual victim mentality and a mandate of haven for revisionism...

Last from me!
We consider Israel an illegitimate state and rightly so. We have raised voice against France and its actions along with Turkey when most leaders from Muslim world have chosen to be cowards. We would keep taking stand on Islam and for Muslims.
Lol, you people are nothing but jokers..

1) Jews were living in Arabs including Palestine and Madinah, even there was no Islam,no Muslims in whole Arab. How is Israel an illegitimate state ? Umar and other muslims kick out Jews from Arabs and then those Jews went to Europe and other part of the world, Now, Jews are coming to their homes (Israel), and 2nd once again Muslims sold Israel soil to Jews for money, even Muslims were selling Jews soil to Jews in balfour declaration, please check in Google..
2) Ask Erdogan of Turkey to Revoke Israel Recognization like Irani Mullah did in Past..
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These arab world leaders are playing with fire and they will end up burning themselves. From recognizing Israel to getting cozy with Macron when he has committed Blasphemy and is attacking Muslims in France. These are bad move and these countries are heading towards second wave of Arab spring. My prediction is this time it would be arm uprisings, not just protests at Tahrir square.
Did any Muslim country you know of cut relationships with France?
And don't predict..that is Kofr in Islam.. Allah only knows.. and knows better..
the strange thing is that those Pakistani hypocrites criticizing Elsisi for visiting France .... while they are cooperating with China that kills Muslims ( as their Turkish role model says )

stop talking about things above your IQ level .

The Chinese are brutal to all their populations including their own if they step out of line

Look it up

Xtians, Buddhists, Han Chinese looking for alternatives it's all the same to them

The french president insulted our prophet,, yet the Arabs can't find five minutes of backbone where they can't suck Jew or white balls
Lol, you people are nothing but jokers..

1) Jews were living in Arabs including Palestine and Madinah, even there was no Islam,no Muslims in whole Arab. How is Israel an illegitimate state ? Umar and other muslims kick out Jews from Arabs and then those Jews went to Europe and other part of the world, Now, Jews are coming to their homes (Israel), and 2nd once again Muslims sold Israel soil to Jews for money, even Muslims were selling Jews soil to Jews in balfour declaration, please check in Google..
2) Ask Erdogan of Turkey to Revoke Israel Recognization like Irani Mullah did in Past..

They declared a Jew state upon a existing Muslim Arab population

A Muslim local population who didn't want foreign Jews in their land and did not want a apartheid Jew state imposed upon them

What's so difficult to understand

Why should Muslims accept a colonial state set up in their midst?
He will ... just follow the news in the upcoming days

the strange thing is that those Pakistani hypocrites criticizing Elsisi for visiting France .... while they are cooperating with China that kills Muslims ( as their Turkish role model says )

stop talking about things above your IQ level .

If you would take the time to research, my dear friend, then you would realize that the Uyghur issue is not one of Islam, rather it one based on national turkic identity. As the americans continue their onslaught against China, the Uyghur issue has been politicized by the americans.

And in so far as role models go, Pakistanis ought to only have one, which is Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam. Turkish Muslims are our brothers, just as Egyptian Muslims, Arab Muslims, Indonesian/Malaysian Muslims and Iranian Muslims. The policies of their govts however, are different matter and we criticize wherever they are doing this not in accordance with Islam. I personally have lambasted Turkish Govt's decision to convert Hagia Sofia into a Masjid. I o not care for any nationalistic buffoon attacking me for my stance based on my faith (Islam). I have also thrashed the Najdi States for their recognition of the illegal and illegitimate state of israel. I have zero allegiance to the Najdi-Sauds, the Turk Govt, the Azerbaijani Govt or the Iranian one.

So you can talk nationalism or defend your leader all you want. Whereas I and (I hope) my fellow Pakistanis stand by our faith Allah Subhanahu Wata'aalah and stand behind our Nabi Muhammad Alaihi Salaat-u-Wassalam.
They declared a Jew state upon a existing Muslim Arab population

A Muslim local population who didn't want foreign Jews in their land and did not want a apartheid Jew state imposed upon them

What's so difficult to understand

Why should Muslims accept a colonial state set up in their midst?

I said Jews were living even before Christians and Muslims in land which is now divided b/w Israel+Palestine,
Jews were also living in Israel and Madinah, even when Islam was not born in Arab,
Then after Islam, Jews were kicked by Muslim Caliph Umar from whole Arab,

When Jews were kicked by Muslims, they went to Europe and other part of world,
So, how they are foreign Jews ?

So, After World War 2 , Jews came to their home (Israel), and gave the name to it Israel,
In reality they came to their home, 2nd, after World War 1, Jews bought land from rulers of Arabs, which is now called Israel+Palestine by balfour declaration, Check in google,

In reality, Jews bought their own land from Muslims, that were snatch by Muslims

You are ignoring historical facts...

In Islam, Makkah is the mostly holy place for Muslims while for Jews Jerusalem
, After World War 2 , Jews came to their home (Israel), and gave the name to it Israel,

Those Jews were not from Palestine

They were French men and Germans and Americans what right did they have to turning up in the middle East and declaring a state upon a people who had lived there for hundreds if not thousands of years

The Palestinians were the local people

They did not agree to a Jew state
They did not agree to a colonial state to be declared around them

By a house off a local dosent allow you to declare a state

This injustice upon the people of Palestine will not be forgiven,

Israel controls all of Gaza, West Bank but imprisons the Palestinians in open air ghettos

Time is on our side

The Jews will pay for this and they will not be in a position to ask why do they hate us

Don't let the retarded Arab regimes confuse you
Ah yes, El Sisi.
Man's gonna sell the entire country before leaving office, a hundred percent.
Ah yes, El Sisi.
Man's gonna sell the entire country before leaving office, a hundred percent.
Very true, half of the country is already in jail, the number of executions he does on monthly basis were never even done on yearly basis. Yet all the hypocrits support them because he tows their line, buy weapons (while people are starving on streets) as he is making sure that the Israel should never have any threat in the region.
Those Jews were not from Palestine

They were French men and Germans and Americans what right did they have to turning up in the middle East and declaring a state upon a people who had lived there for hundreds if not thousands of years

The Palestinians were the local people

They did not agree to a Jew state
They did not agree to a colonial state to be declared around them

By a house off a local dosent allow you to declare a state

This injustice upon the people of Palestine will not be forgiven,

Israel controls all of Gaza, West Bank but imprisons the Palestinians in open air ghettos

Time is on our side

The Jews will pay for this and they will not be in a position to ask why do they hate us

Don't let the retarded Arab regimes confuse you
All those fake DNA tests are made by Jews who try to prove that they have blood connection to that land.

It is enough to look at the face of average Ashkenazi to realize that these Jew's true ancestors are Russians, Ukrainians, Poles, Germans, Italians.

These European converts must return back to Europe---the land of their true ancestors.

On the other hand modern Palestinians are descendants of the Arabized/Islamized aboriginals of that land---even Jewish leaders admit it themselves

According to well known Jewish historian Bernard Lewis:

No doubt, the original inhabitants were never entirely obliterated, but in the course of time they were successively Judaized, Christianized, and Islamized. Their language was transformed to Hebrew, then to Aramaic, then to Arabic

Zionist thinker Ahad Ha'am believed that, "the Moslems [of Palestine] are the ancient residents of the land ... who became Christians on the rise of Christianity and became Moslems on the arrival of Islam.

Ber Borochov, one of the key ideological architects of Marxist Zionism, claimed as early as 1905 that, "The Fellahin in Eretz-Israel are the descendants of remnants of the Hebrew agricultural community," believing them to be descendants of the ancient Hebrew- residents 'together with a small admixture of Arab blood

David Ben-Gurion and Yitzhak Ben Zvi, later becoming Israel's first Prime Minister and second President, respectively, suggested in a 1918 paper written in Yiddish that Palestinian peasants and their mode of life were living historical testimonies to Israelite practices in the biblical period

In his book on the Palestinians, The Arabs in Eretz-Israel, Belkind advanced the idea that the dispersion of Jews out of the Land of Israel after the destruction of the Second Temple by the Roman emperor Titus is a "historic error" that must be corrected. While it dispersed much of the land's Jewish community around the world, those "workers of the land that remained attached to their land," stayed behind and were eventually converted to Christianity and then Islam

So Palestinians have more rights on that land than these white European or Morrocan/Spanish converts
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Very true, half of the country is already in jail, the number of executions he does on monthly basis were never even done on yearly basis. Yet all the hypocrits support them because he tows their line, buy weapons (while people are starving on streets) as he is making sure that the Israel should never have any threat in the region.
Perhaps the only achievement of his reign would be building the new capital and that even *cough* with heavy loans from China.
Then after Islam, Jews were kicked by Muslim Caliph Umar from whole Arab,

When Jews were kicked by Muslims, they went to Europe and other part of world,
So, how they are foreign Jews ?


Must be great when you can make stuff out of thin air... or work for Onion... on the flip side it becomes an interesting story when you put to words whatever narrative is brewing in your mind... my guess is you're probably a kid and my advice, start reading.
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