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Egyptian Military detains a Pakistani citizen.

dark in sky dun play, you deleted your post..better for you..don't write anything about muslims and you called them hybrid..

jihadist like you even know about islam? you called me names, low life inbred
jihadist like you even know about islam? you called me names, low life inbred

I am not putting up in Karachi you gangster..Stop shagging your dad Altaf and think for a while..Your post about muslims told me what you are upto..so please shut your gob up and teach your version of Islam in madarssah of Karachi and not to me.
In bahrain the pakistan armys recruitment arm exclusively provided the merceneries. Do u think they will recruit for assad or israelis? General pasha the ex ISI chief is helping UAE build an intelligence agency. He certainly has written permission from pakistani state for taking up such an assignment. Who do you think that agency will be used against but Iran?

Please don't live in denial in the face of irrefutable facts.

Iran has never accused Pakistan of any such thing and Iran itself has meddled in Bahrain so it would be one to talk anyway. :lol:

WhyTF are we giving excuses to them? Was the Pakistani national Mohmmad Erfan the " Muezzin " a secuirty personnel?
Were those Pakistanis in this video below subhumans to be treated that way by " freedom " fighters?
Terrorists attacking Pakistani residents in Bahrain - YouTube

He was among the cell the Egyptian MoI arrested last night.

You are right but I wasn't trying to make excuses for anything instead I was just throwing the Indian a bone by trying to educate him.
You are right but I wasn't trying to make excuses for anything instead I was just throwing the Indian a bone by trying to educate him.

If Iran is meddling in Bahrain, then, why Pakistan doesn't fulfill its commitments to Bahrain? Especially when both sides had signed an agreement on mutual cooperation against terrorism.
If Iran is meddling in Bahrain, then, why Pakistan doesn't fulfill its commitments to Bahrain? Especially when both sides had signed an agreement on mutual cooperation against terrorism.

Those mutual cooperation agreements are not worth the paper they are written on though.
I hardly think that Pakistan won't fulfill its commitments :) ..

True, but the thing is that he was arrested among other foreigners. :undecided:

What do you want Pakistan to do, Pakistan already has its hands full with its own mess. :pop:
Why are non-Egyptians participating in such violent protests or demonstrations anyway ? They have no say in this.

Just deport our citizen, 'in one piece without being tortured' - we don't give a shitt about anyone else.
Troll,,,, u guys only ll listen to chinese & Us,,,anyways,,,,,

,if visas r open ,,may be i ll have to update my bro who shall update this to his pakistani room mate ,,,:closed:

Well tell your bro to keep himself up to date as the visas for Pakistani families have been open now, and that too for more then a month. So please, try a different troll.
Iran has never accused Pakistan of any such thing and Iran itself has meddled in Bahrain so it would be one to talk anyway. :lol:

You are changing your argument now because I gave clear instances of pakistanis getting involved in the middle east for the right price. It does not matter what iran does, u made a ridiculous claim that pakistan does not get involved in middle east.
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