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Egyptian Armed Forces


Extreme flexibility in the field of armaments and the best option for Egypt as a light fighter as quality and performance for a price and also the ease of technology transfer. Egypt does not buy a squadron of fighters unless it is only from as an experimental stage for a better version, especially as it is superior to the Korean FA-50 in performance and the tender is still ongoing and has not ended.
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Extreme flexibility in the field of armaments and the best option for Egypt as a light fighter as quality and performance for a price and also the ease of technology transfer. Egypt does not buy a squadron of fighters unless it is only from as an experimental stage for a better version, especially as it is superior to the Korean FA-50 in performance and the tender is still ongoing and has not ended.
When India will mass produce and the aircraft begin to mature then the countries will start buy them. Why would we buy something that isn't matured. I will be ok when it becomes mature.

Who knows maybe it will be a khorda/خردة
When India will mass produce and the aircraft begin to mature then the countries will start buy them. Why would we buy something that isn't matured. I will be ok when it becomes mature.

Who knows maybe it will be a khorda/خردة


The aircraft has already been produced 50 of them for the version TEJAS Mk1 is not under testing
The updates related to the avionics radar are what is being tested now, and India also achieved good results, unlike the Korean version FA-50, which even a radar was not selected for and will be reduced to increase the volume of fuel for its modest range, low speed, weaker maneuver and higher price. The problem in the main is the propaganda that suggests that the Korean plane is better Only because of the Korean propaganda and the high levels of bribery offered to promote the Indian plane during the entry of 50 aircraft into service. Is there any complaint about it? Stability on the GE-414 engine, but rather the weakest engine of the Korean version with a thrust capacity of 17,700 pounds, which affected the speed, acceleration, maneuvering, and work height due to the thrust capacity deal. So the real scrap is the one that will pay amounts that do not match the performance and have no value. How is the Korean plane chosen and a missile is not integrated The AIM-120 has, while the Indian aircraft, a more flexible and diversified ammunition package
Why is the comparison of the specifications not done softly, instead of giving bad adjectives without any evidence? Is it only because of the illusion that football has been chosen and has become better?


Abd al-Hamid al-Awni is a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and a propaganda tool for Turkey. Therefore, you always see everything he releases based on incidents of glorification of Turkey and hostility to Egypt, but at the same time we can extract other things.
Including that Egypt implemented the T-90MS deal
Egypt did not give up on the Su-35
The Russians are expanding their economic activities in Egypt. Simply put, the Russians transfer part of their investments that were sent to Europe to other countries such as Egypt and African countries.
Also, the Russians will stay away from investing in real estate in Turkey because of the corruption of their sons’ operations and the bad reputation of Turkish real estate. Therefore, the beneficiaries will be the Egyptians who will provide an additional investment in real estate to Egypt.

The American side did not satisfy the Egyptians. On the contrary, the more American pressures increased, the more Egypt turned to other sources. Egypt, like all countries, suffers damage from the American policy to raise interest and use the dollar as a tool to impoverish countries. Therefore, staying away from the dollar is better for Egypt.
Egypt also benefits from expanding cooperation activities with Russia, India and China, as it will simply buy weapons from them in national currencies at a much lower cost, and also by transferring technology. Should Egypt care about an American objection, especially since Western weapons had no real effectiveness in Ukraine in exchange for their continuous destruction?

The Muslim Brotherhood thinks that the process of acquiring weapons is by choice of the head of state, and this is not his competence in the first place. There is a specialized body for weapons and ammunition that selects weapons and not succumbing to American pressure
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When India will mass produce and the aircraft begin to mature then the countries will start buy them. Why would we buy something that isn't matured. I will be ok when it becomes mature.

Who knows maybe it will be a khorda/خردة
Egypt is eying only the matured systems and weapons of the Tejas.. not the whole plane!..
Egypt also benefits from expanding cooperation activities with Russia, India and China, as it will simply buy weapons from them in national currencies at a much lower cost, and also by transferring technology. Should Egypt care about an American objection, especially since Western weapons had no real effectiveness in Ukraine in exchange for their continuous destruction?
Very debatable if Western weapons had no real effectiveness then Russia should have ended the war in Mars 2022

Egypt is eying only the matured systems and weapons of the Tejas.. not the whole plane!..
I am ok with matured systems and weapons but Tejas it selves isn't. Every competition Tejas has entered as candidates lost like in Malaysia, Argentina, Philippines near future Egypt. So it indicates something.
Tejas has not entered into any agreement other than after the completion of its manufacturing facility
Securing and rehabilitating another line that was used to collect diesel fuel only to receive CLH production

Very debatable if Western weapons had no real effectiveness then Russia should have ended the war in Mars 2022

I am ok with matured systems and weapons but Tejas it selves isn't. Every competition Tejas has entered as candidates lost like in Malaysia, Argentina, Philippines near future Egypt. So it indicates something.
This war is unlike any war that occurred before it
A new and large theater of operations and support
Take an inventory of what was obtained from all countries of Ukraine and you will see
Tejas has not entered into any agreement other than after the completion of its manufacturing facility
Securing and rehabilitating another line that was used to collect diesel fuel only to receive CLH production

This war is unlike any war that occurred before it
A new and large theater of operations and support
Take an inventory of what was obtained from all countries of Ukraine and you will see
What will it replace? The Gazelle or what?
Didn't India offer Hal Dhruv which looks very similar to Gazelle?
Very debatable if Western weapons had no real effectiveness then Russia should have ended the war in Mars 2022

I am ok with matured systems and weapons but Tejas it selves isn't. Every competition Tejas has entered as candidates lost like in Malaysia, Argentina, Philippines near future Egypt. So it indicates something.

It is clear that some do not understand what is happening in Ukraine
The volume of Western military support to Ukraine exceeded 120 billion dollars
Economic support exceeded 200 billion dollars
More sanctions on Russia

10 packages of sanctions against Russia

That is, simply Russia is facing 43 NATO countries, Australia, Japan and South Korea

The Ukrainian army before the war had more than 6,000 Soviet tanks and armored vehicles
The Ukrainian Air Force had 200 combat aircraft, 300 helicopters and more than 300 air defense batteries.

With the massive support of Ukraine
Far from the western propaganda of Laros, they announce that their total losses are 1,000 tanks. Another report does not exceed 2,000 tanks. 1,000 of them have been repaired, in exchange for the huge number of Ukrainian losses from tanks.
The Russians lost 45 fighter jets

The Russians announced the annexation of 4 Ukrainian regions and seized 20% of the state of Ukraine, which has an area of 600,000 square kilometers.

The Western weapons package now includes everything, Western tanks and Western planes. The West is forced to provide it because Europe and the countries allied with them no longer have to provide eastern tanks to Ukraine or eastern fighters.

We come to another point, the Russians are using paramilitary forces such as Wagner and the Chechens, and old weapons from the Soviet era. The Russians have pumped more than 1,000 T-62 tanks, and they are maintaining 10,000 T-90 and T-72 tanks, and 3,000 T-80 tanks.

The Russians have raised the production capacities of the Russian military complex to manufacture us, because at least 1,000 tanks per year are being developed, and they are developing a similar number.
Double the production of drones
The Russians have doubled the production of air defense systems, which now exceed the production of America and Europe together
They turned to cheap solutions and cheap weapons in exchange for huge losses for Ukraine. For example, they used SHAHD-136 at a price of 14,000 dollars against an AMRAAM missile worth 1.5 million dollars. They saw an IRIS-T missile worth 700,000 dollars. They launched several fake balloons to drain the Ukrainians, in exchange for which the Ukrainians launched AIM-120 missiles to shoot them down.
There is an Israeli report more than a week ago that shows the real losses of Russia and Ukraine, as the losses of the Russians do not exceed 40,000, while the losses of the Ukrainians amounted to 120,000.

That is, the Russians maintain the Russian army with the help of the forces of Qajner and the Chechens, and they preserve their equipment by using old equipment

On the battlefield, the Russians are destroying the Ukrainian infrastructure, completing the seizure of 4 regions, which they announced their annexation, and for two months to the day they have been achieving victory over the Ukrainians, and the Ukrainian cities have fallen.

The West does not have the ability to supply ammunition to Ukraine because Ukraine fires 7,000 rounds a day from artillery and Western factories are unable to compensate for the losses. The Russians fire more than 20,000 rounds a day and get rid of all old Russian weapons and ammunition.
The Russians seized the lands and wealth of Ukraine worth 12,000 billion dollars
Russia's defense spending is $89 billion
The Russians made them the best currency that achieved profit in 2022 and its value increased

Russian exports soared
The Russians spread in Africa and Asia, and even the countries affiliated with the West, the Russians expanded their economic expansion there, such as Turkey and the UAE

The Russians offer a strategic advantage to dealing with them in national currencies and by barter
Dealing with commercial facilities for countries to implement projects with longer grace periods as long as countries undertake to pay in the future
They undertake to set up factories and implement infrastructure projects
They offer their latest weapons to transfer technology. The SU-75 is manufactured in India and countries such as Egypt, T-14 tanks for India, and perhaps Egypt as well.
They offer Russian weapons to Egypt in Russian rubles, that is, without dollar pressure

The world is now against the United States, playing against it, and the governments complicit with it see an economic loss for their countries because of the dollar. Consequently, losing to the American will, countries are forced to not care about the interests of America

The Russians will inevitably win, because they said that if you do not win, we will use nuclear weapons
America is now bringing back terrorist groups such as al-Qaeda and ISIS against Russia, and it will not succeed this time
The economies are suffering in Europe and America.
America fails to pay its debts
China encouraged and imposed economic sanctions on the American Lockheed Martin and Raytheon
Oria governments collapsed and new governments come and change
Europe's economy is shrinking. In the Eurozone, 17% of its factories have been closed
Energy prices doubled several times due to the sanctions against Russia. The Russians found other customers other than Europe, China, India, Southeast Asia, Africa.
The Russians announced the end of the era of America's domination of the world
All countries see America as a burden and an economic enemy
So who is victorious?


"البنك الوطني الأوكراني" يقدّر المبلغ الإجمالي للمساعدات المالية ومن ضمنها العسكرية التي حصلت عليها كييف هذا العام بـ120 مليار دولار.

قدّر البنك الوطني الأوكراني، اليوم الأربعاء، المبلغ الإجمالي للمساعدات المالية المباشرة والعسكرية التي حصلت عليها كييف في عام 2022، بعشرات مليارات الدولارات.

وذكر البنك في بيان أنّ "المبلغ الإجمالي للمساعدات الرسمية المعلنة والمقدمة من الدول الشريكة يتجاوز بالفعل 120 مليار دولار".

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، وافق مجلس الاتحاد الأوروبي على آلية جديدة لمساعدة أوكرانيا في عام 2023 بمبلغ 18 مليار يورو (19.1 مليار دولار)، بحسب البيان.

وقال رئيس لجنة السياسة المالية والضرائب والجمارك في البرلمان الأوكراني، دانيل جتمانتسيف، أمس الثلاثاء، إنّ الدين العام للبلاد تجاوز 107.46 مليار دولار، حتى نهاية تشرين الثاني/نوفمبر.

وفي وقتٍ سابق اليوم، أعلنت كييف اتفاق الرئيس الأوكراني فلاديمير زيلينسكي والرئيس التنفيذي لشركة "بلاك روك"، لاري فينك، على تنسيق الاستثمار في "إعادة إعمار أوكرانيا".

زيلينسكي: يلزمنا 17 مليار دولار لإعمار أوكرانيا.. ولم نحصل على أي "سنت"

يُذكَر أنّ الرئيس الأوكراني، فولوديمير زيلنيسكي، طالب واشنطن خلال لقائه الرئيس الأميركي جو بايدن في واشنطن الأسبوع الفائت، بتسريع وتيرة مساعداتها لكييف.

المفوضية الأوروبية: الحزمة العاشرة من العقوبات ضد روسيا تتضمن قيودا بـ 11 مليار يورو​


1st LCA trainer FOC for IAF

We have already made it clear that cooperation with India is better than cooperation with South Korea for economic and technical reasons

The Egyptian economic crisis, due to both administration and corruption, forces the Egyptian state to cooperate more with India, China and Russia

Simply because these countries offer trade exchange and arms purchases in national currencies, thus eliminating the American control over the countries’ economies and weakening them.
The real price of the dollar in Egypt does not exceed 10 pounds, while the official price is 30 dollars, and in the unofficial market it is 40 pounds.

Egyptian trade exchange with India is increasing
7.26 billion dollars instead of 6 billion dollars, and they target 12 billion dollars
Russian trade increased from 4.5 to 6 billion dollars

Trade exchange with America, Europe and South Korea is shrinking

India will surpass South Korea in the field of technical development and even the level of development of military industrialization, so it introduced the private sector in military industrialization, so there is a speed in the development of equipment and its quality

Arms sales deals are not only an integrated corruption system, but also political factors
Malaysia, for example, is among the group of countries that are subject to the international organization of the Muslim Brotherhood and affiliated with the United States, so its choice will be Korean.
It suffers from difficulty because the Malaysian Ministry of Finance believes that the Korean plane is not superior and its price is higher than the Indian plane, besides that Turkey and Pakistan refuse Malaysia to obtain the Indian plane LCA

India is offering Egypt to become a center for manufacturing Indian weapons and exporting them to Africa and the Arab countries. Egypt has signed contracts with South Korea that have not been implemented since 2010 to make Egypt a center for the production and manufacture of Korean weapons for export.

Egypt was unable to market its capabilities, as Egypt has a military factory of 200, its capacity is greater than the capabilities of South Korea in the production of tanks and self-propelled self-propelled guns, which operate at low energy, and it failed to market it as a production center for export because there are American restrictions against cooperation with Egypt or allowing through America, Europe and their allies that the development of Egypt is capable
The Indians, the volume of their investments in Egypt, is growing by an order of magnitude better than the Koreans
There are even investment programs that have failed in 8 years
Such as the Korean Petrochemical Complex, which has been promoting it since 2014, while Egypt is moving to increase trade exchange and increase Indian investments in Egypt.
India is a country with a population of 1.5 billion, and therefore, for Egypt, it is a good market for Egyptian products, while the volume of trade exchange with South Korea is low.

The Indians have easier technology transfer than the Koreans, so Egypt benefits more at a lower cost and fewer technical restrictions. The Indians declared that the production of the LCA aircraft in Egypt is an entry point for the development of the aircraft industry. India even accepts the development of equipment according to the Egyptian demands. On the unsurpassed design, China is still superior to its Z-10ME aircraft. There are proposed programs for cooperation with India, such as the CASA-295 / C390 aircraft, and the manufacture of civil aircraft components in cooperation with India. The story is not a current specification for Indian equipment.

The AKASH air defense system is modest in performance at the level of the missile, but the fire and radar management system is advanced, and the Indians developed the AKASH-NG missile. Therefore, the project is an introduction to the development of locally manufactured radar systems. The same is true in the electronics industry. Korean products are always sold at a high price due to the nature of the corona in achieving large profits, while Indian offers work. To further reduce the price of their products by expanding export markets
India is establishing an industrial zone in Egypt and pledges to double the investments, thus the economic feasibility of Egypt becomes better

Indian, Chinese and Russian competition with Korea, Europe and America provides Egypt with a better advantage. The West refuses to supply advanced weapons to Egypt in quantities sufficient for Egyptian needs and at good prices. The availability of eastern alternatives forces the West to present better and more attractive offers. For example, when Italy refuses to supply the EUROFIGHTER TYPHOON, Egypt turns to China for the FC-31 and the Russians. They enter with the offer of the SU-75 plane. It is natural for Egypt to turn to a tender for which the Russians and the Chinese compete. India remains wanted by Egypt because it offers Egypt the transfer of technologies that even China and Russia do not allow because they see that it will reduce their arms confiscations to Egypt.

India has superiority in some technologies such as high-speed ballistic missiles, hypersonic missiles and ammunition at a low cost. Basic technologies are required to bypass the development periods of weapons from long to faster instead of spending time and a longer period of time on them locally.
The Indians, the process of developing weapons for them, began to decline as a result of the entry of the private sector instead of the government sector, and also India’s tendency to reduce levels of corruption. They have the transfer of technology from India to Egypt, providing the development of military equipment at a lower cost commensurate with benefiting from the experiences of the Russian-Ukrainian war, which required a wide spread of low-cost effective weapons.

MBT features a companion UAV to improve situational awareness.

To illustrate simple examples, the Korean K2 tank was sold at a price of 17.7 million dollars to Poland. Korea will offer Egypt an additional discount on the price to be sold to Egypt at a price of 15 million dollars. We indicated the development of a tank locally or even the production of advanced copies of the T-90MS tank at a price not exceeding 4.5 million dollars, which also allows Egypt to spend on developing it. And supplying it with UAV planes, even integrating missiles into the tower, as well as an accompanying robot, as well. The cost of the tank developed with this equipment will not exceed $5 million.
We come to the nature of wars

The Russians, for example, aim this year to provide their shields with new ammunition with better penetration and range capabilities for Russian tanks.
And provide them with massive amounts of SWARM aircraft
Even RPG-7 projectiles are carried by drones at a cost not exceeding $800 per aircraft.
To meet the German Abrams and Leopard 2 tanks
As well as 1,000 Marker and Uran 9 robots, Western tanks will face 1,000 robots and 2,000 suicide drones, the inevitable result.

Let us give a simple example. India can support Egypt in producing your diesel quarry for tanks by transferring some technologies, whether its engine is 1400 horsepower, or developing a new diesel engine with Egypt at a lower cost and less technical conditions, or even Egypt producing a locally developed version of the American engine AGT-1500.

A possible deal to supply 35 aircraft of HAL Tejas LCA Mk-1A to Argentina and Egypt​

Frontier India News Network
By Frontier India News Network
February 16, 2023
India is in talks with Egyptian and Argentine officials over supplying 35 Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) Tejas LCA Mk-1A aircraft, writes data analytics and consulting company GlobalData.
According to Chandan Kumar Nayak, Defense Analyst at GlobalData, the contracts will help the country achieve its vision of developing more advanced aircraft with indigenous components such as the Uttam active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar and the Unified Electronic Warfare Suite (UEWS), which have been promoted under the self reliance initiative. Additional steps are likely to be implemented as part of the programme to encourage local military industries to participate in the supply chain and strengthen self-reliance on the local market. Self reliance is a theme promoted by successive governments since independence.
In recent years, there has been a greater emphasis on indigenization, which has reoriented domestic military industries to seek out global markets. Indian defence equipment producers are currently focused on improving their R&D and manufacturing skills to support indigenous initiatives.
According to reports, the proposed agreement for Egypt will involve a full transfer of technology (ToT) to encourage the manufacture of Tejas aircraft on Egyptian soil. In contrast, Argentina’s procurement will require replacing its old fleet of Lockheed Martin’s A-4AR Fightinghawks. If these agreements are signed, the Tejas LCA Mk-1 will be the first combat aircraft transferred from India to another country. GlobalData forecasts that the transactions will produce $1.5-2 billion in income for HAL.
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