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Egyptian Armed Forces

Hey @Foinikas, what does the average greek think of the average egyptian? I know they they're both close nations but I never new they LOVE eachother to death like the way I've heard
Actually they don't say much. I think they just consider Egypt as a friendly country and probably feel easier visiting Egypt than visiting let's say...what,Saudi Arabia? I know traders and fishermen have great relations.
Three weapons that brought Egypt safety and deterrence against Israel

That was a tremendous video, ma bro. Even though that guy sounds like a very informative fellow and his beautiful intruduction to all his videos is never gone unnoticed by myself and I'm sure many others, not sure what it is about the way he speaks in short sentences that really irk me looool. I don't know, fellas, I've been a bit grouchy lately so I apoliogize ahead of time but I forget the moment where he spoke of the radar inside its own protective sphere (which if you've really paid attention to a lot more new naval designs, that was actually an old WWII weather protective element that now has many other functions including anti HARM protection amongst others but because of either MTCR regulations or whatever the reason may be, the actual AESA radar with an approximate (alleged lol) distance of 120km can be practically doubled once the radar plates open and expand and the actual reach changes from an AESA radar to a PESA and then closes back to confirm not only IFF on said object, but almost EXACTLY predetermined location discovered by the AESA. That as one of the best parts of the entire video which also showed us more of that action you @joker88 and me were talking about as far as having more of those crisscrossing missile tubes which in the case of the awesome Bergamini FREMM are considered torpedo launchers,

Which brings me to another topic we were discussing earlier and that is how well watched our jew neighbors are especially lately with every new F-35 that shows up there and of course the absurdity of the disgustingly apartheid situation happening there against the poor Palestinians not only in Ghaza who've been suffering the brunt of the brutal modern-day nazi occupation abuse and murder they've been getting away with, but with the absolutely brutal assaulting and viczious beating and treatment happening to the poor Palestinians who've lived in the West Bank longer than the world ISIS (oops) meant Israel was ever uttered as a worldly disrupting entity and speaking of the world, where the FRIG is the outcry similarly to that happening to the Ukrainians? Oh yeah, they're brown people who passed sweets when the towers collapsed which wasn't probably the smartest thing to do but we're not talking about intelligence in that type of activity, we're talking tradition. Two totally different things.

But I digress, someone from the jew entity who flipped his coping mind about 1/3 out population walking right over and taking control of the lousy 8 million people living there and the entire territory since we know quite well the hatred of that entity in that area is worst than it might ever have been that once they see about 35 million Egyptian people walking over for that cause, they would be coming from every direction and I warned him after he threatened his usual bull steaming dung about nukes is that Egypt has been studying for quite some time all the possibbilities of where the sources of firing them would be from which with almost all powerful navies (which is jew one is hardly anywhere near there) would be submarines. Lots of obvous reasons why but mainly because of their stalhtyness and hard to find and not just that, once detected, to destroy before it fires its deadly amo. THIS is why one of the most primary reasons Egypt has invested in sonar technology since the early-mid 1970's is EXACTLY that.

It's no mistake and no applause by any means to suggest the jews are pretty smart and even actually very intelligent people that I'm sure they have several other methods to deploy their jerryjokes (isn;t that what their called, Jerry jokes lmaaoooo) and her, as 10 Egyptian of any age, type, profession etc. if they would give up their lives for something like this and you would get a 10/10 yes answer on that question.

Now, we do have peace with those rabid Palestinian beaters (they need to change their stupid uniforms to "wife beaters) because of that one POS that beat that poor Palestinan girl sitting prostrating on the Al Aqsa ground praying to Allah (who's the same God as the Jews;) but did that brianless lowlife know that? So the sentiment is different and seening all those people walking that directions from Sinai, it would be coming from 8 other ones once that old, rusty, leaky, stinky, sckunky takes 6 SCALPs along with several Kh-35s and some other surprises that jerk force is not the only one that can destroy camel schacks after the fact and call them successfull nuclear reactors hahahaha. Osisris might have had some merit but the one in Syria was the biggest fart on the planet lmaoooooo. Anyway, sorry that was another long post but come Saturday, after a super long and physical work, I take a mid-mirning nap then wake up with all this writing energy. Hope it's half enjoyable.

And since I haven't been able to get you those 2 pizzas I promised you if I was wrong, here's probably a better gift. Speaking of Al Galal Bergamini FREMM,


Three weapons that brought Egypt safety and deterrence against Israel

I think that was the first video I was referring to but to add a it to it (hard to believe someone can write that much let lone read it but I think for us Masryeen it's more than interesting) he did mention some of the other better units we know more about that mainly use the ARK-160 (which BTW I still haven't gotten my paws on one of those "civilian uses pieces to check it out but InshaAllah next springtime when @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose & myself) get to a backyard full off cans of beers since I don't think he drinks any of that crap -- I certainly don') and we might have a chance to check out one of those bad larrys and see how heavy they are and how accurate and how heavy is the recoil I can imagine it's pretty intense but I have a feeling we'll be shooting a lot more of my Maadi Misrs InshaAllah. Got 3 of them each nicer than the other with a couple of ex-soviet state-built AKMs but like I told you my last tiime, my favorite and seems to be most accurate is my Chinese MAC-90 AK-47 cop7 which has the complete mahogany wood stock with the thumbhole bored into it. Not sure why, but it is SO FRIGGIN accurate just with regular eyesight and a lot of fun to hold with that especually designed stock. Then we'll go to the boring range to see how accurate our Baretta 9mm and Glock 17 & 22 is. :dance3:

Speaking of @joker88 , can you tell me if you think this is a custom-ready AW-149 for Egypt? I couldn't find a description, and neither could my best nephew in the world!


The problem of our S-300 is that our landscape of our beautiful country doesn't have natural obstacle like forest etc... where you can hide without being discovered.

It's a great point for sure and @The SC did answer it in quick format but are you ready to get the 9-million-word Gomiig irritation? looooool No, seriously. If you watch his video talk about installing part of the guidance radar system in the missile itself, that helps a lot as it's designed to take over once in the air. But of course the system has its own erectable radar that needs to be raised off the vehicle itself and raised to the max to get full radar view. but since we know the Egyptian Military has some of the best military engineers in the region, I'm sure they're formed a system where there is some form of remote control access to the main command and control sensor which takes over and then warns the radar vehicle to pop up and do a double check and either hide back underground and lure the jew F-zib and actually fire an unbearable salvo at it which then will trigger an air war they might have an advantage of when it comes to BVR but we have so much decoy to that BVR rubbish that many of the expected meteors and other IRST Ts that come with the Typhoons might need anti-spoofing to spoil that tech. A7hna been ghayar our methods and tech based on so many rears of intelligence and cooperation with others especially @Foinikas that guy has really helped us out a lot because they main enemy is a jew copycat. Not so much now but a lot of their previous and existing stuff is and I'm sure they didn't break any 3rd party rules they have with the jews, the HAF has WAAAAY too much integrity to do that but there are many other ways not to break the rules. That's one of the huge reasons we're such good budies but I bet you it has a lot more to do with the Polemic period with Egypt and now this new EZ naval contract and intense practicing we take with moth of those nations. If you think about it, who the heck else gets to use Gamal Abdel Nasser and Anwar Al Sadat like they own them? Eh da? Did we give them a pair of keys to each helicopter set cuz it sure seems that way LOLOL!

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