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Egyptian Armed Forces

What do you guys think of the Ramses 2 tank?
An obsolete tank in modern warfare. I am sure @Buschlaid can explain to you more about. And I think those tanks are stationed in our southern border with Sudan and gave some Haftar (I think). That's why I am eager to retire them change them with modern tanks.
@Hydration than the standard infantry is to be brought up to standard with better training , tactics, and strategy, cant just neglect the backbone of the force, hey @Gomig-21, I know you agree with this and how we want the best for our fighters on the front
@sami_1 any idea of this or no?

Swiftships TO ARMED UUV

Any armament planned for the future of military operations and the confrontation of various hostilities. Of course, we know our enemies on average and the extent of their technology. Therefore, the thought must be more developed and combine good management of operations to take advantage of all available technologies globally and not only rely on local production, because in this current we will benefit from The development of each country in armaments

The Egyptian frigates will be platforms to carry different weapons systems. First, there will be accompanying combat teams, whether for drones or naval helicopters, and accompanying drones carrying torpedoes and missiles
Self-armament will change quickly


The most important point in these frigates and crofts is their equipment
Whether sufficient energy to operate the armament systems, including laser guns, in the future
As well as electronic equipment, both radar systems and air battle management systems, as well as marine sonars, the highest development in its class
Because it is the basis of modernization for these frigates and their impact on naval battles

Armament will definitely change

Laser cannons will be added to it
Short-range missiles will be placed in organic armament

Simply, missiles like the Exocet do not represent any real defense for ships in the near future

Israel's surface-to-surface missiles have a range of at least 400 km
The Turks will deploy their missile with a range of 250-300 km
The Egyptian frigates outside the Egyptian coastal defense need advanced internal armament, contrary to the ancient Exocet. France only adds to this missile an update to match the newer systems in some points, but it does not have any real points of superiority.

It is considered one of the main defects in the Egyptian frigates

Egypt is interested in the local manufacture of the CIWS system, as well as short-range missiles, as the hostile drones that will be present in many of the independent ones will work in light of swarms that eliminate any single attack that requires a fire density for the Egyptian frigates operating alone and fighting groups

Frigates such as the MEKO-200EN will command unmanned missile launchers and underwater vehicles, which will lead an unmanned task force and UUV/USV/UAV
Within the units that will conduct joint combat operations
Therefore, there is not a great deal of focus primarily on the density of armaments on the surface as much as the interest in the leadership role of these units of Egyptian frigates and crofts

What do you guys think of the Ramses 2 tank?

Any war has a high rate of equipment consumption

Even old tanks can be turned into terrifying killing machines

India added, for example, 2 suicide drones with a range of one kilometer to the BMP-2

The tank was upgraded in 2004, there are areas to improve the engine capacity and armor for it, along with 105mm guided munitions, and even adding a half-inch RWS cannon fairer that has good accuracy to deal with drones.


The Ukrainians are still asking for any tanks to get, as they have already branched out European arms stores from old Soviet and Russian weapons, as well as stocks of Western weapons, which will make America benefit from arms deals of no less than 200 billion dollars to sell to Europe

Therefore, making use of any old equipment is always available and depends on the ideas and creativity that can be employed in this field

The cost of improving the locally for engine and developing its own capabilities will be nothing compared to buying a new tank, and the tank is still effective in mountainous areas such as Ethiopia.



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@Hydration than the standard infantry is to be brought up to standard with better training , tactics, and strategy, cant just neglect the backbone of the force, hey @Gomig-21, I know you agree with this and how we want the best for our fighters on the front
Well its constantly being upgraded so i see no issue other than our lack of APS systems on tanks and IFVs and we need to expand our drone role to tank and infantry level of support
Supposedly @Ghostkiller the range is 290km but that is the MTCR range. The real range is about 500km if you multiply .8 Mach by 30 minutes which is the endurance.

I see what you did there! lol. Sneaky sone of a gun (and I know you know that's not an insulate to any of your parents and in American jingo lingo is an actual compliment) but did you take both missiles and combine their actual MTCR of around300km to get the larger one? :D

I do think that UAE will resell the Mirages soon tbh and I would rather Egypt get them then Greece.

I hope so and never any offense to our greatest Greek friend @Foinikas but the HAF can take a hike and kick rocks when it comes to these loooool just kidding with you buddy.

I think the main reason we're seeing this happening is because you're seeing a lot of different training with EAF Mirage 2Ks and none others despite MBZ's comment. Although we really have no proof that the HAF or the some, not all super jealous Moroccans (many are very complementary of the EGY army but their association with purchasing jewish rubbish makes be want to barf my curry chicken all over but might also be doing the same training we just don't know about it. Afgharisto.

That would give EAF a much larger fleet and allow the MIGs and Rafales the A2A role while giving the main ground attack and stand-off role to the F-16s and Mirages.

Indeed. Imagine joining the Mirage and EFT AND Su-35SEs? Yelehwee.

Don’t know tbh but I can tell you that UAE got wayyy more ability to integrate stuff and do whatever they want with their Mirages then their F-16s.

It might be the same for Rafales but it’s too early to tell.

You know I thought that might have not have been the truth at first but then I realized how chill the French are with integrating new weapons and how buttmuch controlling the American military has over their crap. That is was it is ESSENTIAL to teach them a lesson no matter what the consequence are. The American losses can be replaced by Chinese or Russian let's see how much they're like that?

I think what the EGYT army is doing with its million ,man gear is ok for peace time, however, they do need training and not necessarily equipped with each one. We have so many infantry think of what the US' $600+ military budget is impossible to match, not even Saudiya.

As far as the death coffins of the T-54/55s built in 1908 (kidding), they have SO MANY other areas to bring newly developed equipment instead of failing on the T-88 and T-77 and T-mesh3aref eh etc. Just my opinion when I look at all the new rides and eventual IFVs they'll be assembling ISA.

@Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose & @Ghostkiller , the only way to fool a great army with suicide T-55s is to fake a commander (blow-up dummy) with his hands up as if he's surrendering (not white surrender flag that is a huge war crime) and bend the cannon so it looks lost and is just trying to surrender and even if the other army is stupid enough to get close enough, they'll fire a series of small arms and minor shells to be sure. These guys out there are A LOT smarter than most think and really the only suicide bomber that has worked to a certain extent has been the kamikaze drone and that's what they need to concentrate on BIG TIME including other types of munitions especially 800-1000km suicide missiles of all types of especially cruise missiles. Just my opinions anyone is free to disagree with any of them.
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New missiles make the Rafale fighter a killer eagle for enemies

I hope we can get them with ToT.

For a $1,000,000 a piece?! You're right, they better strake a VERY strong deal for maybe 3/4 that price and budgets fully set at that amount and only get enough of them, and after that tell MBDA to stick al those meteors up where the sun don't shine. A7a million dollar for those and then watch them say no integration with any other missile that is super-overpriced like this meteor (which when people start buying less of them cause of that pig cost) then show us 10 examples of different circumstances where the results would be 10 out of ten el m3araseen. Not a single miss at that cost.

This is why I and @Ramses Akhenaten Ahmose and @The SC & and @joker88 are pleading and myself and all others pushing for the Su-s5 despite the quality & prices not really being much less, but the flexibility is worth its weight in gold!

First Russia needs to end its enormous disaster in the UKRAINE, teach them and HUGE lesson and flatter the important areas and get back to building what it's knows for.

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