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Egyptian Armed Forces

CORRECTION: My bad, that is actually not an Italian Berghamini. That is La FDA Chevalier Paul conducting a PASSEX exercise with the EN's Tahya Misr FREMM at the entrance of the Suez Canal. I misunderstood the article. But still, interesting design for that ship. Its stealth edge is in line with the top of the deck line, while the French and Italian FREMM's stealth edge is lower than the deck line which runs the entire length of the ship from furthest point of the stern all the way to the furthers point forward to the tip of the bow. It would be great to know which one offers better technical results with radar deflection.


The hull design is actually identical. It's all the stuff above such as the bridge and of course, the radar mast and comms that are different.


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The Fourth Armored Division, the Knights of the Capital, the strongest Egyptian military armored division, will not spare the desert with the chains of their tanks
Are they still the best in the Armoured Corps?
The Fourth Armored Division, the Knights of the Capital, the strongest Egyptian military armored division, will not spare the desert with the chains of their tanks

I really do like the way they do the photoshoots from great angles slightly above the ground where tanks, armored vehicles just lined up in perfect line and I think they do this kind of linear photoshoots only in Egypt which is creative and alot of other countries will start to copy and I've seen recently UAE started doing the same. I have more of these photos and also in videos sometimes..
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Just some wishful thinking here...
In 2020 when Al Watiya Base was hit stuff like the following were witnessed on the social media.
In case many don’t know, Missiles and Bombs are usually identifiable after exploding by recovering their scraps. And a reason why AA’s source would say that it was the UAE to carry out the airstrike is that they have recovered pieces of UAE-made Al Tariq bombs, only now do we know that the EAF deploy them and that it’s possible they did in 2020.
Talks are said to be underway between Egypt and Russia for the procurement of air-to-surface missiles from Russian defense company JSC Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV) in favor of the Egyptian Air Force (EAF).


It might be the X-59MK2i which is analogous to the Western same class AGM-158 JASSM, Scalp EG / Storm Shadow and Taurus. The fuselage of the X-59MK2 rocket has contours of Stealth..

Or the X-58USHKE anti-radar missile with a passive radar homing head, and equipped with an additional thermal imaging guidance system..

The list of possibilities is quite long..


Including UAV munition..

In case many don’t know, Missiles and Bombs are usually identifiable after exploding by recovering their scraps. And a reason why AA’s source would say that it was the UAE to carry out the airstrike is that they have recovered pieces of UAE-made Al Tariq bombs, only now do we know that the EAF deploy them and that it’s possible they did in 2020.

Sure, we've been saying this ever since it happened, without knowing anything about the integration of Al-Tariq as well as listing the other possibilities, such as EAF Rafales with HAMMERs could've easily done the trick and misidentified as Mirage 2Ks.

Nice new pic of EAF MiG-29M/M2 carrying full fuel tanks and R-77 RVV-AE.

Negotiations with America from 2018 are underway to develop 100 fighters from the Egyptian F16 fleet for Block 52, and more than one fighter appeared with shoulder fuel tanks, knowing that Block 52 there are only 18 fighters after losing two of them. Al-Aramam will appear soon, as previously published by pictures of scavengers and fugitives, at the Arab Defense Forum

So I'm going to hold you to all these incredible things you're saying. Let's list them one by one so we keep track of them, ok?

1) There are already 100 F-16s block 40 being developed to block 52 since 2018, yes?
2) More than one of those block 40s appeared with the conformal fuel tanks, yes?
3) The AMRAAM will appear soon, yes?
4) You've seen previously published pictures of scavenged weapons on F-16 such as that crazy cool-looking AIM-7 Sparrow with what appears to be some type of active seeker?
5) Also (not in the post above, but in other posts you made) you said the Su-35 will soon be unveiled, correct?

Please give us yes or no answers on those 5 statements so we are sure of what you just said ya rayis.
If the US is doing all of this, then the EAF brings out the Su-35SE, that will be quite something and will be a turning point in the Egyptian Armed Forces showing balls as huge as elephant ones. It seems counter-intuitive that the US would provide all of these upgrades (including the possibility of providing the AIM-120 to 100 F-16s which would include about 73 new radars also. Then the EAF breaks out the Su-35!?

We also need to keep up on the development of the change of avionics on the Su-35SE to make it compatible to the other fighters, a recent development that also could possibly account for the delay of the unveiling. But there seems to be a lot going on, causing heads to spin.
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So I'm going to hold to all these incredible things you're saying. Let's list them one by one so we keep track of them, ok?

1) There are already 100 F-16s block 40 being developed to block 52 since 2018, yes?
2) More than one of those block 40s appeared with the conformal fuel tanks, yes?
3) The AMRAAM will appear soon, yes?
4) You've seen previously published pictures of scavenged weapons on F-16 such as that crazy cool-looking AIM-7 Sparrow with what appears to be some type of active seeker?
5) Also (not in the post above, but in other posts you made) you said the Su-35 will soon be unveiled, correct?

Please give us yes or no answers so we are sure of what you just said ya rayis.
If the US is doing all of this, then the EAF brings out the Su-35SE, that will be quite something and will be a turning point in the Egyptian Armed Forces showing balls as huge as elephant ones. It seems counter-intuitive that the US would provide all of these upgrades (including the possibility of providing the AIM-120 to 100 F-16s which would include about 73 new radars also. Then the EAF breaks out the Su-35!?

We also need to keep up on the development of the change of avionics on the Su-35SE to make it compatible to the other fighters, a recent development that also could possibly account for the delay of the unveiling. But there seems to be a lot going on, causing heads to spin.
su35 Another batch arrived during this year, and with the arrival of Russian consultants for training in Egypt, the promotion takes place from more than one source from Greece, Portugal, and finally Britain, and I have new news for you from Britain. The issue of commanding America, so far, there are negotiations between it and Egypt for some new weapons. The issue has not happened for a day or a month, but it continues over the years. The fleet is large and really needs work.
h Defense Senior Adviser to the Middle East and North Africa (DSAME) Air Marshal Martin
Sampson visited Egypt earlier this month (13/10/21), where he met with several Egyptian
security officials and military officers.
Reports from Cairo suggest that Sampson held a meeting with Commander of the Egyptian Air
Force (EAF) Lt-General Mohammad Abbas Helmy, during which they discussed cooperation in
various fields, including joint training agreements and future procurement projects
The same report suggests that Lt-General Helmy and Air Marshal Sampson discussed the
possibility of a joint electronic warfare (EW) training program for EAF pilot cadets.
This would include multi-pilot simulation training, full-flight air-to-air tactical training, and virtual
reality (VR) conflict simulation.
They also discussed a transfer of technology (ToT) agreement whereby Egypt would manufacture
VR simulators based on the EAF’s tactical needs.
Moreover, Lt-General Helmy and Air Marshal Sampson touched upon future procurement
projects in favor of the EAF, including new airborne radars, helmet-mounted systems, supply
aircraft, and infrared search and track systems (IRST).

I also talked about the maritime deal with France, and negotiations and signing are already taking place in the first half of 2022
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