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Egyptian Armed Forces

Egyptian special forces soldiers with SIG-552s in Sheikh Zuweid, Sinai
I hear many people saying the Egyptian air force is lacking because it does not have the AIM-120 AMRAAM but in the case of conflict couldn't gulf countries or middle eastern allies send them AMRAAMs?
I hear many people saying the Egyptian air force is lacking because it does not have the AIM-120 AMRAAM but in the case of conflict couldn't gulf countries or middle eastern allies send them AMRAAMs?
How old are you? you cant transfer very special weapons like amraam(even much simple ones) to another country without supplier permission, next time that country will face serious obstacles from USA(or supplier country) to get new ones or spare parts. it is the way of keep any country under control by big powers. for example spare parts are given in very small numbers for fighter aircrafts, a client country can keep its fleet airworthy for only 2 months. so they need supplier for ever!

i doubt Egyptian F16s can fire amraam even they have the missile, because of software.
How old are you? you cant transfer very special weapons like amraam(even much simple ones) to another country without supplier permission, next time that country will face serious obstacles from USA(or supplier country) to get new ones or spare parts. it is the way of keep any country under control by big powers. for example spare parts are given in very small numbers for fighter aircrafts, a client country can keep its fleet airworthy for only 2 months. so they need supplier for ever!

i doubt Egyptian F16s can fire amraam even they have the missile, because of software.
You asking how old I am is irrelevant with intelligence not relating to age. In conflict anything goes for example if Egypt and Israel were in a conflict any country that operates the AMRAAM could send them the missile in secret without the Americans knowing. If the arabs bought the JF-17 they would be pretty sure they would never be out of spare parts but instead relied on Russia and the U.S. with unreliable supplying of parts. Not sure about the software but I can't say you or I are right or wrong.
You asking how old I am is irrelevant with intelligence not relating to age. In conflict anything goes for example if Egypt and Israel were in a conflict any country that operates the AMRAAM could send them the missile in secret without the Americans knowing. If the arabs bought the JF-17 they would be pretty sure they would never be out of spare parts but instead relied on Russia and the U.S. with unreliable supplying of parts. Not sure about the software but I can't say you or I are right or wrong.

Well, when they secretly transfer the missile what are they telling usa when they order?
You asking how old I am is irrelevant with intelligence not relating to age. In conflict anything goes for example if Egypt and Israel were in a conflict any country that operates the AMRAAM could send them the missile in secret without the Americans knowing. If the arabs bought the JF-17 they would be pretty sure they would never be out of spare parts but instead relied on Russia and the U.S. with unreliable supplying of parts. Not sure about the software but I can't say you or I are right or wrong.
you are implying that you are smart! that's fine for me because you can understand quickly.

You cant transfer amraam without US permission, you cant hide it even you achieved it, wouldnt work properly(cause of software or kill switch, that what i believe) US had a bad experience with Iran about it.

you think JF-17 is sanction free? it has Chinese avionics, russian engine, Israeli HUD and even Turkish targeting pod beside pakistani parts and i believe many others.

during 1974 Cyprus operation US sanctioned Turkey, some Turkish fighters couldnt fly because lack of tire! yes even tire can stop a country.
Egyptian army is there to protect Egypt not the Muslims.
Agreed who are egyptians muslims if yes if they have faith in ALLAH and his messanger P. B. U. H anf their teachings i think egypt is not important but muslim UMMAH is egypt is important due to its first jews scare
Thanks. Good to hear it.

One ore question, are they in their market for others to buy it, or they were only developed for Egyptian military needs?
I think they will sell..in time..after they make enough for the Egyptian army.. The Egyptian policy is to manufacture weapons and sell them to Middle Eastern and African countries.. so..it is YES..
Hey guys, anyone ever herd of this thing called "Scarab model 324" stealth drone, made in the US in the 80s exclusively for Egypt?

Definitely, bro. We remember back in the 80's when the only few times we saw them deployed was during Bright Star of the early days. Apparently they only used a handful and some 50 of them are still unpacked. But what gets me the most is the same BS story like the SCALP and how there's this brutal stigma of how these "almost obsolete" drones are dangerous in the hands of Egyptians because they can be used as.....and you know the rest of that story, right? lol. What a shame that even after all this time, we still have to hear this crap.

I'll tell you what, though, maybe it is time to unpack them and work them into seriously lethal drones. They would make amazing kamikaze drones.

Three more Rafale for Egypt

DM13, DM14 and DM15




This is the last of the 24 aircrafts!? (some say there are still 4 to come in 2019..making it 20 delivered), 8 aircraft with one seat and 16 aircraft with two seats..
Everyone is waiting for the next deal of 12 or 24 more of these beauties!

I think there's 4 left, bro. But the problem is how difficult this additional contract is becoming to the point where I think it's time to move on from the Rafale. They did so with the FREMM which I think is great and go with the Meko and possibly Italian ships. Just need to show the will that if you can't make it work, you lose it.

Hope he is ok

Everything is good, bro. :-) Thanks for checking in. Never made it to FLA because there was a bad surge of red tide that would've kept us on land and the only reason we were going there was to drop the boat in the water. But I just got back from Egypt and the ME. Was there for 3 weeks+ and did some diving in Sinai and traveled the region.
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