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Egyptian Armed Forces

Surprise indeed. Mafeesh sora wadha? All I can make out is NVGs and I can't see them clearly to identify them. Do you know whether this Temsah APC/MRAP is indigenous or foreign?

No such info has been revealed yet ..
But by name , i guess it's indigenously produced .

EAF Mirage-2000 , French KC-135




Comparison of Egyptian vs Pakistan Forces

Army :
Pakistan 9 - Egypt 7

------------------Egypt ---------------------------------------------Pakistan-----------------------Result
Active : 778000 vs 550,000 ---------------------- (Egypt)
Reservers : 800000 vs 550,000-------------------------(Egypt)

Tanks : M1 Abrams (1,100) ---------- --------vs-------2,500 (400 reserve)-----------------(Egypt)
Secondary Option (3500+)

APC : 5,000+ vs 900 -----------------------------(Egypt)
Air DEF : Short Range Options vs mSPADA2000 10 Batteries ----------------(PAK)
AirDEF : Purchaser vs Serial Producer 0f weapons shoulderbased ---------(PAK)
MRL : Older units vs Newer Options --------------------------------------(PAK)
Artillery : 600+ vs 400+ --------(Egypt)

Aviation Corp:
Helicopters (Attack) 47 (Apache) vs 51 Cobras (Russian MI-35 Arriving)---------(Egypt)
Transport helicopter 180 vs 230 ---------------------------------------(PAK)
Heavy Transport 26 vs 18 --------------------------------------(Egypt)
Fuel Tankers 0 vs 4 -------------------------------------------(PAK)

Manufacturing Base YES VS YES -------------------(PAK)

Missile Program YES Vs YES More Advanced----(PAK)


NAVY : 5 Pakistan - 3 Egypt

FRIGATES------------------9 vs 10 (6 arriving , OHP+ F22P) ----(PAK)
Corvettes------------------2 (4 arriving) vs 0 -----------------------(Egypt)
SUBS------------------4 (2 arriving) vs 5 (6 arriving + nuclear sub program) ----(PAK)
Amphibious Assault------------------19 vs 0 ------------------------(Egypt)

Navy Aviation Jets NO vs YES (Mirage Wing) ----(PAK)
Helicopters 10 vs 18+ -------------------------(PAK)
Patrol Boats 27 vs 12 ------------------------ (Egypt)
Anti Sub 0 vs 9 (P3 Orion level) ----(PAK)

AIR-FORCE 3 Pakistan - Egypt 1
Tier-One jets------------------240 (F16) ----------------------------- vs 130+ (F16/JF17) ----(Egypt)
Tier-Two ------------------ 120 (Mig21/F7/Mirage2000)-------vs 240+ (Mirage/F7 etc) ----(PAK)
Tier- Three ------------------ 53 (Mirage 5)-------------------------vs 80+ (Mirage 5) ----(PAK)

Tactical AWACs /ECW---------8 (Hawk-eye) --------------------vs 8 (Saab/Chinese) ---------------(PAK)
Training crafts Licence Producer vs Serial Production -----(Draw)

Egyptian forces appear to be higher in number on troops , and have more Tanks (Higher quality) and More quantity
High end F16 Model or availability of Apache etc , however they lack behind Pakistan on Tactical weapons like awacs and early warning and P3 orions for Navy to fight battles vs Submarines.

Also appear to have major problems in their Air defenses just like Pakistan , however at lease we have some mid range optiosns and short range shoulder based options.

For Pakistan , the arrival of the Russian Hind Heclicopter and Night hunter will match the capabilities of Egyptian options with Apache etc to some level, and also Block 2 JF17 thunder promises to bridge the gap in tier One option jet planes

Egypt also appear to have better infrastructure in place for manufacturing of Military grade trucks and troops transporations at ground level locally setup operations.

The Egyptian forces are certainly better equipped then Algerian forces

Very inaccurate.. Pak has edge in everything n in numbers.. Except for number f-16s etc.. But than again we have around 84? MLU + 52+ teens with amraams etc... Apart from that 8 AWACS, a sqd of Elient n signit planes "Blinder" etx etc ..

Also forgot the over dozen fennecs .. The large number of arty n mrl pieces that we also happen to produce.. High end tank yeah baby ..425 AKI..325 T84UDs,500+ t-85s n 500 AZs.. The shit load of APCs that we manufacture and have in service.. The IFVs.. The new textron APC produced by HIT .. The 800 units of VN-1 IFVs to be produced by HIT,the UAVs n UCAV .. AK-II n the deal is for 7 AIP subs not 6....eet etc.etc etc
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No such info has been revealed yet ..
But by name , i guess it's indigenously produced .

EAF Mirage-2000 , French KC-135

It does look more like a Spanish tanker than French...And the Mirages are more likely french...Amir, you need to re-verify the origin of the pictures featuring the tanker.
It does look more like a Spanish tanker than French...And the Mirages are more likely french...Amir, you need to re-verify the origin of the pictures featuring the tanker.

Are you having a hard time seeing these days. Since when did the French M2K use an Arabic serial number, have EAF roundels, and have the Egyptian flag on them, never mind using a plain sky grey paint scheme?

French M2K


Egyptian M2K


French KC-135 (first one)

I am not having problem seeing, in fact I am delighted to see that EAF master that capability...Just check its veracity...

Egypt appears to be one of Moscow’s largest customers. “Two major deals signed in 2014 worth over $6.5 billion for MiG-29Ms, Mi-35s, S-300VMs, mobile coastal defense missiles and submarines, as well as the opening of the Russian helicopter maintenance center in Egypt scheduled for 2015” are the most recent transactions

Russia Making Major Push Into Mideast Market | Defense News | defensenews.com

Egypt appears to be one of Moscow’s largest customers. “Two major deals signed in 2014 worth over $6.5 billion for MiG-29Ms, Mi-35s, S-300VMs, mobile coastal defense missiles and submarines, as well as the opening of the Russian helicopter maintenance center in Egypt scheduled for 2015” are the most recent transactions

Russia Making Major Push Into Mideast Market | Defense News | defensenews.com
How many MIG 29 and How many MIG 35 have you ordered ?
How many MIG 29 and How many MIG 35 have you ordered ?

Egypt ordered 24 Mig-29M2 (the advanced ones, with lowers RCS and better electronics) , and a new contract was signed for 24 Mig-35, there's also reports of a contract being finalized with France to sell 24 Rafale jets for Egypt, to replace the older versions of Mirage 5. (Egypt has some 80 Mirage 5's that is being phased out soon, to be replaced with French Rafale and possibly UAE's Mirage 2000-9.
Egypt ordered 24 Mig-29M2 (the advanced ones, with lowers RCS and better electronics) , and a new contract was signed for 24 Mig-35, there's also reports of a contract being finalized with France to sell 24 Rafale jets for Egypt, to replace the older versions of Mirage 5. (Egypt has some 80 Mirage 5's that is being phased out soon, to be replaced with French Rafale and possibly UAE's Mirage 2000-9.
welcome to PDF even if it is a bit late
by the way are you a juve fan ?
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