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EGYPT, TUNISIA AND MANY MORE--How the world powers manipulate the public opinion?

Here's a question for you guys. Who is going to fill leadership vacuum of the protesters? Is the Jasmin revolution going to go Islamic like the Iranian revolution did? (It also started as a secular protest)

Untill now it dose not seems islamist are behind this protest .As of now biggest question of every people who is going to lead the ex mubarak egypt or in tunasia .:undecided:
"La répression en Egypte ne cassera pas l'union sacrée" | Rue89
summary the people in the streets are not there because of the Muslim Brotherhood movment but most of them are the continuity of the Kefaya movment born in 2004, which are people who are upset about living conditions and from very different political and social backgrounds
Kafa means stop !
THIS REVOLUTION WAS ALSO HIJACKED. HOWEVER, I HOPE that Egyptians get an honest and sincere leader!

Yup.Trying to hijack

Don't worry Egypt, Tunisia--Pakistani leaders and corrupt establishment is similar to your politicians.

We are sailing on the same boat!!!

They are awake when pakistani people find their way??
Look what this scholar said back in 2003? and I think this is what is happening.

And today Joe Biden, who is always in Middle East visiting the region, on behalf of the Zionsts says and has hinted on what Shaikh imran Says in the above video....

A lot happening from Tunisia to Pakistan: Biden


By Sami Abraham
LAHORE: Commenting on the recent wave of anti-government demonstrations in Tunisia and Egypt, US Vice President Joe Biden has hinted that this wave of public outburst could reach Pakistan when he said in an interview In Jim Lehrer show that "a lot...going on across...from Tunisia to all the way to Pakistan".

US Vice President Biden further said "there's...a lot of these countries are beginning to sort of take stock of where they are and what they have to do".

And "we're encouraging the protesters to, as they assemble, do it peacefully. And we're encouraging the government to act responsibly and to try to engage in a discussion as to what the legitimate claims being made are, if they are, and try to work them out", he added. When asked does the US have any role to play in this, Biden said: "I think the role we have to play is continuing to make it clear to us that we think violence is inappropriate on the part of either party - either of the parties, the government or the protesters." He, however, said that President Hosni Mubarak is not a dictator and it is not time that he should go.

When asked if the US was taking any side in the Egypt, Biden rejected the idea and said the US should continue to encourage reasonable accommodation and discussion, to try to resolve peacefully and amicably the concerns and claims made by those who've taken to the street. And those that are legitimate should be responded to, because the economic well-being and the stability of Egypt rests upon that middle class.

A lot happening from Tunisia to Pakistan: Biden
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"World powers manipulate world opinion"

Are you retarded? The world supports the Egyptian people.
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this is not revolution this is unrest for the increasing inflation, egyptians have themselves said that if the demands are meet, they will let mubarak stay

we call iranian revolution because iranians just turned the entire course of its heading, here egyptians just demand the decrease in inflation
Guys this is the same Egypt and all the fectors were their 15 days before?:eek:... nothing was happened....How this all erupt in week time ? what Egypt did with the world affairs ? any one has the answer...please answer...............:undecided:

:agree: I think Vatican isuue.
Guys this is the same Egypt and all the fectors were their 15 days before?:eek:... nothing was their....How this all erupt in week time ? what Egypt did with the world affairs ? any one has the answer...please answer...............:undecided:

:agree: I think Vatican isuue.

They saw that Tunisia could do it, and they asked themselves, can we do it? Yes, we can.
I disagree, Pakistan should not follow the example of revolution. Though, we don't agree with corrupt leaders (i.e Zardari).

We have a better system than those arab dictators of 30 years silences.

If you don't like leader, so vote for next election. Zardari will be no longer of next term if you vote better leader.

It is proper way of civilian government. Remember what Musharraf did to us unfairly.
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Sadly, I think you are right.

This Baradei guy is just another Western chump.

El Baradei is one intellectual Arabic world had after a long time. I think he is the best candidate to lead a secular democracy that Egypt wants to be.
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