what better options are available for societies with significant minority populations? It is the leaders who will ensure an integrated country by looking beyond 'we are better or merciful'. India was fortune enough to have leaders who were secular and inclusive. Hindu's ethos of many paths to one god is very inclusive in nature. By and large India has demonstrated quite successfully how to integrate a country with so much diversity through democratic means. It is your perception that we have not matured as a democracy in past 65 years, when in fact we have become more integrated with a robust economy. Our minority have a stake in our growth unlike in Pakistan.
Oh I do not argue the integration but there are elements with protests on Maharashtra and non Maharashtra migrants.. where girls are arrested for liking page plainly based on political and communal alignment and have to apologize for them and their families to be left alive.These elements have worked in the past, and continue to be part of the government apparatus at any stage with any government regardless. Their acceptability is based on the existence that somehow a section of Muslims refused to bow down to their ideals in the 30's and now have a separate state and hence will pose an existential threat to India. And I am not saying that all Indians do, or even 10% do.. but there is a section of the population that answers this call and allows these elements within and outside the government and military to thrive.
And my observation is not based on news articles, but on the many Indian friends I have made and continue to make.
And their views are best extracted while letting them indulge in more than a few drinks ..to talk to them about politics, their community and those of their brethren...and the posts of many Indians here.
I haven't stuck to any particular community, or ethnicity in these observations.. and with all of them it becomes clear that there are cracks within that exist and are exploited by only the elements I point to. I have seen outbursts ranging from being vehemently "pro-peace" with Pakistan to nuking us.. ranging from taking about the glorious times of Mughals ... to more than one individual speaking out on why "Allah-wale/Musli/BCs" arent sent to Pakistan.
And there were Indian Muslims as well, some lamenting that they end up losing any semblance of their religious identity in an effort to fit in. Others.. Muslims by name.. literally. So the issue of integration by true meaning... learning to accept that the fellow Indian has as much of a right to be there as you do.. is the question...and India isnt exclusive to this.. look at the US .. its more polarized than ever.
So how can one accept arguments such as Hinduism has saved India when well over 45-50 representatives of the population ranging from Dehli to Calcutta.. Hindu,Muslim to Jain(both the sweetest human beings I have ever met in my life .. FYI) testify to the contrary when spilling it all out over a bottle of the famous Grouse or Chivas.
So unless the minority is so that it does not create issues, it must be suppressed or amalgamated. You dont have to butcher them or anything barbaric of that sort.. just make them feel so ashamed over their past through targeted propaganda and alteration of historical records that if they do not scream "vande mataram" out louder than everyone else.. they will feel outcasts.
And I give Hinduism little credit for it, because all over the world where there are mufti-cultural societies the dominant culture ends up suppressing them and Hinduism is as much of a culture as it is a religion and not exclusive. So when these Muslims lose the semblance of their identity their essence as a force dies out. So India then in essence remains a Hindu secular state where only Hinduism is glorified , only Hinduism is remembered ..and the only other force that may form a counter-balance has to be so ridiculed and mocked about its history that they dont dare to lift their heads up and look at their fellow Indian.
Why I use the term Hindu-Muslims a lot for Muslims of the subcontinent because as much as is boasted by the "invader" syndrome types here.. there was massive integration of the religion with the local culture. But that culture gained independence in 1947 and whatever remained of it had to latch on to an identity which the "secular" types provided. If you did not latch on it, you were left to the downtrodden areas of places like Lakhnaw and forgotten.
Now India does have achievements in integration, and by whatever way it has been accomplished.. the results have led to a new generation and mostly the middle class coming up much more infused with the need for materialism than ever before.
The new generation offers hope, it offers integration on an actual scale.. but they are now in danger of forgetting all about themselves and are now being suppressed on a global scale by the west. In that their own petty issues of being Muslim Indians or Hindu Indians have been lost in the attempt to "out-modern" the west. There is cultural resistance.. there is hope.
But the optimistic and almost glorious way its been presented here, I do not agree with.
Pakistan has almost zero integration now, and by zero integration it is ZERO. none across the ethnicity, none across the various sects WITHIN the same religion.. NONE across class lines or otherwise.
The only semblance of some integration are the armed forces of which have succumbed to the past in being used against any single one of the many ethnicity comprising Pakistan(Bengalis, Balochis,Urdu-speakers and now locked in a battle against a mix of Pashtun as well). Hence it too has the potential to be rapidly disintegrated along ethnic/sectarian/class lines.
So it is not comparable to the ground situation in India.. and as follows...:
Compare this to Egypt.. 90% Egyptians(no particular ethnicity other than being Arabs).. out of which 90% are Muslims..
Hence one dominant race.. one dominant religion. No communal or ethnic power struggle , only that of ideology and political ambitions.
It has NO parallel in Pakistan.. and NO parallel in India.
Hence it's future cannot be compared to either India or Pakistan.
Egypt will continue to behave as it already has with power figures coming and going.. and will continue to lean either east or west to wherever the Suez ends up favoring.