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Egypt shifts to open support for Assad regime in Syrian civil war

The Saudi Kingdom creates its own enemies. I don't feel pity for Saudi Arabia at all. This is an outcome that Riyadh deserves; they helped actively with money and diplomatic support to overthrow Mursi. And now? They are missing him badly. What goes around, comes around.

I have exactly the same view. The SA regime had it coming. Their fear of democracy anywhere in the Muslim world is simply despicable.
Egypt should stay neutral, he will soon trap in burning fire. Bad future ahead
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Pakistan also Recognize Syrian Government headed by President ASAD.

Egypt has realized and is trying to correct its past wrongs and has taken the Right decision to support President ASAD.
Lol, you can bet your *** that a proper democratic government in Egypt backed by the masses would not join the butcher Assad.

But sisi pulled a sisi move. Such a shame that largest Arab nation is being ruled by such conman dictators.

Where are "liberal" Egyptians that ousted the Morsi government prematurely? Shame of such hypocrites!

Will of the Muslim people have been supressed again and again--from Algeria to Egypt. These countries are nothing but puppets.
This show the very limitation and influence of Saudi. Even Sunni brother Egypt turn against them despite shower with money and the same sect of religion. Maybe Saudi king say something that piss sisi badly?

The Saudi Kingdom creates its own enemies. I don't feel pity for Saudi Arabia at all. This is an outcome that Riyadh deserves; they helped actively with money and diplomatic support to overthrow Mursi. And now? They are missing him badly. What goes around, comes around.

There is a simple secret in it. Historically and Traditionally EGYPT is Leader of the ARAB World. It is only usa / uk / Israel that bring up and Fed KSA above EQYPT. So with MB and Morsi in power, Egypt started replacing ksa in the arab world. Saudi cannot tolerate an Islamic government in Egypt even one iota and did everything to topple MB.

west did everything to change equations in the middle east thru ksa.

KSA is the key to western dominance in the middle east. Ksa is hub of western arms.

So it is Natural for Egypt to keep trying to take back its traditional role and leading position.

Lol, you can bet your *** that a proper democratic government in Egypt backed by the masses would not join the butcher Assad.

But sisi pulled a sisi move. Such a shame that largest Arab nation is being ruled by such conman dictators.

Where are "liberal" Egyptians that ousted the Morsi government prematurely? Shame of such hypocrites!

Will of the Muslim people have been supressed again and again--from Algeria to Egypt. These countries are nothing but puppets.

LOL! it is frieghtened KSA that ousted Morsi government. :lol:

a proper democratic government under MORSI in EGYPT backed by masses joined ISRAEL :lol: as democratically elected MORSI send the a friendship letter to Israel. wrong move by the democratically elected government.

MORSI won with 52% vote. out of which around 12% vote he got due to Iran's backing. otherwise he could not win.
without Iran's favour, MB morsi will NEVER be elected again in Eqypt. But Iran's preferred MB in egypt.
That is why MORSI paid visit to Islamic Revolution.

“We need to establish relations with all countries worldwide,” the spokesman, Yasser Ali, told reporters Sunday. “We will turn more agile, more active. Egypt is a pivotal country, and we want to play the role Egypt deserves to play.”

Rest Assure any democratic elected government in EGYPT will not bow down to Saudi MOnarchy too.

The Day EGYPT assumes its traditional Role, it will be a disaster for ksa / usa / israel
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Egypt will fall that are my assumptions with this syria thing it will fall more likely

As if the rich Arab states are playing Santa Claus.. All gifts come with a price..

So I think it's just a matter of time and the rich Arabs will finance separatist movements in Egypt
It's the only sensible move. I wonder who in the West really still believes that the government that replaces Assad will in any way, shape, or form, be "democratic", or less hostile to Western interests?
Did you really assume the West planned for any form of Government to replace Assad? It was pretty obvious to me that anarchy comes after Assad.

I guess that plan is changing, which is better for everyone.
Lol, you can bet your *** that a proper democratic government in Egypt backed by the masses would not join the butcher Assad.

But sisi pulled a sisi move. Such a shame that largest Arab nation is being ruled by such conman dictators.

Where are "liberal" Egyptians that ousted the Morsi government prematurely? Shame of such hypocrites!

Will of the Muslim people have been supressed again and again--from Algeria to Egypt. These countries are nothing but puppets.

It is true that in the end it's the will of the Muslim people that stands as the ultimate victim. Most probably in our life time we'll not see a Muslim world free from the clutches of the super powers and their puppets. At least one good thing has emerged from all this; those in the Muslim world who were so proud of the western democracies have been shown the truth about the so-called western democracies. They are no champions of democracy or human rights, they are impostors of the highest calibre.
Lol well, to be honest Sisi seems to be only following his own country's national interests. Judging things could have turned out the same way for Egypt as in Syria if the Egyptian military didn't topple dictator Mubarak during the Arab spring uprisings. So he's right to follow this policy in Syria, I can't blame him.
HOWEVER, I still believe he shouldn't have openly/publicly supported the Syrian regime and go so openly against his Saudi benefactors. Since KSA is still his biggest donor, and has also played a big role in supporting his government during this past tumultuous years. So he should be careful. Some things are better done in secret and more discreetly. :) Sisi needs better advisers in my opinion.
Saudi shut off oil supply to Egypt. You can imagine the r/s between these 2 sunni countries are very sour.
That's just a symbolic move to show their disapproval of Sisi's policy in Syria. However, ironically KSA and Egypt still have very close ties(especially under Sisi) than they have probably ever had before in their entire history . So as the article says, Sisi might have calculated that SAUDI ARABIA will keep supporting his government economically and Financially , since the alternative(i.e Islamic extremists group Muslim brotherhood and chaos) will be even worse. He might be right, but then again you never know, KSA Leader's might one day come up with another idea/policy and stop their massive support for his government.
So sisi should be careful. :)

There is a simple secret in it. Historically and Traditionally EGYPT is Leader of the ARAB World. It is only usa / uk / Israel that bring up and Fed KSA above EQYPT. So with MB and Morsi in power, Egypt started replacing ksa in the arab world.
Huh....but we have been the largest investor in Egypt for while now(in fact almost half of Egypt's FDI this past year came from the U.K and it's growing with each passing year). So using your logic we have been feeding and bringing up Egypt as Well to replace Iran and KSA? LOL . Funny logic .:lol:

Did you really assume the West planned for any form of Government to replace Assad? It was pretty obvious to me that anarchy comes after Assad.

I guess that plan is changing, which is better for everyone.
Assad himself is to blame for what is happening in Syria. If he had stepped down or flee like Ben Ali of Tunisia did during the uprisings instead of shooting down his own people during the revolt just so he can stay in power, then we wouldn't be here today. Period. :pop:

Syrian army is not national

its a minority alewite ruled minority whose purpose is to suppress the people so they agree to eternal dominion of the Assad dictatorship and his alewite clan

there brutal slaughter of the Syrian people has left everlasting hatred in and outside Syria and come what may minority rule by brute force will only last so long
Nobody(well except some of his cheerleaders and naive people) denies that Assad and his father before him is a mass butcher killing their own people for power, only a fool will deny that. However, to be honest, most middle eastern, sub Saharan and North African countries are ruled by the same kind of people, I.e leaders who are ready to kill every single one of their own people( especially those who oppose them) to remain in power. It's sad but that's the simple truth. I do agree However, that Assad is responsible for the current plight of his country. Even as an outsider, i can't inagine being so greedy' to the point of clinging on to power an killing my own people just so o can remain in power(especially considering my family has ruled Syria for over a century since independence), thats me talking as an outsider, much less if I was Syrian and it's leader. There comes a point where you have to leave power for the good of your own country. Leaders like Mandela, Lula da silva, Jerry Rawlings of Ghana etc those are leaders in the developing world who I really admire, not these power hungry despots who always I've two choice to their people: Me or total destruction. :disagree:. It's sad, but what can we do?

Anyway, syria will never be the same again. That's for sure, remains to be seen how things will play out.
That's just a symbolic move to show their disapproval of Sisi's policy in Syria. However, ironically KSA and Egypt still have very close ties(especially under Sisi) than they have probably ever had before in their entire history . So as the article says, Sisi might have calculated that SAUDI ARABIA will keep supporting his government economically and Financially , since the alternative(i.e Islamic extremists group Muslim brotherhood and chaos) will be even worse. He might be right, but then again you never know, KSA Leader's might one day come up with another idea/policy and stop their massive support for his government.
So sisi should be careful. :)

Huh....but we have been the largest investor in Egypt for while now(in fact almost half of Egypt's FDI this past year came from the U.K and it's growing with each passing year). So using your logic we have been feeding and bringing up Egypt as Well to replace Iran and KSA? LOL . Funny logic .:lol:

Assad himself is to blame for what is happening in Syria. If he had stepped down or flee like Ben Ali of Tunisia did during the uprisings instead of shooting down his own people during the revolt just so he can stay in power, then we wouldn't be here today. Period. :pop:

Nobody(well except some of his cheerleaders and naive people) denies that Assad and his father before him is a mass butcher killing their own people for power, only a fool will deny that. However, to be honest, most middle eastern, sub Saharan and North African countries are ruled by the same kind of people, I.e leaders who are ready to kill every single one of their own people( especially those who oppose them) to remain in power. It's sad but that's the simple truth. I do agree However, that Assad is responsible for the current plight of his country. Even as an outsider, i can't inagine being so greedy' to the point of clinging on to power an killing my own people just so o can remain in power(especially considering my family has ruled Syria for over a century since independence), thats me talking as an outsider, much less if I was Syrian and it's leader. There comes a point where you have to leave power for the good of your own country. Leaders like Mandela, Lula da silva, Jerry Rawlings of Ghana etc those are leaders in the developing world who I really admire, not these power hungry despots who always I've two choice to their people: Me or total destruction. :disagree:. It's sad, but what can we do?

Anyway, syria will never be the same again. That's for sure, remains to be seen how things will play out.

The problem with Assad is he dosent see the Syrian people as his own

He represents the minority alewite clan, they are HIS people.
So in order to protect them and continue his rule and carry forward their privileged status in society he is willing to have Syria destroyed snd ripped apart and it dosent matter how many Syrians die or how much of Syria is ruined as long as the core areas of alewite rule are relatively safe.

If the alewites start dieing in massive numbers maybe he will rethink, he was on the cusp of falling a few years ago but he got propoed up by Iran, Russia, Hezbollah/Shia militias and now the power to decide is out of his hands
No, because we never do. We wait for the anarchy than act like we had nothing to do with it.
Wait for which anarchy? You want us to be the ruler of these countries? Or you want us to recolonise them for stability?:D
Syrians(just like many people in the middle East during the Arab spring) rose up against their dictator without any involvement of the west(we didn't even have any influence or presence in Syria). Or do you mean it was westerners who were protesting in streets of Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen etc etc? Lol

What did you want us to do? If we support the regimes, then the people blame us for supporting dictators against them, if we supported the opposition some people still blame us for sponsoring rebels against legitimate government and many more conspiracy theories. It's a damned if you do damned if you don't situation. In this regard we can only follow our interests like every power in the world does. In fact, we were very reluctant to eveb get involved in the Syrian quagmire , it was only after ASSAD had killed so many of his own people and his soldiers defected to form FSA leading to the bloody civil war that western powers/Russia/Iran/shia and sunni militias etc etv started getting involved.

So I don't see what you mean by we wait for anarchy then act like we had nothing to do. What do you want us to do genius?
Who is going to sponsor the ware in syria for egypt?
Wait for which anarchy? You want us to be the ruler of these countries? Or you want us to recolonise them for stability?:D

Answer: neither of those two.

Or do you mean it was westerners who were protesting in streets of Syria, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen etc etc? Lol

No, I mean it was we Westerners who took a big ole' barrel of high test gasoline, and dumped it right on the fires already there and we did it, like we always do it, with our typical pie-in-the-sky ignorant ideas about Western style democracy taking root, or should I say, thinking that without the slightest idea of a credible plan to ever actually achieve that mythical end.

So I don't see what you mean by we wait for anarchy then act like we had nothing to do. What do you want us to do genius?

You don't see what I mean? You want me to detail the long, tragic, pathetically ignorant and inept road to all this? From my country's WMD inspired fantasy of invading Iraq in the first place, and clumsily trying to find a connection between Saddam and 9/11 that never existed, to our total lack of a game plane to govern Iraq after we won. Our idiocy at disbanding the Iraqi army insuring that tens of thousands of heavily armed, out of work, and royally pissed off, men were ripe for the taking, by every radical terror group to emerge. Our banning all Baath Party members for life who actually knew how to run the country, despite the fact that most were forced to join. We repeated the same idiocy in Libya, managing to get our ambassador killed in the process, and again, no credible post-Gaddafi plan, leaving the country as we did Iraq, in violent chaos. We yank the rug out from under one of our most staunch allies in Egypt, insuring that any and every other Arab ally we have in the region knows that we will stab them in the back at the first sign of trouble and that our word is not worth a bucket of warm piss. We decide, contrary to the common sense God gave a fencepost, to try our magic again in Syria, drawing 'red lines', we won't enforce, and giving weapons to groups that keep them long enough to give them to anti-Western terrorists, we say nothing about the genocide and diaspora of Syrian Christians because our enemy, Assad, is the only guy willing to protect them. We alienate Turkey, we fail to adequately respond to the human tragedy we helped so much to create, and when it all ends in tears, we will no doubt, do what we did to South Vietnam and wash our hands completely of it, claiming it really wasn't our fault. How'm I doin' so far? :azn:

As to what we should do? How 'bout we start by not meddling in the internal affairs of sovereign nations, stop being total hypocrites about which "human rights tragedy" we care about, (Anywhere that threatens oil, Israel, trade, etc.), and which one's we could give a rat's butt about, (ANYWHERE in Africa, anyone poor and without resources we need.), start actually supporting our allies like Egypt, Pakistan, Gulf States, etc., and STOP buying into the fantasy that all rebellions are just like the one we Americans fought against your country. The idea that so many, many American leaders had about the so-called "Arab Spring", for example, leading to freedom and more democracy, is almost comical in hindsight.

I could go on and on as it's like shooting fish in a barrel but I'm getting agitated just thinking about the stupidity of it all.
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