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Egypt shifts to open support for Assad regime in Syrian civil war

First Published: Monday, November 28, 2016 - 02:14

Cairo: Egypt on Sunday denied any military presence in Syrian territories as circulated by some Arab newspapers.

The Lebanese daily As-Safir newspaper said on Thursday that Egypt sent earlier in November an 18-member air force unit to assist the Syrian Army and two Egyptian military generals were carrying out aerial reconnaissance in Syria, Xinhua news agency reported.

"These claims only exist in the imagination of those promoting them," Egyptian Foreign Ministry`s spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a statement, stressing that Egypt is committed to the principle of non-interference in other countries` domestic affairs.

The spokesman added that constitutional and legal measures need to be taken before sending any Egyptian soldier or equipment abroad, "and these measures are not done secretly without informing the Egyptian people".

The fighting in Syria has recently escalated in the war-torn city of Aleppo, killing dozens of people, as well as wounding and besieging many others.

Since erupting in March 2011, the Syrian crisis has claimed the lives of about 500,000 people and displaced over 10 million.

It is true that in the end it's the will of the Muslim people that stands as the ultimate victim. Most probably in our life time we'll not see a Muslim world free from the clutches of the super powers and their puppets -
So in places like Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, and the Islamic State Muslims are not "free from the clutches of the super powers and their puppets"?
So in places like Pakistan, Iran, Bangladesh, and the Islamic State Muslims are not "free from the clutches of the super powers and their puppets"?

America and her allies are in the business of creating leaders in these countries, does that sound very bizarre to you?
By the way anyone knows why this all of suddent shift in Egyptian policy ?

Sisi realized the sudden shift to Russia and Iran/Assad

  • Lebanon with it's for-Iran president
  • Assad winning the war and having increased control
  • Russian influence in the region and in Syria
  • Increased public opinion of Assad and Russia
  • Iraq going against Turkey and siding with Iran
  • Militias in Iraq and Syria winning
  • Iran having increased influence
  • Russia winning in multiple regions
  • Trump's win gives America a pro-Russian stance
  • The constant criticizing of his policies and actions by the west
  • Putin is viewed favorably by Muslims everywhere unlike America

Sisi felt like the Alliance of pro-western left has officially died. With Saudi Arabia getting Nuclear reactors from Russia has shown that Russia has checkmated America in this game and has won.

I guess Sisi felt like if you can't beat them, Join them.
Last time I checked Saudia was gifting 5-7 Billion to Egypt , and then Egypt gave a Island to Saudia now I am hearing conflicting news
Last time I checked Saudia was gifting 5-7 Billion to Egypt , and then Egypt gave a Island to Saudia now I am hearing conflicting news

After the coup Saudi Arabia gave Sisi money and saved 90 million Egyptians from total economic and political collapse. After that Egypt agreed to give Saudi Arabia back their Islands that they gave to us a long time ago.

Sisi has been pro-Russia and anti-American. He has shown his support of Russia but in limited amounts thanks to Saudi Arabia. When Egypt showed support to Russia during the ceasefire, Saudi Arabia snapped and cut off oil supplies. This led to their total fallout and the full backing of Assad and Russia.

Recently the courts overturned the choice to give back the Islands and here we are.
Last time I checked Saudia was gifting 5-7 Billion to Egypt , and then Egypt gave a Island to Saudia now I am hearing conflicting news

A deal between two crooks takes strange turns because both try to cheat on each other.
"Our priority is to support national armies, for example in Libya to exert control over Libya territory and deal with extremist elements. The same with Syria and Iraq." Sisi said.
Doesn't he imply it for Yemen too!?
Hence keeping a balance with Saudi Arabia as well..
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