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Egypt, Saudi Arabia Eye French Mistral Warships

Blue Marlin

Jul 7, 2015
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Egypt and Saudi Arabia are eyeing two Mistral warships that France originally sold to Russia before backing out of the deal, Agence France-Presse reported Friday, citing an unnamed French official. The two Sunni Arab nations are grappling with regional threats posed by militants like the Islamic State group, and Saudi Arabia has been deeply unsettled by a recent nuclear deal between Shiite Iran and Western leaders.

"Egypt and Saudi Arabia are desperate to buy two Mistrals," the official told French newspaper Le Monde, AFP reported. “King Salman of Saudi Arabia wants to build a fleet in Egypt which could project regional power in the Red Sea and Mediterranean," the source added, noting that other countries in the Middle East are also interested in building a regional naval force.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement, dubbed the Cairo Declaration, at the end of July to foster joint communication and cooperation on matters of national security. Those efforts would take place "at the highest levels between the two countries," a statement by the Saudi Press Agency said. As part of the declaration, the two countries also agreed to create a joint Arab military force.

France was originally scheduled to deliver two 650-foot Mistral warships, amphibious vessels that can transport helicopters, to Russia by the end of 2015, but it backed out over concerns about Moscow's backing of separatist rebels in the conflict in Ukraine. The deal was worth about $1.3 billion.

Egypt has been struggling to quell the rising threat of the Islamic State group in the Sinai Peninsula, where militants from the group carried out a string of coordinated attacks July 1 that killed 17 Egyptian soldiers. The group has claimed responsibility for other recently deadly assaults in North Africa and Kuwait, far from its stronghold in Syria and Iraq. The group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, also has a growing presence in Libya, which lies just west of Egypt. The United States recently delivered eight F-16 fighter jets to Cairo, and in December, the U.S. sent Cairo 10 Apache helicopters.

For Saudi Arabia, the nuclear deal signed with Iran mid-July sparked worries that the agreement would enhance Iran's ability to fund proxy groups that Saudi Arabia considers threats to its interests. Iran backs Houthi rebels in Yemen, for instance, while Saudi Arabia has been leading airstrikes to prop up the Sunni regime there.

“At this current period which the Arab world is facing, we need to work together, because the threats are many, and we will not overcome them unless we work together," Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi said about the Cairo Declaration. "Egypt and Saudi Arabia are the two pillars of Arab national security, and together we can confront these challenges," he added. Military ties between the countries have depeened since Sisi ousted the democratically elected Mohammed Morsi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Saudi Arabia opposes.

source: Fearing ISIS And Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia Eye French Mistral Warships Originally Bound For Russia
The Mistrals would not allow Egypt or KSA any real advantage against Iran. But they can be used in places like Yemen and Libya if required. If they aren't conducting combat operations they could very well be deployed to support aid efforts or evacuate civilians from the latest hot spots.
In the end they might end up with original buyer and that too at much lower costs than original ones.Just wait and see.
Egylt is dumb they need everything yet they have everything and they dont have any threat isis is not using navy they are land based handfull army airforce destroy they no need mistral to destroy isis

Saudi arabia should have them as they are midldle east war mschine si i support saudia arabia to have thdm rather than egypt
I don't understand, how will an amphibious assault ship help against the fight with Daeesh?
Looks like that is something for the future Joint Arab Army in case we needed to deploy in any place.
i don,t think it will give any real benifit against isel or iran but saudi king can have a nice luxury vesel to show power in the region.
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Egypt and Saudi Arabia are eyeing two Mistral warships that France originally sold to Russia before backing out of the deal, Agence France-Presse reported Friday, citing an unnamed French official. The two Sunni Arab nations are grappling with regional threats posed by militants like the Islamic State group, and Saudi Arabia has been deeply unsettled by a recent nuclear deal between Shiite Iran and Western leaders.

"Egypt and Saudi Arabia are desperate to buy two Mistrals," the official told French newspaper Le Monde, AFP reported. “King Salman of Saudi Arabia wants to build a fleet in Egypt which could project regional power in the Red Sea and Mediterranean," the source added, noting that other countries in the Middle East are also interested in building a regional naval force.

Egypt and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement, dubbed the Cairo Declaration, at the end of July to foster joint communication and cooperation on matters of national security. Those efforts would take place "at the highest levels between the two countries," a statement by the Saudi Press Agency said. As part of the declaration, the two countries also agreed to create a joint Arab military force.

France was originally scheduled to deliver two 650-foot Mistral warships, amphibious vessels that can transport helicopters, to Russia by the end of 2015, but it backed out over concerns about Moscow's backing of separatist rebels in the conflict in Ukraine. The deal was worth about $1.3 billion.

Egypt has been struggling to quell the rising threat of the Islamic State group in the Sinai Peninsula, where militants from the group carried out a string of coordinated attacks July 1 that killed 17 Egyptian soldiers. The group has claimed responsibility for other recently deadly assaults in North Africa and Kuwait, far from its stronghold in Syria and Iraq. The group, also known as ISIS or ISIL, also has a growing presence in Libya, which lies just west of Egypt. The United States recently delivered eight F-16 fighter jets to Cairo, and in December, the U.S. sent Cairo 10 Apache helicopters.

For Saudi Arabia, the nuclear deal signed with Iran mid-July sparked worries that the agreement would enhance Iran's ability to fund proxy groups that Saudi Arabia considers threats to its interests. Iran backs Houthi rebels in Yemen, for instance, while Saudi Arabia has been leading airstrikes to prop up the Sunni regime there.

“At this current period which the Arab world is facing, we need to work together, because the threats are many, and we will not overcome them unless we work together," Egyptian President Abdel-Fattah el-Sisi said about the Cairo Declaration. "Egypt and Saudi Arabia are the two pillars of Arab national security, and together we can confront these challenges," he added. Military ties between the countries have depeened since Sisi ousted the democratically elected Mohammed Morsi, a leader of the Muslim Brotherhood, which Saudi Arabia opposes.

source: Fearing ISIS And Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia Eye French Mistral Warships Originally Bound For Russia
Already told you in the start :)
I know they will buy this and will order another 2 along with 4-6 LPDs.
non of those country need it they will or might buy just to show off
Looks like that is something for the future Joint Arab Army in case we needed to deploy in any place.

Good ! Et bien voilà, somebody who understood everything.

Now they will need their escort fleets. ;)

Password Vimeo video : AdamaBattlestar

See old links :

KSA with France sail towards the ocean and space

SMX Ocean will be the future KSA submarine ?

Royal Saudi Naval Force officers training

UAE Considering a Submarine Capability

French warship arrives in Egypt: Media

Like this... (Mistral-class amphibious assault ship not ski jump)

NAVANTIA: LHD “Juan Carlos I”

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Egypt and saudi navy doesn't even got the capability to defend a ship like the mistral both in tech and numbers if it goes far away from home on a mission , they need a bigger fleet to defend it on a journey with keeping another fleet protecting their own countries . if it's a deal for the Joint Arab Army then maybe it a good deal , the mistral deal would be perfect for egypt if its made after 3 years when we receive all the german subs and the 4 gowind 2500 corvettes
Based on article, they are buying these in fear of Iran? Ridiculous.

An LHD is practically a sitting dock for Iran. It wouldn't take more than a dozen cruise missiles and anti-ship ballistic missiles to render it useless, before doing anything.

One does not simply use LHDs against an adversary which has tons of Anti-ship missiles.

Typical fear-mongering articles.
It is just a desperate measure by French media to jerk up the price tag for the 2 unwanted mistral. French know they need to sell at cut throat price to rid of it.
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