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Egypt protesters breach US embassy over anti-Islam film

Arabian Legend

Mar 7, 2012
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Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia
Angry demonstrators climb walls of US embassy in Cairo to voice opposition to anti-Islam film produced by US-based Coptic group



Egyptian protesters removed the American flag from the walls of the US embassy in Cairo during a thousands-strong demonstration to protest an anti-Islam short film produced by the Coptic-Christian community in the United States.
A number of protesters managed to climb and stand atop the walls surrounding the embassy, while others were able to breach the embassy's garden, where they removed an American flag and replaced it with a large flag bearing the Islamic declaration of faith: "There is no God but Allah and Mohamed is the Prophet of Allah."

The Islamist protesters had answered a call by Salafist leader Wesam Abdel-Wareth – who is also the president of Egypt's ultra-conservative Hekma television channel – to protest the film 'Muhammad's trial' at 5pm outside the US embassy in Cairo's Garden City district.

The protest began to deviate from its peaceful nature when some demonstrators began setting off fireworks, the sound of which resembled gunfire. Other demonstrators at the scene chanted "Peaceful, Peaceful," urging their fellow protesters to refrain from acts of violence.

At one point, the Egyptian Army intervened, surrounding the embassy grounds in an effort to pacify the situation.

The controversial film is reportedly being produced by US-based Coptic-Christian Egyptians, including Esmat Zaklama and Morees Sadek.
Maurice Sadek, a Coptic lawyer based in the US , announced earlier this week that the US-based 'High Authority of the Coptic State' would broadcast the 13-minute film on Tuesday to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks in New York and Washington.

Various local churches in Egypt have condemned the film in recent days, asserting that those responsible for it were merely carrying out their own agendas and did not represent Egypt's Christian community.
As of 8pm, roughly 20 people were standing atop the embassy's outer wall, while some 2,000 protesters amassed outside the building.

In a Tuesday statement, the US embassy condemned the "ongoing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the feelings of Muslims" and the continued attacks on the religious beliefs of others under the guise of "freedom of expression."

Egypt's Coptic Orthodox Church and Evangelical Church, meanwhile, both released statements on Monday condemning the film, stressing that it did not represent Egypt's Christian community.

Fadi Yousef, a member of the Egyptian Coptic Coalition, demanded that those responsible for producing the film be put on trial, describing the film's content as "offensive to all Egyptians."

Ahram news

Protesters have breached the wall of the US embassy in Cairo and torn down a US flag over a US-made film which they say is insulting to the Prophet Muhammad.

The flag, which was flying at half mast to mark the 9/11 attacks, was replaced by an Islamist banner.

Thousands of protesters had gathered outside the embassy.

Among the film's producers is said to be a pastor who burnt copies of the Koran earlier this year.

Among the protesters outside the embassy were hardline Islamists known as Salafists and also members of a football supporters' club known as Ultras.

They say the film is about to be shown in the US.

On Tuesday night, a handful of protesters continued to sit on the wall of the embassy but the compound was surrounded by Egyptian riot police and there was no sign of any confrontation, says the BBC's Jon Leyne at the scene in Cairo.

A spokesman for the US embassy in Cairo has categorically denied that any shots have been fired at any time during the protest.

'Free speech'
The US embassy earlier issued a statement condemning "the continuing efforts by misguided individuals to hurt the religious feelings of Muslims - as we condemn efforts to offend believers of all religions".

The statement added: "We firmly reject the actions by those who abuse the universal right of free speech to hurt the religious beliefs of others."

The US state department said it was working with Egyptian security to try to restore order at the embassy and to get the situation under control.

Spokeswoman Victoria Nuland said there were no reports of injuries, adding: "We had some people breach the wall, take the flag down and replace it. What I heard was that it was replaced with a... plain black flag. But I may not be correct in that."

The film which sparked the protest is said to have been produced by US pastor Terry Jones and co-produced by some Egyptian Copt expatriates.

Egyptian protesters condemned what they said was the humiliation of the Prophet of Islam under the pretext of freedom of speech.


:yahoo:Viva Egypt:yahoo:
The flag, which was flying at half mast to mark the 9/11 attacks, was replaced by an Islamist banner.
Excellent news.
How many of them have actually watch the movie?

It would have been better to respond in an intellectual manner in stead of destroying property and using violence.

But then again, these are the same type of people who went a rampage after the Muhammad cartoons, while none of them could point Denmark on a map, so a more rational response could very well be just idle hope.
How many of them have actually watch the movie?

It would have been better to respond in an intellectual manner in stead of destroying property and using violence.

But then again, these are the same type of people who went a rampage after the Muhammad cartoons, while none of them could point Denmark on a map, so a more rational response could very well be just idle hope.

Complete lack of employment/education leads to mindless rabble. Throw religion into the mix and you have a nitro methane fueled fire.
What a bunch of imbeciles. You get offended by a movie so you attack the US embassy? Brilliant! Stay classy! :tup:

Yeah,the same ways you Israelis cry all over the world and beg for help when some one criticizes you and then you call him all Anti-Semite,Nazi,Fascist and other nonsense.You are the last person who can talk about this.
Just make an Anti-Holocaust movie in Europe or U.S and see how Netanyahu and his counterparts in Israel and AIPAC jump up and down and cry for attention.
Yeah,the same ways you Israelis cry all over the world and beg for help when some one criticizes you and then you call him all Anti-Semite,Nazi,Fascist and other nonsense.You are the last person who can talk about this.
Just make an Anti-Holocaust movie in Europe or U.S and see how Netanyahu and his counterparts in Israel and AIPAC jump up and down and cry for attention.

Thanks for trying to tell me what I can and can not do, save it for someone who cares. :tup: Classifying the Holocaust and Islam as being the same category, what a laugh! None of these headless rabble have even seen the movie yet, and they are all rioting. They aren't doing it to defend their beliefs, they are there to stir up trouble and cause violence. Same old story time and time again.
Thanks for trying to tell me what I can and can not do, save it for someone who cares. :tup: Classifying the Holocaust and Islam as being the same category, what a laugh! None of these headless rabble have even seen the movie yet, and they are all rioting. They aren't doing it to defend their beliefs, they are there to stir up trouble and cause violence. Same old story time and time again.

Sorry,I didn't know Holocaust is holier than Islam.Thanks for reminding me.I don't care what their intentions are,I'm talking about you and your government.I don't think you are really in a place to criticize these people.
Egypt "Where protesting loses its meaning".... I can make a video and post it on youtube and say whatever the hell i want. It is called freedom of speech and freedom of expression. People are free to watch my video, take it seriously, ignore it, report it, or laugh at it. This is how things works in the world where human lives. Instead of protesting, why the hell don't they report the film on youtube and if it is that offensive it will be removed.
Complete lack of employment/education leads to mindless rabble. Throw religion into the mix and you have a nitro methane fueled fire.
do you even know what you are talking about ? these are not some crazy extremists this is a protest by egyptian muslims and Christians to refuse this movie which was made by the traitor moris sadik to cause a civil war in egypt


but you jews kill can kill any one and the media which you control doesnt say a word there is even a Jewish priest said that killing of arab children is okay because they grow up to fight isreal you are the terrorists not us
Egypt "Where protesting loses its meaning".... I can make a video and post it on youtube and say whatever the hell i want. It is called freedom of speech and freedom of expression. People are free to watch my video, take it seriously, ignore it, report it, or laugh at it. This is how things works in the world where human lives. Instead of protesting, why the hell don't they report the film on youtube and if it is that offensive it will be removed.

since when Insulting religions become freedom of speech or/and expression.
Nothing new here, Islamophobic retards are at it again.
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