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I don't know, but i think there is something wrong with this amidmaru, i believe he lacks in reading comprehension skills, he is thinks i defended rapists, murderers, and molesters yet he cannot quote me from anywhere where i defended rape, murder, and molestation.

Man, a buffoon of a fellow he is. :lol:

WTF are you even posting?? :rofl:

Where in there did i defend rape, murder, molestation, and bankruptcy as you accused me of?

As i said, prove the following, bring valid evidence(s):

If you are a man (or a woman) of your words, prove the following point by point:

1). Where did i defend rape?

2). Where did i defend the actions of those immigrants?

3). Where did i defend murder?

4). Where did i defend molestation?

5). Where have i not criticized my people (Pakistani people)? In fact my first post on this thread was critical of their disgusting behavior.

6). Stop coming up with BS, because it seems you are only good at coming up with "mumbo jumbo" cow turd.

If you can't show proof of me defending any of the above than it goes to show you are the "idiot buffoon" here.:lol:

Will be waiting for your reply.

you blamed australians for the immigrants who come here from YOUR country with YOUR attitudes and beliefs and do all that crap in australia... that is how you are DEFENDING all those things

in other words.. a pakistani rapes a girl.. you make excuses and blame australia for the pakistani raping the australian girl.. therefore you are DEFENDING HIS ACTIONS

you say i need english lessons to understand english.... i am a native english speaker.. i will understand english better then you EVER WILL... now either one of two things are correct

1 - you defended rapist, molestors, abuser, users etc


2 - you need to learn how to put english words in context

which one is it?
Only if you are trying to hint at his genocide policies in which case you are being dumb my friend. Even though personally I doubt the number of people who killed during the Holocaust there is no doubt he was a mass murder and no one should applaud that.
Yes my friend, I'm dumb because this time it involves the Chosen people. But PteX wasn't dumb for supporting the butchers of Palestinians of course. Who cares about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians after all? They are inferior to the Chosen ones. I'm sorry that I forgot this important detail. Will you accept my apology?
Yes may be your assessment is right but i would only take it with respect if you are Aboriginal Australians (Indigenous Australian) other wise you are also immigrant may be older than those you are talking about.

Yes may be your assessment is right but i would only take it with respect if you are Aboriginal Australians (Indigenous Australian) other wise you are also immigrant may be older than those you are talking about.

yes we had a lot of immigrants here.. after WW2 we had heaps, greeks, italians, polish, germans, etc.. the list goes on.. but you didnt see them raping, abusing, treating the locals like crap, disrepecting them.. not obeying the laws etc...

why is it only muslims and africans mainly??

and well this is your lucky day.. i do have aboriginal ancestors.. so yes i am part Koori.
you blamed australians for the immigrants who come here from YOUR country with YOUR attitudes and beliefs and do all that crap in australia... that is how you are DEFENDING all those things

in other words.. a pakistani rapes a girl.. you make excuses and blame australia for the pakistani raping the australian girl.. therefore you are DEFENDING HIS ACTIONS

you say i need english lessons to understand english.... i am a native english speaker.. i will understand english better then you EVER WILL... now either one of two things are correct

1 - you defended rapist, molestors, abuser, users etc


2 - you need to learn how to put english words in context

which one is it?

Lol, still not proving where i defended rapists, murderers, molesters.

Thanks for proving my point over and over again that you are nothing but a idiot buffoon. :enjoy:

Anyways, when are you going to return Australia to the aboriginals?:tongue:

Last time i checked your ancestors were rapists, criminals, thugs, molesters, and murderers, see the irony?:woot:
Don't forget, the original WHITE Australians were murderers, rapists, frauds, molesters, and thugs, lol what a irony!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl:

My god, you did not leave even a single word of praise that shows your love & affection to white Australians ( all these attributes might be of there forefathers why to blame present generation). Yes there might be white supremacy behind all that.
Don't forget, the original WHITE Australians were murderers, rapists, frauds, molesters, and thugs, lol what a irony!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl:

@amidmaru, give those aboriginal their country back, you don't belong there if you are descendant of european criminals.

what day and age do we live in???? australians are civilized.. i wish i could say the same for you kind lol ;)

i dont need to give it back, this is my country so that stuffed up your stupid comments didnt it hahaha... go and pray or something.. or become a matyr and get 40 virgins... or is that 40 grapes?
yes we had a lot of immigrants here.. after WW2 we had heaps, greeks, italians, polish, germans, etc.. the list goes on.. but you didnt see them raping, abusing, treating the locals like crap, disrepecting them.. not obeying the laws etc...

why is it only muslims and africans mainly??

and well this is your lucky day.. i do have aboriginal ancestors.. so yes i am part Koori.

All the acts you mentioned are immoral and must be dealt with impunity, how would you rate the treatment your forefathers got from white immigrants or you may say occupiers if you like?
My god, you did not leave even a single word of praise that shows your love & affection to white Australians ( all these attributes might be of there forefathers why to blame present generation). Yes there might be white supremacy behind all that.

Hey, i don't hate White people, in fact i am willing to sacrifice my life for America, the nation i love most, this is where i was raised, and from my experience White Christian people are far better than my own Muslim people, i would happily fight alongside them.

I'm only messing around with amidmaru, he generalized all Pakistanis and accused me of defended rapists, molesters, and murderers even though i did not (he can't even quote where i defended such people and their actions), on top of that he resorted to personal attacks, i'm only giving him a taste of his own medicine.
Lol, still not proving where i defended rapists, murderers, molesters.

Thanks for proving my point over and over again that you are nothing but a idiot buffoon. :enjoy:

Anyways, when are you going to return Australia to the aboriginals?:tongue:

Last time i checked your ancestors were rapists, criminals, thugs, molesters, and murderers, see the irony?:woot:

you really are stupid aint you?? you do not comprehend??

you defended the actions of muslims who come here by blaming australians and australian society ..

since you made excuses for the muslims rapist etc.. you are defending them.. your not blaming the muslim rapist are you?? your blaming the australian victims... how are you not defending rapist??

you know what.. you just prove the type of ignorant, immoral people muslims can be ( not all of them some are great people)

but people like you with your crap attitude, and dumb ideology really ruin it for the rest of your peoples... your not better then the rapist themselves

dont message or talk to me again.
you really are stupid aint you?? you do not comprehend??

you defended the actions of muslims who come here by blaming australians and australian society ..

since you made excuses for the muslims rapist etc.. you are defending them.. your not blaming the muslim rapist are you?? your blaming the australian victims... how are you not defending rapist??

you know what.. you just prove the type of ignorant, immoral people muslims can be ( not all of them some are great people)

but people like you with your crap attitude, and dumb ideology really ruin it for the rest of your peoples... your not better then the rapist themselves

dont message or talk to me again.

Wow, are you a BS talking machine or what? I mean seriously, what do you have up that skull of yours?, is it even a brain?

Man, i don't even think you are mature enough to be on this forum. Seriously, like how old are you?

You still couldn't provide proof that i defended rapists, molesters, murderers, and instead you resorted to more personal attacks like a little 9 year old. :disagree:

Once again, thanks for proving my point of how immature you are.:tup:

dont message or talk to me again.

I regret that now that i realize what type of a high quality "idiot buffoon" you are.
Hey, i don't hate White people, in fact i am willing to sacrifice my life for America, the nation i love most, this is where i was raised, and from my experience White Christian people are far better than my own Muslim people, i would happily fight alongside them.

I'm only messing around with amidmaru, he generalized all Pakistanis and accused me of defended rapists, molesters, and murderers even though i did not (he can't even quote where i defended such people and their actions), on top of that he resorted to personal attacks, i'm only giving him a taste of his own medicine.

Mate, read the post carefully i said "white Australian" i did not generalize & If you want to sacrifice your life for America then this is entirely your own choice and wish you all the best.
Only if you are trying to hint at his genocide policies in which case you are being dumb my friend. Even though personally I doubt the number of people who killed during the Holocaust -
Are you going to knock on my door and bring back my grandparents, aunts, and uncles from the dead? Next time when you speak out of ignorance say so and don't take convenient doubts as facts; the six million number wasn't picked out of thin air. I found one of my uncles deportation orders last year, on one of 20,000 lists of victims: link.
Are you going to knock on my door and bring back my grandparents, aunts, and uncles from the dead? Next time when you speak out of ignorance say so and don't take convenient doubts as facts; the six million number wasn't picked out of thin air. I found one of my uncles deportation orders last year, on one of 20,000 lists of victims: link.

i do challenge the authenticy of the jewish accounts.. well the number of deaths that it... i dont doubt your family died though

my pop was in sobibor among other camps... my nan was in camps too

6 million jews died?? thats a load of crap... i dont doubt the total deaths.. but you forget to add in the gypsies that died.. you also dont add in the amount of polish (non jews) that died... they would account for at least half
The Soviet Union and other Commie regimes are responsible for the deaths of close to 200 million people, how come no memorial for them? In fact i only learned about the Holodomor myself, otherwise i didn't know that 6 million Ukrainians were starved to death by Bolshevik Communists.
Yes my friend, I'm dumb because this time it involves the Chosen people. But PteX wasn't dumb for supporting the butchers of Palestinians of course. Who cares about the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians after all? They are inferior to the Chosen ones. I'm sorry that I forgot this important detail. Will you accept my apology?

No PteX is an Idiot and I almost never agree with him but that does not mean you should stoop to his level.

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