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Egypt: "Please, God. Please make it stop"

desertfox.. it is one thing to advocate respect for ones country, people, traditions.. and integrity etc

and you may do so...however in here, what you have said to me, is nothing more then biased mumbo jumbo that supports and makes excuses for your peoples and others of your regions ill manners, discriminative/egotistical/racist/superiority complex/ideology. you put the blame on the victims... you put blame on my country, for the behaviour of your and others people.

this is inexcusable. and while you may not be racist, you are certainly a bigot. perhaps you took offense to the truth that i layed out in front of you?? well dont direct your anger at me, direct your anger at the peoples you defended to me. the rapist, the murderers, the gangs, the two faced, hypocritical immorally bankrupt penons of your country(and others).

because if i was in your position, i would be angry that my people have disgraced the rest of my people... a lot of australians go to thailand, philippines etc as sex tourist. they think they are better then others, can do what they want, have little respect etc.. i hate people like that. and this is one of the reason why i also hate my people... when i go to another country, whether to tour, or to live.. i have full respect for the people of that nations, its rules/laws, traditions, beliefs etc. and i would NEVER make an excuse for any of my people who blatantly do not.

a person can make mistakes, they may not know the rules etc.. but when it comes to rape, molestation, murder, gangs etc.. i have no sympathy nor the desire to make excuses for them.

What a load of cow feces :lol:.

First you ignore all of my posts and don't directly reply to them, and now you are coming up with all of these baseless accusations, among these baseless accusations you accuse me of defending rapists? Shows your no different from the people you pretend to hate.

If you are a man (or a woman) of your words, prove the following point by point:

1). Where did i defend rape?

2). Where did i defend the actions of those immigrants?

3). Where did i defend murder?

4). Where did i defend molestation?

5). Where have i not criticized my people (Pakistani people)? In fact my first post on this thread was critical of their disgusting behavior.

6). Stop coming up with BS, because it seems you are only good at coming up with "mumbo jumbo" cow turd.

If you can't show proof of me defending any of the above than it goes to show you are the "idiot buffoon" here.:lol:

Will be waiting for your reply.
What a load of cow feces :lol:.

First you ignore all of my posts and don't directly reply to them, and now you are coming up with all of these baseless accusations, among these baseless accusations you accuse me of defending rapists? Shows your no different from the people you pretend to hate.

If you are a man (or a woman) of your words, prove the following point by point:

1). Where did i defend rape?

2). Where did i defend the actions of those immigrants?

3). Where did i defend murder?

4). Where did i defend molestation?

5). Where have i not criticized my people (Pakistani people)? In fact my first post on this thread was critical of their disgusting behavior.

6). Stop coming up with BS, because it seems you are only good at coming up with "mumbo jumbo" cow turd.

If you can't show proof of me defending any of the above than it goes to show you are the "idiot buffoon" here.:lol:

Will be waiting for your reply.

yes i ended up ignoring your posts and to be honest i did not even bother reading them after a while.. i was sick of the dribble lol.....i still dont know what you said when i stopped replying to you, because of all the crap you spoke of before that...

you tried to blame australia and australian people and culture.. for YOUR people coming here with bad attitudes, raping our women, disobeying out laws, trying to change our society and culture.... so by blaming us, you are making excuses for those who perpetrated the acts... and therefore you ARE defending your people actions of rape against my people...

you did not say yes my people were at fault, they are wrong etc... you instead tried to deflect blame onto australia and australians, who are actually the victims of this....so basically your saying australians are guilty because pakistani and other arab muslims rape aussies, and the pakistani and other arab rapist are the victims

grow up
yes i ended up ignoring your posts and to be honest i did not even bother reading them after a while.. i was sick of the dribble lol.....i still dont know what you said when i stopped replying to you, because of all the crap you spoke of before that...

you tried to blame australia and australian people and culture.. for YOUR people coming here with bad attitudes, raping our women, disobeying out laws, trying to change our society and culture.... so by blaming us, you are making excuses for those who perpetrated the acts... and therefore you ARE defending your people actions of rape against my people...

you did not say yes my people were at fault, they are wrong etc... you instead tried to deflect blame onto australia and australians, who are actually the victims of this....so basically your saying australians are guilty because pakistani and other arab muslims rape aussies, and the pakistani and other arab rapist are the victims

grow up

So in other words, you are agreeing that you don't have any proof that i supported or defended rapists, murderers, or molesters.

Thanks for proving that you are the idiot buffoon here. :enjoy:

:lol:I guess your proved my point, tata now. :wave:
yes i ended up ignoring your posts and to be honest i did not even bother reading them after a while.. i was sick of the dribble lol.....i still dont know what you said when i stopped replying to you, because of all the crap you spoke of before that...

you tried to blame australia and australian people and culture.. for YOUR people coming here with bad attitudes, raping our women, disobeying out laws, trying to change our society and culture.... so by blaming us, you are making excuses for those who perpetrated the acts... and therefore you ARE defending your people actions of rape against my people...

you did not say yes my people were at fault, they are wrong etc... you instead tried to deflect blame onto australia and australians, who are actually the victims of this....so basically your saying australians are guilty because pakistani and other arab muslims rape aussies, and the pakistani and other arab rapist are the victims

grow up

Come on mate , rape is not prerogative of any country or community ;)
A brilliant military strategist, a warrior and a greater man than you''ll ever know.

First post I have ever agreed with you on. He was a military bad *** to the fullest.

Things like that makes me ashamed to be an Egyptian. Hope those criminals pay for such a crime. Sexual harassment is an issue that ha s to be addressed in Egypt, it been increasing for the past couple of years.

I heard a similar story about a NBC reporter being assaulted. What is this nonsense? SMH the authorities should at least try to find and punish someone.
Come on mate , rape is not prerogative of any country or community ;)

dude if you followed the posts. you would see i was not generlising anyone.. country or community.. i was talking about immigrants who come here.. i said not all of them do this, but from what i can tell, most do have either crap attitudes, or they get into gangs, or rape and abuse our women.. why dont you do some research bout it all.. i also refrences the sydney race riots.. where aussies fought lebanese and the world called us racist.. but i simply pointed out we not racist, we are sick of these immigrants coming here talkin crap to our women, gang raping them.. living in our country, getting benefits even if they dont work.. they take it for granted and treat their hosts like crap......

when we on the rape subject.. seems desert fox got upset and offended... so he blames australia for immigrants acting like that in australia
So in other words, you are agreeing that you don't have any proof that i supported or defended rapists, murderers, or molesters.

Thanks for proving that you are the idiot buffoon here. :enjoy:

:lol:I guess your proved my point, tata now. :wave:

i really cant be bothered searching it all .. it will take too long.. but here is a qoute from you

I read your post on the thread: Egypt: "Please, God. Please make it stop"

The problem lies in your government, it has a loose immigration policy just as most Western/European countries.

But the problem's roots lie within the Western society, within the people of these countries.

this was your pm... you say the problems root lies within my society... so your saying the reason why immigrants, including your own people.. and especially muslims.. and african.. come here with bad attitudes, rape our women, talk our people like crap, and try to change our laws and way of life.. try to even ban bacon being cooked at mcdonalds!!... your saying its western societies fault!!...

1. If one have some shame he would have chosen to die of shame instead of posting off topic and flame bait. :tdown:

This is about some very sensitive issue but u chooses to troll.

2. And i know why u dare to post it because u think the rules don't apply to the pakistani and u will be spared by the mods.

But, ur wrong Mods will surely ban u for it. :angel:

3. This thread is not started by any Indian or Hindu and its 100% off topic but u posted a flame bait and off topic.

4. Even the video u have posted doesn't have something u were trying to say. Its just a pushover by some angry crowd.

Where is rape???
Come on mate , rape is not prerogative of any country or community ;)

I don't know, but i think there is something wrong with this amidmaru, i believe he lacks in reading comprehension skills, he is thinks i defended rapists, murderers, and molesters yet he cannot quote me from anywhere where i defended rape, murder, and molestation.

Man, a buffoon of a fellow he is. :lol:

i really cant be bothered searching it all .. it will take too long.. but here is a qoute from you

this was your pm... you say the problems root lies within my society... so your saying the reason why immigrants, including your own people.. and especially muslims.. and african.. come here with bad attitudes, rape our women, talk our people like crap, and try to change our laws and way of life.. try to even ban bacon being cooked at mcdonalds!!... your saying its western societies fault!!...

WTF are you even posting?? :rofl:

Where in there did i defend rape, murder, molestation, and bankruptcy as you accused me of?

As i said, prove the following, bring valid evidences:

If you are a man (or a woman) of your words, prove the following point by point:

1). Where did i defend rape?

2). Where did i defend the actions of those immigrants?

3). Where did i defend murder?

4). Where did i defend molestation?

5). Where have i not criticized my people (Pakistani people)? In fact my first post on this thread was critical of their disgusting behavior.

6). Stop coming up with BS, because it seems you are only good at coming up with "mumbo jumbo" cow turd.

If you can't show proof of me defending any of the above than it goes to show you are the "idiot buffoon" here.:lol:

Will be waiting for your reply.
dude if you followed the posts. you would see i was not generlising anyone.. country or community.. i was talking about immigrants who come here.. i said not all of them do this, but from what i can tell, most do have either crap attitudes, or they get into gangs, or rape and abuse our women.. why dont you do some research bout it all.. i also refrences the sydney race riots.. where aussies fought lebanese and the world called us racist.. but i simply pointed out we not racist, we are sick of these immigrants coming here talkin crap to our women, gang raping them.. living in our country, getting benefits even if they dont work.. they take it for granted and treat their hosts like crap......

when we on the rape subject.. seems desert fox got upset and offended... so he blames australia for immigrants acting like that in australia

Yes may be your assessment is right but i would only take it with respect if you are Aboriginal Australians (Indigenous Australian) other wise you are also immigrant may be older than those you are talking about.

dude if you followed the posts. you would see i was not generlising anyone.. country or community.. i was talking about immigrants who come here.. i said not all of them do this, but from what i can tell, most do have either crap attitudes, or they get into gangs, or rape and abuse our women.. why dont you do some research bout it all.. i also refrences the sydney race riots.. where aussies fought lebanese and the world called us racist.. but i simply pointed out we not racist, we are sick of these immigrants coming here talkin crap to our women, gang raping them.. living in our country, getting benefits even if they dont work.. they take it for granted and treat their hosts like crap......

when we on the rape subject.. seems desert fox got upset and offended... so he blames australia for immigrants acting like that in australia

Yes may be your assessment is right but i would only take it with respect if you are Aboriginal Australians (Indigenous Australian) other wise you are also immigrant may be older than those you are talking about.
I think Palestinians will agree with me that Hitler was a brilliant man.

Only if you are trying to hint at his genocide policies in which case you are being dumb my friend. Even though personally I doubt the number of people who killed during the Holocaust there is no doubt he was a mass murder and no one should applaud that.
Yes may be your assessment is right but i would only take it with respect if you are Aboriginal Australians (Indigenous Australian) other wise you are also immigrant may be older than those you are talking about.

Yes may be your assessment is right but i would only take it with respect if you are Aboriginal Australians (Indigenous Australian) other wise you are also immigrant may be older than those you are talking about.

Don't forget, the original WHITE Australians were murderers, rapists, frauds, molesters, and thugs, lol what a irony!!!!!!! :rofl::rofl:

@amidmaru, give those aboriginal their country back, you don't belong there if you are descendant of european criminals.
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