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Egypt May Buy Additional French Rafales, Satellites, Ships

Not true ...!

Egyptian deals with France/ Germany and Italy are financed by the original country of the deal through loans from it’s banks .... and payed quarterly or something ..... to avoid cutting of the deal ... as once they do so ... They will not get the rest of their money .... so the deal continues and money flow continues.... and every body is happy .
Maybe, Russian are known to finance the sell of their military equipment, but other Europeens are no keen to do that with country's who economy is stretched to the limit...unless that they have a stake in the country...as some countries you may know...
Turkey just got $15 billion from Qatar and $8 billion from Libya Wefaq government.. so you should know by now who is getting some help from rich donors..

Turkiye spent over $60 billion for Arabs and other muslim countries as humanitarian aid since 2012
Turkiye would buy all Egyptian + Qatari + Libyan Armed Forces combined for $60 billion

even since 2013 Turkiye/Turkish Economy under attack by the US .. and Turkiye lost over $500 billion since 2013
even in 2018 , Turkiye had bigger Economy than Egypt+Greece+Israel combined
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In Indonesia our President is not happy that our Defense Minister plan to spend money on foreign defense equipment in the middle of an economic crisis. I am happy Indonesia still has a rational leader. Egyptian under undemocratic rule also show less criticism from their media over their government spending policy.

I dont think Egypt need to spend much on defense, particularly for imported equipment. Israel dont have any ambition anymore to invade Egypt after Camp David agreement. Better spend on Egyptian own industry and R&D. Anyway, Egypt is already quite powerful.
Congrats to EAF!
What an arsenal for the pilots to exploit!

Following the lead of the EAF(not the first time as we know from the Digital Delta)

Would be awesome to see exercises with Egyptian Air Force & Indian Air Force/Naval Air Arm as there are so many common platforms like the Fulcrum, Mirage 2000 & Rafale.
Hopefully more high level communication would result in the same.
A lottery without meteor.. how lame

What's lame is actually your post. It's so lame because you have no idea what you're talking about. Next time, do a little google search and find out what is going on with the subject before you spit out your hate uncontrollably and then here I am making you look goofy and eating your lunch at the same time.

Egypt is on the waiting list for the meteor since we bought the 1st Rafale to ever be exported along with 9 other countries which even include Germany (for their Typhoons) and the UK Navy, and India and Brazil and even South Korea. There's only 5 countries currently allowed to operate the Meteor and most of those are in the MBDA program. Even Sweden just got approval last year for their Gripen. All you had to do was Google "Meteor" and just get on the Wiki site or any other ones you prefer and you would've found that out instead of allowing your hate or jealously of Egypt to get the best of you. Hopefully you learned something.

Maybe someday you can tell me why you hate Egypt so much? What the hell did we ever do to you to deserve your invalidated hatred? It would be good to know to understand this phenomenon a bit better.

In Indonesia our President is not happy that our Defense Minister plan to spend money on foreign defense equipment in the middle of an economic crisis. I am happy Indonesia still has a rational leader. Egyptian under undemocratic rule also show less criticism from their media over their government spending policy.

Didn't you just order 8 Ospreys from the US? So that is rational as opposed to a complete re-modernization or our military branches which hadn't been touched for over 35 years? You're saying we should've kept our MiG-21s from the 60's and 70's? And all our outdated weapons and never buy Rafales and satellites to increase our capabilities to a better level? Help me understand since you seem to know what rational spending is based on your country and we have no clue. Looking forward to hearing your explanation.

I dont think Egypt need to spend much on defense, particularly for imported equipment. Israel dont have any ambition anymore to invade Egypt after Camp David agreement. Better spend on Egyptian own industry and R&D. Anyway, Egypt is already quite powerful.

Well, thank you for the advice. However, can't base our strategy on a quote. Our strategy is much more complex and needs to reach a certain level of capability, or modernization and standard before anything else. Israel and Sinai will always be a major defense point for Egypt no matter how well the relationship is. People need to stop advising Egypt on what it should and what it shouldn't do as if they're some kind of expert on the particular needs.
Didn't you just order 8 Ospreys from the US? So that is rational as opposed to a complete re-modernization or our military branches which hadn't been touched for over 35 years? You're saying we should've kept our MiG-21s from the 60's and 70's? And all our outdated weapons and never buy Rafales and satellites to increase our capabilities to a better level? Help me understand since you seem to know what rational spending is based on your country and we have no clue. Looking forward to hearing your explanation.

During this Covid you should delay spending on imported products, and focus on equipment that can be produced inside the country. Waiting for another 3-4 years will not harm you too much. Better to wait for KFX/IFX in 2026 inshaAllah.

That 8 Osprey will likely be cancelled after our President criticize our defense minister in the meeting. After that meeting, Defense Ministry office said diplomatically that their ministry hasnt yet chosen the Osprey (face saving). The request is already made, but the contract hasnt been signed yet.
In Indonesia our President is not happy that our Defense Minister plan to spend money on foreign defense equipment in the middle of an economic crisis. I am happy Indonesia still has a rational leader. Egyptian under undemocratic rule also show less criticism from their media over their government spending policy.

I dont think Egypt need to spend much on defense, particularly for imported equipment. Israel dont have any ambition anymore to invade Egypt after Camp David agreement. Better spend on Egyptian own industry and R&D. Anyway, Egypt is already quite powerful.

Brother , you cannot compare the political/ Economical/Geographical situations from different territories of the world to each other ..... I.e. cannot compare ME with Eastern Asia ...

you cannot compare the response of Egyptians to cutting parts of their lands like what happened in Indonesia ( Eastern Timor) or Malaysia ( Singapore) to the response of Indonesians and Malaysians ...!
Also, just 17 years ago you had undemocratic rule and you had your revolution , but the difference here in ME ... is that there are international ( USA,Russia , France ) and Regional ( Israel, Iran ,Turkey) .... interferes in those normal political rise and trying to direct it to their benefits .... that leads to clash and destruction ..... you cannot ask Egyptians for democracy while they are seeing the revolutions failure in Syria,Iraq,Libya and Yemen ..... we would rather have an autocratic leader for a while more than being destroyed like our brothers in Arab spring countries.

Democracy is not the ultimate goal for human beings ... the ultimate goal is prosperity, dignity and live without fear .
and if you need the truth, you can search more about what is really happening in Egypt... economically and social life .... that’s why the main stream Egyptians are now accepting Elsisi .

Regarding R&D and industries .... you are fully right in that .... and there are some efforts is going on through the last 4 years ...

About spending money on Military equipments and industry .... just 5 years ago , there was a serious criticism against that expending spree on Military modernization .... but now , while Egyptians are seeing the danger coming from :
- North ( EEZ and Gas discoveries that worth 200 B USD ) and the tension in the Mediterranean.
- West Turkish invasion to Libya & sending Syrian Mercenaries / Terrorists to the Egyptian boarders.
- South .. ( Turmoils in Sudan and the Ethiopian dam ) + Yemen and threatening the International trade waterways to Suez Canal .
- East Iranian threats to allied gulf states .

Now, no Egyptian is asking why spending so much money on weapons ....! Even they started to ask for more domestic military production + buying with TOT to spread the weapons delivery .... what ever is the cost ...!

Egyptians feeling the danger and the mode started to accept that the war is coming either in the west to stop The Turkish backed Terrorists from infiltrating to Egypt or the south over the dam of Ethiopia.
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1) The US and Israel used their puppets S.Arabia and The Uae to find SISI to make military coup in Egypt to destroy alliance between Egypt and Turkiye who supported Palestine against Israel ...... now puppet SISI killing Palestinians for Israeli interests

2) now same senario in Libya .. the US,France,Israel use S.Arabia , The Uae and HAFTAR to make military coup in Libya to destroy alliance between Libya and Turkiye

The Uae and S.Arabia deployed tons of weapons in Libya via Egypt including PANTSIR Air Defense Systems and Wing Loong UCAVS also their terrorists from Chad,Niger,Sudan to kill Libyans and to destroy alliance between Libya and Turkiye for Israeli interests
also Russia deployed minimum 14 Fighter Jets MIG-29 and SU-24s in Libya and tons of weapons by cargo Planes and thousands of WAGNER mercenaries also pro-Russian Assadists from Syria to kill Libyans for stealing oil fields

Turkiye and the UN recognized legal Libyan government always will protect our Libyan brothers and sisters from being killed/slaughtered on the hands of the invading christian Russians , French and their puppet criminal war lord HAFTAR , Arab dictators in Egypt , S.Arabia and The Uae , also their terrorists from Chad,Niger,Sudan and pro-Russian Assadists from Syria

btw Turkiye never attack Egyptian EEZ in the Eastern Mediterranean .... but puppet SISI was allies with christian Greece , France and zionist Israel to steal oil/gas reserves from the Turks

smart France and Israel wants to use puppet SISI to fight Turkiye ..... even Egypt-Turkiye were allies in 2012 .... but they found puppet SISI in 2013 to destroy alliance between Egypt-Turkiye
and since 2013 France,Israel,the Uae gives money-weapons to puppet SISI to fight Turkiye for christian European-Zionist Israeli interests

but in a war nobody can save puppet SISI .... even muslim Egyptians so hate criminal puppet dictator SISI and his anti-ISLAM policy for christian Copts and Israeli interests
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Brother , you cannot compare the political/ Economical/Geographical situations from different territories of the world to each other ..... I.e. cannot compare ME with Eastern Asia ...

you cannot compare the response of Egyptians to cutting parts of their lands like what happened in Indonesia ( Eastern Timor) or Malaysia ( Singapore) to the response of Indonesians and Malaysians ...!
Also, just 17 years ago you had undemocratic rule and you had your revolution , but the difference here in ME ... is that there are international ( USA,Russia , France ) and Regional ( Israel, Iran ,Turkey) .... interferes in those normal political rise and trying to direct it to their benefits .... that leads to clash and destruction ..... you cannot ask Egyptians for democracy while they are seeing the revolutions failure in Syria,Iraq,Libya and Yemen ..... we would rather have an autocratic leader for a while more than being destroyed like our brothers in Arab spring countries.

Democracy is not the ultimate goal for human beings ... the ultimate goal is prosperity, dignity and live without fear .
and if you need the truth, you can search more about what is really happening in Egypt... economically and social life .... that’s why the main stream Egyptians are now accepting Elsisi .

Regarding R&D and industries .... you are fully right in that .... and there are some efforts is going on through the last 4 years ...

About spending money on Military equipments and industry .... just 5 years ago , there was a serious criticism against that expending spree on Military modernization .... but now , while Egyptians are seeing the danger coming from :
- North ( EEZ and Gas discoveries that worth 200 B USD ) and the tension in the Mediterranean.
- West Turkish invasion to Libya & sending Syrian Mercenaries / Terrorists to the Egyptian boarders.
- South .. ( Turmoils in Sudan and the Ethiopian dam ) + Yemen and threatening the International trade waterways to Suez Canal .
- East Iranian threats to allied gulf states .

Now, no Egyptian is asking why spending so much money on weapons ....! Even they started to ask for more domestic military production + buying with TOT to spread the weapons delivery .... what ever is the cost ...!

Egyptians feeling the danger and the mode started to accept that the war is coming either in the west to stop The Turkish backed Terrorists from infiltrating to Egypt or the south over the dam of Ethiopia.

Okay, I will try to discuss other thing.........

Do you think it maybe better for Egypt to wait for 5 generation fighters to come (fighters beside F35 that look like impossible for Egypt) like J 35 from China or KFX/IFX from Korea/Indonesia to replace the old planes ? The possibility is that those planes will be ready about 5-6 years from now to be bought.
Okay, I will try to discuss other thing.........

Do you think it maybe better for Egypt to wait for 5 generation fighters to come (fighters beside F35 that look like impossible for Egypt) like J 35 from China or KFX/IFX from Korea/Indonesia to replace the old planes ? The possibility is that those planes will be ready about 5-6 years from now to be bought.

There is 2 things:

1- Time is not in our favor ... waiting those 5th generations plans to be ready while Israel is getting new F-15 I and +100 F-35 will be unwise choice .... so RAFALEs & SU-35 the only capable fighters to confront them now + MIG-29 for Air Defense with Ground AD systems.

2- Weapons is not only just buying.... it includes continuous logistical support ... and it is long term relationship ... for the Chinese J 35 may be .... but for the Korean/Indonesian KFX/IFX .... I don’t know about the engine /avionics....etc ...
would it be domestic systems or imported from Russia or USA with some restrictions in selling them to third parties...!?
There is 2 things:

1- Time is not in our favor ... waiting those 5th generations plans to be ready while Israel is getting new F-15 I and +100 F-35 will be unwise choice .... so RAFALEs & SU-35 the only capable fighters to confront them now + MIG-29 for Air Defense with Ground AD systems.

2- Weapons is not only just buying.... it includes continuous logistical support ... and it is long term relationship ... for the Chinese J 35 may be .... but for the Korean/Indonesian KFX/IFX .... I don’t know about the engine /avionics....etc ...
would it be domestic systems or imported from Russia or USA with some restrictions in selling them to third parties...!?

It is the thing that I dont understand, why Egyptian need to be so rush and hurry. I dont think Israeli is going to attack Egypt as long as Egypt doesnt attack Israeli. Having war with Egypt has been proven to be so expensive for Israeli, that is why they tend to get more land from weak Palestinian and Jordan.

Yup, I think buying J 35 is much secured than buying KFX/IFX for Egyptian case. KFX uses US engine although it will be made under licensed in Hanwa Korea (F 414 GE). The avionics are Koreans and also some subsystems are European and Israeli.

Do you think buying Rafale is a good choice ? I believe if there is a war between Egypt and Israel, they will side with Israel.
You know you are lying now that I told you the facts..
Turkey just got $15 billion from Qatar and $8 billion from Libya Wefaq government.. so you should know by now who is getting some help from rich donors..

Like if Egypt never had a defence budget.. that is a very idiotic thought..
Man I was in Europe when Azerbaijan got a beating by Armenia and lost an important part of its land right in the middle of the country.. and got the US and Turkey helping with weapons.. because you had no defence budget so we know where your affiliation is.. .. just go get back Nagorno-Karabakh first..Ok

I give a **** what Turkey got and how many, but to think Egypt which his broke economy, doesnt get money from KSA and UAE, is peak of naivity. About Azerbaijan, you really the mighty Armenia lobby would allow US to side with Azerbaijan?

I dont know why Egypt deny what everybody know. The same arms saller and donor whats push Egypt in a confrontation with Turkey.
I dont know if this stupidity in Arab veins or typical muslim behaviour.
In Indonesia our President is not happy that our Defense Minister plan to spend money on foreign defense equipment in the middle of an economic crisis. I am happy Indonesia still has a rational leader. Egyptian under undemocratic rule also show less criticism from their media over their government spending policy.

I dont think Egypt need to spend much on defense, particularly for imported equipment. Israel dont have any ambition anymore to invade Egypt after Camp David agreement. Better spend on Egyptian own industry and R&D. Anyway, Egypt is already quite powerful.

Different country different thinking different rationale different threat and different National objective.

You know they are in the face of big conflict over neighbouring Libya and Arabs spring is still going on in Syria and recent hostile attitude of Turkey against Egypt. They had their rationale to purchase more arms and they had a just cause to do that actually. Afterall Middle East region is unlike a peacefull kindergarden.

And don't judge their leadership as you don't want them to judge our president, you should be more careful over this kind of issue as even Indonesia Leaderships since Soekarno era is quite friendly toward Egypt whoever their leader.

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