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Egypt to Buy Spy Satellite, Two MRTT Aircraft from France

I didn't realize they were thinking of ordering an additional 4 on top of these two. At first I thought why need 6 of them unless they plan a lot of long distance "trips" but I guess they don't need to fuel only military jets. These can actually be used to fuel not only passenger jets of certain types, but they can also be contracted by other friendly governments passing by needing air refueling, similar to what the UAE does. Still, 6 of them is a lot, especially at $300 million a piece plus the large amounts of fuel they need to carry as well as maintenance and flight operation costs. Interesting to see if they do follow through with those.

That aircraft seems to be one of the better and more successful A2A refueler as well as its cabin being able to convert to passenger and cargo carrier.

The same here the aircraft didn't even attract my interest but mainly the spy satellite if Egypt has other refuelers they should just dump the aircrafts and just go for the satellite solely
The same here the aircraft didn't even attract my interest but mainly the spy satellite if Egypt has other refuelers they should just dump the aircrafts and just go for the satellite solely

They have buddy buddy with the MiG-29/35 and Rafales, but obviously those are much less in range than the MRTT. I was just surprised they're thinking of 4 additional ones on top of the 2 they just ordered. But considering the large fleet of F-16s, eventual Rafales and MiG and Su-35, it might make sense to have at least 3 overall strictly for the EAF and use the other for commercial traffic of allies. Or just have them all ready for use at any time and for either purpose.

The satellites are no problem, plenty going on from spy to military etc. That part I'm not too worried about.
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