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Featured Egypt has threatened to push Turkey out of Libya. But is that even possible?


Jul 12, 2016
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Egypt should probably fix its Ethiopian dam problem before it tries to fight Turkey. If it seriously thinks it's gonna resolve this with military power then it's in for a rude awakening.
It is more than possible..Turkey has no chance in the Arab world.. it better for it to look for gas and oil in Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan..they are full of it ..and that would be more natural..as they are Turkic states..but maybe Turkey saw there was no chance there either!?
Turkey has over stretched itself. She is further and does not have land border with Libya. If Egypt up the ante, Turkey will not be able to supply her expeditionary force and ally in Libya. It is a matter of time before Turks loss the war.
Turkey has over stretched itself. She is further and does not have land border with Libya. If Egypt up the ante, Turkey will not be able to supply her expeditionary force and ally in Libya. It is a matter of time before Turks loss the war.

Have you been seen what the border is like? There is only a single coastal road between the two nations.

Egypt should probably fix its Ethiopian dam problem before it tries to fight Turkey. If it seriously thinks it's gonna resolve this with military power then it's in for a rude awakening.

Though i dont believe in post 2023 fantasies but it seems turkey already expanding its influence with its active role in syria and libya
Egypt, despite having 20 million more people than Turkey has an economy less than one third the size of Turkey's. This alone is a major weakness for Egypt, however, it gets much worse. Egypt's entire arsenal of vehicles and weapons is a mess. A combination of American, French, Russian, Chinese and other equipment. This wouldn't be a problem in the 1950s, however, in today's world interoperability between military equipment is essential. Particularly in the air force. Having a combination of western and eastern vehicles means there will be problems with training, friend or foe identification and data sharing. Essentially meaning that the Egyptian military is unable to work as one whole cohesive force.

This whole mess is a result of an even bigger issue. The Egyptian military is funded by the oil-rich Gulf Arab states. To the Saudi's and the UAE, Egypt is a large and loyal ally which could aid them with their regional designs. While the KSA and UAE are much richer and could just expand their own militaries, Egypt's large Arab population and access to the Mediterranean mean it is a very attractive alternative. For this reason, they have pumped billions into Egypt for new military procurements. Meaning that the Egyptian military essentially serves as a huge mercenary force for the Gulf States.
Egypt's military isn't only a mess on the hardware side. It also has a personnel problem. Don't let its 910,000 strong military fool you. This largely conscripted force isn't comparable to Israeli or Turkish conscripted forces. Most men don't see combat, let alone fire a single bullet for training purposes. Instead, they run errands for their commanders, sweep the floors and cook.

All in all the Turkish Armed Forces is miles above Egypt's military. It is a serious force. Highly mobile, experienced and fully confident with acting on its own; Egypt would make a big mistake if it chose to fight Turkey in Libya. If Egypt does indeed enter Libya it'll likely be their biggest mistake since fighting Israel decades prior. However, it appears as if Egypt may be stepping away from their bold statements only days after making them. Indicating that Sisi's threats were empty from the start.


Some interesting quotes from the source in the opening post.
Egypt is fighting on behalf of Arabs.

While Turks have now reputation of imperialism that put anyone who welcome Turks a danger of being labelled collaborators.

Egypt, despite having 20 million more people than Turkey has an economy less than one third the size of Turkey's. This alone is a major weakness for Egypt, however, it gets much worse. Egypt's entire arsenal of vehicles and weapons is a mess. A combination of American, French, Russian, Chinese and other equipment. This wouldn't be a problem in the 1950s, however, in today's world interoperability between military equipment is essential. Particularly in the air force. Having a combination of western and eastern vehicles means there will be problems with training, friend or foe identification and data sharing. Essentially meaning that the Egyptian military is unable to work as one whole cohesive force.

This whole mess is a result of an even bigger issue. The Egyptian military is funded by the oil-rich Gulf Arab states. To the Saudi's and the UAE, Egypt is a large and loyal ally which could aid them with their regional designs. While the KSA and UAE are much richer and could just expand their own militaries, Egypt's large Arab population and access to the Mediterranean mean it is a very attractive alternative. For this reason, they have pumped billions into Egypt for new military procurements. Meaning that the Egyptian military essentially serves as a huge mercenary force for the Gulf States.
Egypt's military isn't only a mess on the hardware side. It also has a personnel problem. Don't let its 910,000 strong military fool you. This largely conscripted force isn't comparable to Israeli or Turkish conscripted forces. Most men don't see combat, let alone fire a single bullet for training purposes. Instead, they run errands for their commanders, sweep the floors and cook.

All in all the Turkish Armed Forces is miles above Egypt's military. It is a serious force. Highly mobile, experienced and fully confident with acting on its own; Egypt would make a big mistake if it chose to fight Turkey in Libya. If Egypt does indeed enter Libya it'll likely be their biggest mistake since fighting Israel decades prior. However, it appears as if Egypt may be stepping away from their bold statements only days after making them. Indicating that Sisi's threats were empty from the start.


Some interesting quotes from the source in the opening post.
The Turkish army, cant fight a war abroad, because of long supply lines, and stuff like that.
If a war happens in Libya, Between Egypt and Turkey, Egypt could just get air superiority, and destroy any cargo planes, same with Cargo Ships, Turkey wouldnt be able to send it's troops/supplies to it's forces in Libya.
Even with a "Gigantic airforce that is able to operate 100 planes in the same time" wouldnt even be able to reach Egypt's coast because of Anti Air, Naval Ships and Fuel, even if the Turkish Navy Escorts the Cargo ships, Egypt can send a submarine fleet, and destroy the cargo ship, and return.
It's aint rocket science. sry to break it to buddy, but Turkey can only fund Milities or send a tiny amount of troops to any Nation abroad. the only that they are able to do, is fight a major war right next to their border, like Syria.
Egypt on the other hand, would have better supply lines, is able to deploy more forces because the supply lines wouldnt be awful.
The Turkish army, cant fight a war abroad, because of long supply lines, and stuff like that.
If a war happens in Libya, Between Egypt and Turkey, Egypt could just get air superiority, and destroy any cargo planes, same with Cargo Ships, Turkey wouldnt be able to send it's troops/supplies to it's forces in Libya.
Even with a "Gigantic airforce that is able to operate 100 planes in the same time" wouldnt even be able to reach Egypt's coast because of Anti Air, Naval Ships and Fuel, even if the Turkish Navy Escorts the Cargo ships, Egypt can send a submarine fleet, and destroy the cargo ship, and return.
It's aint rocket science. sry to break it to buddy, but Turkey can only fund Milities or send a tiny amount of troops to any Nation abroad. the only that they are able to do, is fight a major war right next to their border, like Syria.
Egypt on the other hand, would have better supply lines, is able to deploy more forces because the supply lines wouldnt be awful.

You clearly lack a fundamental understanding on the topic buddy. You are aware of the abysmal state of the Egyptian military right? You do realise that their air force, although large, is useless against a competent enemy? You understand that they have a single coastal route into Libyan cities?

Hate to break it to you but Egypt can't do more than bark in this situation. It's easy for someone like you to just look at Globalfirepower and think to yourself that Egypt is next door so they must have a big advantage. However reality isn't a video game. We saw what happened in the 6 day war. This would be no different.

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