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Featured Egypt has threatened to push Turkey out of Libya. But is that even possible?

Just start anyone if them..Syria never involved in there only to supply the US fro its own bases..in fact the GCC were the first to propose an economical package to Syria before the war there../QUOTE]
Here to jog your memories. Syria first.
"In Syria as the regime intensified a crackdown against a peaceful uprising that began in March
2011, the UAE and the other GCC states leaders shifted decisively against Assad, at least in part
to strategically weaken Iran in the Middle East. In November 2011, after the Arab League
suspended Syria’s membership, the UAE embassy in Damascus, among others, was attacked. It
closed that embassy, as the other GCC states did theirs, in February 2012. The UAE joined its
GCC allies in early April 2012, during a multinational conference on Syria in Istanbul, in offering
about $100 million in funds to Syrian rebels, to be used as salaries and also presumably to buy
weapons and services useful to their cause."

https://www.hsdl.org › viewPDF
The United Arab Emirates (UAE): Issues for U.S. Policy

Yemen.. where did the UAE or KSA lose? or you believe in those tabloid news..?
Qatar is the only one suffering from the blockade just read about it..it is all over the place..
Anything more?

Yemen Sana'a is still with the Houthis after all those years of bombing the only thing UAE achieved is to pull it's troops out without dislodging the Houthis.
So no purpose achieved billions down the drain.
Same goes for Qatar policy.
The blockade was a policy to an end i-e the capitulation of al-Thani and specifically Qatar's foreign policy. The only thing the idiotic Sheikh has achieved there is to get it more closer to Iran and Turkey. The absolute opposite to what he wanted to achieve.
Here to jog your memories. Syria first.
"In Syria as the regime intensified a crackdown against a peaceful uprising that began in March
2011, the UAE and the other GCC states leaders shifted decisively against Assad, at least in part
to strategically weaken Iran in the Middle East. In November 2011, after the Arab League
suspended Syria’s membership, the UAE embassy in Damascus, among others, was attacked. It
closed that embassy, as the other GCC states did theirs, in February 2012. The UAE joined its
GCC allies in early April 2012, during a multinational conference on Syria in Istanbul, in offering
about $100 million in funds to Syrian rebels, to be used as salaries and also presumably to buy
weapons and services useful to their cause."

https://www.hsdl.org › viewPDF
The United Arab Emirates (UAE): Issues for U.S. Policy
Did you read "Shifted"!!?

Yemen Sana'a is still with the Houthis after all those years of bombing the only thing UAE achieved is to pull it's troops out without dislodging the Houthis.
So no purpose achieved billions down the drain.
Same goes for Qatar policy.
The blockade was a policy to an end i-e the capitulation of al-Thani and specifically Qatar's foreign policy. The only thing the idiotic Sheikh has achieved there is to get it more closer to Iran and Turkey. The absolute opposite to what he wanted to achieve.
So what do you want..to kill everyone in Sana'a?
Nope Qatar was found out siding with Iran and Turkey to some extent at that time..while being within the coalition.. a traitor giving out restricted information on the battle..so it was cut and boycotted by the GCC..
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Did you read "Shifted"!!?..

More like shafted.
Once the UAE got shafted they shifted their policies on Syria.

So what do you want..to kill everyone in Sana'a?
Nope Qatar was found out siding with Iran and Turkey to some extent at that time..while being within the coalition.. a traitor giving out restricted information on the battle..so it was cut and boycotted by the GCC..
What I want doesn't matter here.
All I am highlighting to you UAEs failed foreign policy and the huge sums the idiotic MBZ wasted on it.
You have tried to suck them.. but it didn't work for you..they found out you were a treacherous vermin..

I wish we did.. but we are not good at that and unfortunately the europeon countries are doing it better
Egypt is fighting on behalf of Arabs.

Egypt is fighting on behalf of Israel , the US , France
puppet SISI is fighting Arabs in Palestine
puppet SISI is fighting Arabs in Libya

Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae were allies with christian Russia,France,Greece and zionist Israel to attack Muslim Countries

on the other hand the Turks saved millions of muslim Syrian Arabs from Russia,Iran and Assad Regime
also Turkiye support Arabs in Palestine against Israel
also Turkiye saved Arab country Qatar from puppet the Uae,S.Arabia,Egyptt
also Turkiye protect Arab country Libya from christian invaders France , Russia
also Turkiye help Somalia to fight terrorism

What an ignorant post.. are living in a cave in Australia? HaHa..
You just jumped the fact of 24 Rafale with BVR and 50 Mig-35 with BVR..just to suit your sick soul..not mentioning the SU-35s or the Typhoons coming soon..all with BVR..even the AIM-7P Sparrow is still dangerous for you..

if needed only one night and all air/naval bases will be destroyed in Cairo , Alexandria , Port Said also Sidi Barrani air base

and Egypt doesnt have military capability to attack Turkiye
Egypt doesnt have power projection to operate 1.000km away from its border
and Egyptian Navy is so weak also Egyptian Airforce doesnt have large scale operation capability

-- without Airrefueling Tankers
-- without Network centrik warfare capability
-- without BVR for F-16 and Rafale Fighter Jets
-- without long range land attack Cruise Missiles for F-16 , MIG-29M2 and Rafale Fighter Jets

and Egyptian Navy has only 4 old OHP and 1 FREMM Frigate .... nothing else

Turkish Navy 16 Frigates , 4 ADA Corvettes and 12 Submarines
Turkish Airforce 7 KC-135R , 4 E7-T AEWCs , 192 F-16 and 47 F-4 Fighter Jets armed with HARM , SLAM-ER , SOM , POPEYE , KGK , JSOW and AIM-120B , AIM-120C7 Missiles can attack Egypt

also Turkiye can arm dozens of Cargo Ships with hundreds of BORA Ballistic Missiles to hit military targets in Egypt

Russia-France , The Uae ( Israel ) wants to use SISI as pawn against Turkiye but EAF can not stop the Turkish Airmed Forces in a war one on one
Like it or not Arabs rather want Turks out.

Egypt is fighting on behalf of Israel , the US , France
puppet SISI is fighting Arabs in Palestine
puppet SISI is fighting Arabs in Libya

Egypt,S.Arabia and The Uae were allies with christian Russia,France,Greece and zionist Israel to attack Muslim Countries

on the other hand the Turks saved millions of muslim Syrian Arabs from Russia,Iran and Assad Regime
also Turkiye support Arabs in Palestine against Israel
also Turkiye saved Arab country Qatar from puppet the Uae,S.Arabia,Egyptt
also Turkiye protect Arab country Libya from christian invaders France , Russia
also Turkiye help Somalia to fight terrorism

if needed only one night and all air/naval bases will be destroyed in Cairo , Alexandria , Port Said also Sidi Barrani air base

and Egypt doesnt have military capability to attack Turkiye
Egypt doesnt have power projection to operate 1.000km away from its border
and Egyptian Navy is so weak also Egyptian Airforce doesnt have large scale operation capability

-- without Airrefueling Tankers
-- without Network centrik warfare capability
-- without BVR for F-16 and Rafale Fighter Jets
-- without long range land attack Cruise Missiles for F-16 , MIG-29M2 and Rafale Fighter Jets

and Egyptian Navy has only 4 old OHP and 1 FREMM Frigate .... nothing else

Turkish Navy 16 Frigates , 4 ADA Corvettes and 12 Submarines
Turkish Airforce 7 KC-135R , 4 E7-T AEWCs , 192 F-16 and 47 F-4 Fighter Jets armed with HARM , SLAM-ER , SOM , POPEYE , KGK , JSOW and AIM-120B , AIM-120C7 Missiles can attack Egypt

also Turkiye can arm dozens of Cargo Ships with hundreds of BORA Ballistic Missiles to hit military targets in Egypt

Russia-France , The Uae ( Israel ) wants to use SISI as pawn against Turkiye but EAF can not stop the Turkish Airmed Forces in a war one on one
Dictator or not dictator, all Arab responded positively when Lawrence of Arabia asked them to give Turk a kick.

not Arab Peoples
but only puppet Dictators like HAFTAR , SISI , MBS , MBZ and their MASTERS The US , Israel , France
Dictator or not dictator, all Arab responded positively when Lawrence of Arabia asked them to give Turk a kick

Palestine , Qatar and Libya are Arabs who work with Turkiye
Turkiye hosts millions of Syrian and Iraqi Arab Refugees
even Egypt led by president MOURSI was ally with Turkiye
most of Arab Peoples love the Turks more than puppet Arab Dictators

btw after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire , christian the US,the UK,France,Russia and shia Iran also zionist Israel killed millions of Arabs in Algeria,Libya,Palestine,Iraq,Syria,etc

Egypt should probably fix its Ethiopian dam problem before it tries to fight Turkey. If it seriously thinks it's gonna resolve this with military power then it's in for a rude awakening.
Egypt lack the will or the capability to enter Lybia...After all the bravado talk and the threats and the legal obligation listed in Sissies speech...It was just an Egyptian comedy written and directed by Sissi to impress the crowd of the interior and mainly the ones who forked for the military equipment he showcased..
Egypt won't attack Turkey's transpotted Syrian milicias, nor they have the capability to do so..Egypt went mauled away from her borders in Yemen where she lost half of her expeditionary force and she doesn't have the stomach for a second serving from the GNA..
Have GNA gave up on sirte? Seems like they have tactically withdrawn.
No idea probably they are negoatioting ceasefire terms I guess. its awfully quiet that's for sure.

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