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Egypt - HAL offers to set up LCA and LCH manufacturing.

Tejas is all foreign parts no domestic parts. Basically India bought a bunch of parts and assembled it together and said look at our jet fighter!! That is why no one will buy it

But then that means India will give business to the foreign manufacturers of those parts too.

Muslim countries would disregard suffering of Muslims in Kashmir or India or hindutva extremists to help a enemy of Muslims like India when our people or country wouldn't do the same when it comes to Israel

How is it beneficial for Arabs if Pakistan gets the Kashmir? Do you think Arabs are fools like us to get used by Pakistanis in their ego fight with India? UAE is getting business in Indian occupied Kashmir not in Pakistani Kashmir. Why would they have any problem?
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The fault lies with Pakistani, too many of us as Muslims see this world through a Muslim lense, so Palestinians being targeted and humiliated effect's us

So we have no relations with Israel based upon our emotional connection to our faith

Others don't, the crux of Pakistani seething anger is how fellow Muslim countries would disregard suffering of Muslims in Kashmir or India or hindutva extremists to help a enemy of Muslims like India when our people or country wouldn't do the same when it comes to Israel

Is the fault ours? Or is it the Arabs? Only Allah SWT knows

Let these fcukers do what they want, for too long Pakistani have wasted time on bullshit and emotions when we have other things to focus on

At the moment the Pakistani states shooting itself in its own foot, we have our own U.S puppet like Sisi bringing in proxy's trying to stifle Pakistani independence of thought, foreign policy or strategic defence of our interests

In Afghanistan Pakistan took on multiple states, and ground them down to defend our interest and we got paid back by the lanats of PDM

The Hindus our our enemy, forget what Egypt or the Arabs will do, they dont care about you, we have enough to focus on
maybe just maybe
Make a plane thats worth it and not overpriced
Isnt it a shame you lost to the indians you always mock?
Like what? Which missile we produce or can replace it?
The Brimstone is a very flexible system it does alot of roles being an anti tank missile an anti ship (mainly patrol boats if iam not mistaken) anti surface like the russian 305 missile
This specific munition is hard to replace but it isnt a big deal rocket probelled small diameter bombs cand do part of the job but i dont think it will be replaced
First save your country from USA intervention that ousted Imran Khan

Counter measures are in full swing .. the fight is clearly in full swing

How about Egypt ?

Surrendered as usual ?

hey mate this guy is anti anything that Egyptian since i met him

Pointing out facts and you are considered anti - some thing

Now where do we hear that ?

Oh I remember now …. from the imported US gov in Pakistan … jailing independent journalist and calling them traitors ..

Sorry habbi I am just anti bullshiit

How is it beneficial for Arabs if Pakistan gets the Kashmir? Do

Wonder full point!

Now you understand our position in Yemen

So I assume you will lecture the KSA gov ?

Pointing out facts and you are considered anti - some thing

Now where do we hear that ?

Oh I remember now …. from the imported US gov in Pakistan … jailing independent journalist and calling them traitors ..

Sorry habbi I am just anti bullshiit
Oh no, You have a history of spewing out incoherent bullshit with low quality posts and just insulting other Egyptian members trying to provoke an argument. What did Egypt do to you? Or are you part of the gang which blames everyone except himself for his own failures?
maybe just maybe
Make a plane thats worth it and not overpriced
Isnt it a shame you lost to the indians you always mock?

Lost what??????

Unlike multiple Arab states against a tiny Israel, India is a 1.4 billion overpopulated slum about 7 times bigger then us

Pakistan has always defended our strategic interests against our enemies from taking on multiple states in Afghanistan, to humiliating India as recently as 2019

Is it unreasonable for Pakistanis to expect support from Muslim countries against anti Muslim Hindu extremists?
Egypt will never go for an Indian jet. They are looking for transfer of technology including engine design or during any conflict continuous supply of parts
Lost what??????

Unlike multiple Arab states against a tiny Israel, India is a 1.4 billion overpopulated slum about 7 times bigger then us

Pakistan has always defended our strategic interests against our enemies from taking on multiple states in Afghanistan, to humiliating India as recently as 2019

Is it unreasonable for Pakistanis to expect support from Muslim countries against anti Muslim Hindu extremists?
You chose the camp of iran and turkey we didnt force you although these countries have expanded on muslim countries you do not care and turn a blind eye. So why should we care about india's plans? Isnt it unreasonable to support the same Pakistan which supports our enemies that are covered by the west? The same west you put the blame coat on everytime you fail at a certain event wether its economic or defense related. If you really expect us to put the gulf's billions in a failed economy or send our troops to die in a baseless cause with nothing in return then you would be wrong. Maybe if the relations were warmer you would see something different. The least we can expect was a fair deal on the JF-17, not a 50 million per aircraft deal. Pakistan's loss is immeasurable the sheer opportunity for this aircraft was gonna be doubled but now that will happen with the indians if our sources are correct. Talk about double standards, you expect us to give you full support while you are actively helping our enemies?
You chose the camp of iran and turkey we didnt force you although these countries have expanded on muslim countries you do not care and turn a blind eye. So why should we care about india's plans? Isnt it unreasonable to support the same Pakistan which supports our enemies that are covered by the west? The same west you put the blame coat on everytime you fail at a certain event wether its economic or defense related. If you really expect us to put the gulf's billions in a failed economy or send our troops to die in a baseless cause with nothing in return then you would be wrong. Maybe if the relations were warmer you would see something different. The least we can expect was a fair deal on the JF-17, not a 50 million per aircraft deal. Pakistan's loss is immeasurable the sheer opportunity for this aircraft was gonna be doubled but now that will happen with the indians if our sources are correct. Talk about double standards, you expect us to give you full support while you are actively helping our enemies?

So how exactly did you help us prior to us being in this Turkish/Iranian camp you speak of?

You have been doing this for decades, we have no relations with Israel due to our perceived moral standing alongside fellow Muslims, what did you do for us?

India is a communal disaster, their are 220 million Indian Muslims at risk not to mention Kashmiri, as hindutva extremism spreads and Muslims are targeted, the Muslims of all South Asia will prepare for a avowed enemy

And for decades you helped them, you and the wider Arabs,

This latest episode isn't unique it's just the continuation of the usual Egyptian/Arabs actions

I'm not blaming you, I'm blaming Pakistani, whilst our enmity with Hindus is set in stone, it's Pakistanis at fault for expecting more from Arabs and not preparing to defend themselves appropriately especially economically

All this will do is further establish this reality and enmity
Oh no, You have a history of spewing out incoherent bullshit with low quality posts and just insulting other Egyptian members trying to provoke an argument. What did Egypt do to you? Or are you part of the gang which blames everyone except himself for his own failures?

like i said you are full of crap.

please continue to cherry boot polishing your new Pharaohs.
Egypt will never go for an Indian jet. They are looking for transfer of technology including engine design or during any conflict continuous supply of parts
There is a lot more ToT on offer than any other offer Egypt has at present. You should read the source material. India - Egypt relations continue to be quite warm on the whole. This allows India to make this offer to Egypt.
Sorry, but if Egypt will ever get a lowest end type, they surely won't purchase an untested type like the Tejas even more when a proven design from a Muslim country is available too. To think they have a chance it getting this contract is ridiculous .
Muslim countries don't make combat aircraft.
Muslim countries don't make combat aircraft.
Helwan Ha-300 Fighter Prototype



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