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Egypt Buys S-300VM


May 16, 2013
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Rusia exportará a Egipto sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM


El Ministerio de Defensa de Egipto y la exportadora de armas rusa Rosoboronexport firmaron un contrato para el suministro al país norteafricano de sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM por casi 500 millones de dólares, revela este miércoles Vedomosti.

El diario cita a dos fuentes del sector ruso de defensa que precisaron que la fabricación de los S-300VM ya comenzó y que los chasis de sus vehículos se ensamblan en la planta Kírov de San Petersburgo.

El pasado 11 de septiembre, la fábrica fue visitada por el gobernador de la segunda ciudad rusa, Guergui Poltávchenko. Más tarde, el portal local de noticias Fontanka.ru publicó imágenes del ensamblaje de chasis pintado en un tono arena y destinado para un "cliente extranjero".

Rusia y Egipto acordaron suministros de armas al país norteafricano por más de 3.000 millones de dólares durante la visita a Moscú del nuevo presidente egipcio Abdulftah al Sisi, recuerda Vedomosti.

Tras reunirse con su homólogo, el líder ruso, Vladímir Putin, declaró que la cooperación bilateral en el ámbito militar técnica se desarrolla intensamente y que las partes quedaron en ampliarla.

El rotativo indica que el contrato de los S-300VM es la primera transacción de importancia que trasciende tras el anuncio de los planes ruso-egipcios, y destaca el hecho de que se trate de un potente sistema antiaéreo de largo alcance.

"Eso quiere decir que incluso en el contexto de un desencuentro entre Rusia y EEUU, países que como Egipto dependen de la ayuda militar de Washington continúan viendo a Moscú como una fuente alternativa para comprar armas", resume el diario.


The Egyptian Ministry of Defense and Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport signed a contract to supply the North African country of S-300VM antiaircraft systems by almost $ 500 million, Vedomosti revealed Wednesday.

The newspaper quoted two sources of Russian defense sector stated that the manufacture of the S-300VM has begun and that the chassis of their vehicles are assembled at the St. Petersburg Kirov plant.

On 11 September, the factory was visited by the governor of Russia's second city, Guergui Poltavchenko. Later, the local news portal Fontanka.ru published pictures painted chassis assembly on a sand pitch and destined for a "foreign customer".

Russia and Egypt agreed to supply weapons to the North African country for more than 3,000 million during the visit to Moscow of the new Egyptian president Abdulftah to Sisi remembers Vedomosti.

After meeting with his counterpart, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that bilateral cooperation in the military sphere technique is developed intensively and that the parties were in enlarge.

The newspaper indicates that the contract of the S-300VM is the first transaction of significance that transcends following the announcement of the Russian-Egyptian plans, and highlights the fact that it is a powerful long-range air defense system.

"That means that even in the context of a disagreement between Russia and America, countries such as Egypt rely on military aid from Washington continue to see Moscow as an alternative source to buy weapons," summarizes the paper.

Rusia exportará a Egipto sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM | Revista de prensa | RIA Novosti



Mabrouk to the Egyptian Air Defence


Rusia exportará a Egipto sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM

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El Ministerio de Defensa de Egipto y la exportadora de armas rusa Rosoboronexport firmaron un contrato para el suministro al país norteafricano de sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM por casi 500 millones de dólares, revela este miércoles Vedomosti.

El diario cita a dos fuentes del sector ruso de defensa que precisaron que la fabricación de los S-300VM ya comenzó y que los chasis de sus vehículos se ensamblan en la planta Kírov de San Petersburgo.

El pasado 11 de septiembre, la fábrica fue visitada por el gobernador de la segunda ciudad rusa, Guergui Poltávchenko. Más tarde, el portal local de noticias Fontanka.ru publicó imágenes del ensamblaje de chasis pintado en un tono arena y destinado para un "cliente extranjero".

Rusia y Egipto acordaron suministros de armas al país norteafricano por más de 3.000 millones de dólares durante la visita a Moscú del nuevo presidente egipcio Abdulftah al Sisi, recuerda Vedomosti.

Tras reunirse con su homólogo, el líder ruso, Vladímir Putin, declaró que la cooperación bilateral en el ámbito militar técnica se desarrolla intensamente y que las partes quedaron en ampliarla.

El rotativo indica que el contrato de los S-300VM es la primera transacción de importancia que trasciende tras el anuncio de los planes ruso-egipcios, y destaca el hecho de que se trate de un potente sistema antiaéreo de largo alcance.

"Eso quiere decir que incluso en el contexto de un desencuentro entre Rusia y EEUU, países que como Egipto dependen de la ayuda militar de Washington continúan viendo a Moscú como una fuente alternativa para comprar armas", resume el diario.


The Egyptian Ministry of Defense and Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport signed a contract to supply the North African country of S-300VM antiaircraft systems by almost $ 500 million, Vedomosti revealed Wednesday.

The newspaper quoted two sources of Russian defense sector stated that the manufacture of the S-300VM has begun and that the chassis of their vehicles are assembled at the St. Petersburg Kirov plant.

On 11 September, the factory was visited by the governor of Russia's second city, Guergui Poltavchenko. Later, the local news portal Fontanka.ru published pictures painted chassis assembly on a sand pitch and destined for a "foreign customer".

Russia and Egypt agreed to supply weapons to the North African country for more than 3,000 million during the visit to Moscow of the new Egyptian president Abdulftah to Sisi remembers Vedomosti.

After meeting with his counterpart, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that bilateral cooperation in the military sphere technique is developed intensively and that the parties were in enlarge.

The newspaper indicates that the contract of the S-300VM is the first transaction of significance that transcends following the announcement of the Russian-Egyptian plans, and highlights the fact that it is a powerful long-range air defense system.

"That means that even in the context of a disagreement between Russia and America, countries such as Egypt rely on military aid from Washington continue to see Moscow as an alternative source to buy weapons," summarizes the paper.

Rusia exportará a Egipto sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM | Revista de prensa | RIA Novosti


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Mabrouk to the Egyptian Air Defence

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Nice it would really boost Air Defence off Egypt good job
Rusia exportará a Egipto sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM
View attachment 81509

El Ministerio de Defensa de Egipto y la exportadora de armas rusa Rosoboronexport firmaron un contrato para el suministro al país norteafricano de sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM por casi 500 millones de dólares, revela este miércoles Vedomosti.

El diario cita a dos fuentes del sector ruso de defensa que precisaron que la fabricación de los S-300VM ya comenzó y que los chasis de sus vehículos se ensamblan en la planta Kírov de San Petersburgo.

El pasado 11 de septiembre, la fábrica fue visitada por el gobernador de la segunda ciudad rusa, Guergui Poltávchenko. Más tarde, el portal local de noticias Fontanka.ru publicó imágenes del ensamblaje de chasis pintado en un tono arena y destinado para un "cliente extranjero".

Rusia y Egipto acordaron suministros de armas al país norteafricano por más de 3.000 millones de dólares durante la visita a Moscú del nuevo presidente egipcio Abdulftah al Sisi, recuerda Vedomosti.

Tras reunirse con su homólogo, el líder ruso, Vladímir Putin, declaró que la cooperación bilateral en el ámbito militar técnica se desarrolla intensamente y que las partes quedaron en ampliarla.

El rotativo indica que el contrato de los S-300VM es la primera transacción de importancia que trasciende tras el anuncio de los planes ruso-egipcios, y destaca el hecho de que se trate de un potente sistema antiaéreo de largo alcance.

"Eso quiere decir que incluso en el contexto de un desencuentro entre Rusia y EEUU, países que como Egipto dependen de la ayuda militar de Washington continúan viendo a Moscú como una fuente alternativa para comprar armas", resume el diario.


The Egyptian Ministry of Defense and Russian arms exporter Rosoboronexport signed a contract to supply the North African country of S-300VM antiaircraft systems by almost $ 500 million, Vedomosti revealed Wednesday.

The newspaper quoted two sources of Russian defense sector stated that the manufacture of the S-300VM has begun and that the chassis of their vehicles are assembled at the St. Petersburg Kirov plant.

On 11 September, the factory was visited by the governor of Russia's second city, Guergui Poltavchenko. Later, the local news portal Fontanka.ru published pictures painted chassis assembly on a sand pitch and destined for a "foreign customer".

Russia and Egypt agreed to supply weapons to the North African country for more than 3,000 million during the visit to Moscow of the new Egyptian president Abdulftah to Sisi remembers Vedomosti.

After meeting with his counterpart, Russian leader Vladimir Putin said that bilateral cooperation in the military sphere technique is developed intensively and that the parties were in enlarge.

The newspaper indicates that the contract of the S-300VM is the first transaction of significance that transcends following the announcement of the Russian-Egyptian plans, and highlights the fact that it is a powerful long-range air defense system.

"That means that even in the context of a disagreement between Russia and America, countries such as Egypt rely on military aid from Washington continue to see Moscow as an alternative source to buy weapons," summarizes the paper.

Rusia exportará a Egipto sistemas antiaéreos S-300VM | Revista de prensa | RIA Novosti


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Mabrouk to the Egyptian Air Defence

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how many batteries ?
how many batteries ?

Initial reports say a total of two batteries. Other reports indicate Egypt may be interested in the Syrian S-300 MPU2 (4 batteries) but as of yet no deal has been made for those.

Edit: A lot of people are saying that 4 batteries are in the deal not two.
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Egypt is quite big, so, 4 batteries at least. The best deal would be with JV in the missiles for these batteries and some other components like the radars, and customizable frequency controls.
With JV or not it is quite a capable platform, so congratulations to Egypt for acquiring the system.
@Frogman ,why would you need to buy the ANTEY-2500 ,is there a threat from your neighbours?
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Holy crap, that would prove invaluable in exercises. And of course as doing its intended job.
great news Egypt skies will be much more secure i have to say that a lot of my wishes regarding my country are coming true since el sisi came to power may we continue on the same path as we have much to do in every field
mabrouk le masr
@Frogman ,why would you need to buy the ANTEY-2500 ,is there a threat from you neighbours?

Israel has a extensive and sophisticated ballistic missile program (including nuclear capability). After the fall of Qaddafi several tactical ballistic missiles such as the Scud and Frog (short range) may have fallen or will fall to the wrong hands (such as Ansar Alsharia). Either way this futher enhances Egypt's air defence abilities and is a valuable complement to the PAC-3 (I believe with this deal we are the only nation to operate both systems? edit: forgot about the Greek).

Holy crap, that would prove invaluable in exercises. And of course as doing its intended job.

You will get unrivaled access to it most probably, you may even be able to evaluate its abilities against BMs and see if it fits your needs with regards to the Iranian threat.

The version/variant purchased is the V4 which means it can engage conventional aerodynamic aircraft at a range of 300Km (although in reality the range would be much less).

How many total missiles ? 4/10 /16 /20

S-300VM - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Not an official link a translated site link is hardly credible

RIA Novosti (Russian: РИА Новости), sometimes shortly RIA (Russian: РИА) is one of the largest news agencies in Russia.[1]Operating under the purview of the Russian Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, RIA Novosti is headquartered in Moscow and operated about 80 bureaus internationally. On 9 December 2013 President of RussiaVladimir Putinordered RIA Novosti's liquidation and the creation of a Russian international news agency called Rossiya Segodnya.[2]Dmitry Kiselev, an anchorman of the Russia-1channel was appointed to be the first president of the new information agency.[3]

RIA Novosti was an award-winning news agency.[7] The last editor-in-chief of RIA Novosti was Svetlana Mironyuk,[5] the first woman appointed to the role in the agency's history. According to the organisation's Charter, Enterprise's property was federally owned (because federal unitary enterprise) and was indivisible.[8][9] According to the agency, it was partially government-subsidized (2.7–2.9 billion roubles in 2013[10]), but maintained full editorial independence.[11]

RIA Novosti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Doesn't get more credible than that.

Plus: ВЕДОМОСТИ - «Рособоронэкспорт» поставит в Египет зенитные системы С-300ВМ

Vedomosti (Russian: Ведомости, literally "The Record") is a Russian language business daily. It is a joint venture between Dow Jones, the Financial Times and Sanoma, the publishers of The Moscow Times.

Vedomosti - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

22 tracked vehicles have already been produced for Egypt. First delivery will occur before the year is done.


Кировский завод изготовит партию шасси для зенитно-ракетных комплексов С-300В4
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It is used against Israel do?

It would be used against any aggressor.


September 19, 2014, 0:00

Made the first batch of chassis for anti-aircraft missile systems S-300V4 under contract from 2013

JSC "Plant" Universalmash "(subsidiary of JSC" Kirov Plant ") has produced the first batch of self-propelled tracked chassis for anti-aircraft missile systems S-300V4 under the contract of 2013.


Under the agreement with JSC "Machine-Building Plant named after MI Kalinin" (subsidiary of JSC "Concern PVO" Almaz-Antey ") JSC" Plant "Universalmash" completed production for a foreign client of the first two batches of self-propelled tracked chassis for antiaircraft missile systems S-300V4. In the near future the customer will be shipped 10 items. In the next phase of a subsidiary of the Kirov plant will produce another 12 machines.

Manufacturing plant "Universalmash" party of self-propelled tracked chassis for S-300V4 continues a series of similar projects in previous years. Currently, the company is also implementing the state defense order for the production of 40 units unified crawler chassis under the treaty of 2012.

The high maneuverability and agility crawler chassis for anti-aircraft missile systems were originally developed by specialists of the tank design bureau of the Kirov factory. Military vehicles on the chassis is not only widely used in parts of the armed forces of the Russian Federation, but also repeatedly supplied to overseas customers.

Изготовлена первая партия шасси для зенитно-ракетных комплексов С-300В4 в рамках контракта от 2013 года
Egypt is quite big, so, 4 batteries at least. The best deal would be with JV in the missiles for these batteries and some other components like the radars, and customizable frequency controls.
With JV or not it is quite a capable platform, so congratulations to Egypt for acquiring the system.

The deal is Actually 4 batteries at the cost of 500 million US dollars (and by the way it's not S-300 VM, it's the S-300 V4, the most advanced variant of S-300 with detection range of up to 300km) one S300 battery is worth 120 million dollars, so 4 batteries = 480 million dollars

the Source is the official Kzgroup site, which is building the S300-V4 system chassis for Egypt, but unfortunately i can't post links because i'm new and not permitted to post links

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