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World’s worst pandemic leaders: 5 presidents and prime ministers who badly mishandled COVID-19

Yes- this is all YOUR doing. The world doesn't have to wake up everyday wondering what new f**up China is going to do that we have to deal with, it's supposed to have a government that conatins it's f**ups inside it's own territories.

China is responsible for COVID
ONLY China is responsible for COVID
No other country except china is responsible for COVID
Lolol, Modi declared victory then you guys said its all under control then you guy lied didn't test shit, undereported and gave the virus one year to mutate into today's shit and now yoh blame others. TYPICAL INDIAN. You see us getting kebabed! Lol..... Gosh, you guys look like fish gasping for air, begging us for ventilators and oxygen. Lololol.... Poor lil supapowans, vaccine needs Chinese materials, oxygen also need Chinese machines.Useless bunch of people, can't do shit, can't control shit, only know how to talk and talk and talk. Lol
Lolol, Modi declared victory then you guys said its all under control then you guy lied didn't test shit, undereported and gave the virus one year to mutate into today's shit and now yoh blame others. TYPICAL INDIAN. You see us getting kebabed! Lol..... Gosh, you guys look like fish gasping for air, begging us for ventilators and oxygen. Lololol.... Poor lil supapowans, vaccine needs Chinese materials, oxygen also need Chinese machines.Useless bunch of people, can't do shit, can't control shit, only know how to talk and talk and talk. Lol

Modi never screwed the world by letting the virus loose from an incompetently run lab. That honor goes to old man pooh.
Modi never screwed the world by letting the virus loose from an incompetently run lab. That honor goes to old man pooh.
Lab? Did the mutant virus come from and Indian lab then? Gosh, India is now a giant petri dish culturing covid. Its gonna fck up for the next decade. Your incompetence in testing and vaccinating and controlling your ill disciplined slum dogs are gonna cause another variant to emerge.

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