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Egypt, Britain, Jordan,Kuwait,Pakistan, Saudi, Turkey,UAE, USA, Joint air force Exercise in Bahrain.


May 16, 2013
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Sorry if it seems a bit geared towards Egypt but these are the only articles I could find.

Egypt to participate in joint air force training in the Gulf
Daily News Egypt / April 27, 2014 / 0 Comments

Gulf air force exercises intended to deepen Bahrain-Egypt strategic relationship

Representatives of Egypt’s Air Force arrived in Bahrain on Sunday to participate in a multination joint training exercise in the Arab Gulf for the first time.

The participating nations will embark upon training exercises and also share experiences and combat tactics, according to state-run MENA.

The emphasis of Egypt’s participation in the training exercise is to strengthen the strategic relationship between Egypt and Bahrain.

In March Egypt and the United Arab Emirates participated in a bilateral joint training exercise. Air, Naval and Special Forces personnel took part in the two-week long exercise, dubbed Zayed 1.

The Gulf nations, with the exception of Qatar, have been supportive of Egypt’s interim government since the overthrow of former President Mohamed Morsi in July 2013. Egypt has received billions in aid money from the wealthy Gulf nations, most notably the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait.

طائرات مقاتلة مصرية لأول مرة في سماء البحرين
الشرق الأوسطآخر تحديث الأحد, 27 ابريل/نيسان 2014; 02:11 (GMT +0400)
مصرالبحرينالمملكة العربية السعوديةالإمارات العربية المتحدةالجيش المصري

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة (CNN) -- وصل تشكيل من القوات الجوية المصرية الى مملكة البحرين للمشاركة في التدريب الجوي المشترك "الربط الاساسي 2014 " والذي يضم العديد من الدول الخليجية والعربية، في خطوة اعتبرتها القاهرة "تأكيدا على العلاقات التاريخية والاستراتيجية" التي تربطها بالمنامة.

وتعد مشاركة القوات المصرية الأولى في تاريخ التدريب الذي يمثل أحد اقوى وأكبر عمليات التدريب المشتركة بمنطقة الخليج العربي ويشتمل على العديد من الأنشطة والفعاليات لتوحيد المفاهيم القتالية ونقل وتبادل الخبرات التدريبية بين القوات المشاركة والتدريب على ادارة أعمال القتال الجوي المشترك باستخدام احدث التكتيكات الجوية.

وبحسب ما ذكرت وكالة أنباء الشرق الأوسط المصرية الرسمية، فإن مشاركة القوات الجوية في تدريب "الربط الأساسي 2014" تأتي "حرصا من القوات المسلحة المصرية على تعزيز علاقات الشراكة والتعاون العسكري بين مصر والدول العربية الشقيقة، وتوحيد الرؤي والعمل العربي المشترك في العديد من المجالات."

من جانبها، أكدت وكالة الأنباء البحرينية وصول عدد من طائرات الدول المشاركة بالتدريبات، بينها المقاتلات المصرية، إلى جانب وفد من سلاح الجو الملكي الأردني، علما أن التدريبات ستضم أيضا قوات من السعودية والإمارات وسلطنة عمان والكويت وتركيا وباكستان وأمريكا وبريطانيا

وتجري التدريبات خلال الفترة ما بين 27 أبريل/نيسان الجاري ولغاية 8 مايو/أيار المقبل، وقد دأبت البحرين على إقامة تلك التدريبات منذ عام 1988 في إطار "التعاون الدفاعي والتنسيق المشترك بين القوات الجوية للدول الشقيقة والصديقة لتعزيز التعاون في المحافظة على أمن واستقرار وسلامة منطقة الخليج العربي."

يشار إلى أن العلاقات بين مصر والدول الخليجية شهدت تحسنا واضحا بعد مرحلة عزل الرئيس محمد مرسي، وقد شددت القيادة المصرية الجديدة أكثر من مرة على التزامها بأمن الخليج.
"Basic Liaison 2014" Bahrain Air Force Joint Drill launched

03 : 10 PM - 27/04/2014

Manama: April 27 – (BNA): The Bahrain Defence Force (BDF)'s Royal Air Force has launched the "Basic Liaison Drill 2014" with participation of eleven brotherly and friendly countries.
The drill was attended by Major-General (Pilot) Shaikh Hamad bin Abdullah Al Khalifa the Commander of the Bahrain Royal Air Force.

One of major exercises regularly annually implemented by the Bahrain Air Force over the past twenty years, the Basic Liaison comes as part of defence cooperation and joint coordination with the air forces of brotherly and friendly countries to boost regional security and stability.

The yearly drill which was started in 1988 comes under the training policy of the BDF aimed to intensify joint exercises with brotherly and friendly countries as the key cornerstone to gauge combat readiness and preparedness of forces and as a richer military environment to exchange expertise and unify concepts.

The drill embodies the BDF's utmost attentiveness to development of the Bahrain Royal Air Force combat and administrative, support and maneuvers units and brushing up their skills which reflects positively on the standards of pilots and technicians and their professional career development in compliance with standing orders from the BDF Headquarters' officials led by the BDF Commander-in-Chief Field Marshal Shaikh Khalifa bin Ahmed Al Khalifa.

The drill has contributed into the advancement of the level of BDF Air Force personnel regarding the development of air defence capabilities and exchanging military expertise with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Arab Republic of Egypt, Turkish Republic, Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the United States of America, the United Kingdom in addition to the Kingdom of Bahrain which is the host country in order to boost develop technical combat capabilities in this vital military field. (IY) .


BNA 1207 GMT 2014/04/27
Gooooooooooooood News ...
V V good news.
Now guys, learn to train and exercise together.
and get together to make an air craft production facility in Khobar.

On the funny side.
For a change an exercise of a very different type in Bahrain !
Whats more interesting is that Egypt participates on a excersize with Turkey.

The exercise is in Bahrain not Turkey , if it was in Turkey they would have never went there.

Gooooooooooooood News ...
V V good news.
Now guys, learn to train and exercise together.
and get together to make an air craft production facility in Khobar.

On the funny side.
For a change an exercise of a very different type in Bahrain !

JF-17 Block-2/3 facility, one day hopefully.
The exercise is in Bahrain not Turkey , if it was in Turkey they would have never went there.

JF-17 Block-2/3 facility, one day hopefully.

Under careful supervision from the Malaysians.
But it has to be in Khobar ... or none at all !
So are they going to form a joint force or something to help each other maybe?! :unsure: Or just for once get united?!

Oh Britain and USA are in too?! Sorry missed that bit :ashamed:

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