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Egypt blacklists Hamas armed wing as ‘terror group’

Okay first of all if the Gazan elected hamas then it is a done deal. but when was the last election because as far as I remember it was a one election and once they took power they attacked and killed the fath members once they disarmed them and there was no one that can force them out of power booooooom no more elections. And by the way that was going to happen in egypt. Also it is egypt right to cut ties with Gaza and to destroy tunnels as they are illegal and close crossings.

Palestinian poll was done recently. Said Hamas/Islamic Jihad will win 76% of seats if elections done and Ismail Haniyeh recieved most support for President of Palestine. What you said is absolutely not true either, Hamas after elections became part of national unity government. But Fatah refused to allow them to take part in government in West Bank and Hamas tolerated that. Then Fatah tried doing same in Gaza and began arresting/torturing Hamas members. Hamas built security force in one city in Gaza to protect their ministers. Fatah attempted coup with US/Israel support. Hamas displayed captured US military aid and put it for display. Fatah failed in coup.
Isn't fattah the one who tried coupe against hamas:-).
To be honest I don't remember the incident too well
I said all I can remember but it make sense hamas used that excuse to disarm them.
Any way if you can get me a source saying that fatah was the one who started the fighting or that they were doing a coup not planning but doing.:cuckoo:
To be honest I don't remember the incident too well
I said all I can remember but it make sense hamas used that excuse to disarm them.
Any way if you can get me a source saying that fatah was the one who started the fighting or that they were doing a coup not planning but doing.:cuckoo:

You aren't educated on Palestinian affairs. Hamas never disarmed Fatah, it was Fatah themselves who disbanded Aqsa Martyrs Brigades.
19 pages ?!! .. I can't read them all ..
But If moderators didn't take any action regarding the insults and slanders that have been said by some members here
then my views about this forum is to be changed !

This forum is supposedly to be a professional military site
Not pro terrorists group like what so called ISIS/ISIL and their ideologies ! ..

re. the verdict .
We don't give a damn thing about Hamas .. they're MB
And we will never forget their role in 28/1/2011 and what they made to spread the chaos through the country
We will never forget their role of helping ABM/IS-Sinai and the 100s Egyptians who have been killed by terrorists from Sinai and Gaza .

I myself participated in many demonstrations during my study in College (Cairo uni.) for supporting the resistance in Palestine . Didn't know that one day they'll see us as the enemy ! and to think of us as Mortadeen / Kuffar !!

Day by day Egypt regain its strength .
And whoever caused any harm to us .. is going to suffer severely .

And ISIS in Libya is not far to see .
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1) I'm incredibly scared that the gates of hell will be opened me, since, you know, I don't actually think there is one.
2) Who will? lol
3) I don't intend to be in any history books, you on the other hand may be a part of statistics produced by the FBI on homegrown terror.

MB before the coup-volution:- 9 Months of Achievements Morsi Builds Egypt From Anew

View attachment 188295

MB after the coup-volution:- He was never given the chance, the deep state, ze Jews, ze Copts!

Biggest hypocrites in a nation of hypocrites

الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الجيش المصري خير أجناد الأرض ...
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣: حديث خير أجناد الأرض حديث ضعيف
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢: الجيش و الشرطة و الشعب ايد واحدة و الشرطة بطل العبور الثاني بثورة يناير و الشرطة قدمت أوراق اعتمادها ....
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣؛ الشرطة و الجيش ايد وسخة و الشرطة سفاحين و بلطجية ا
لإخوان في ٢٠١٢: جيكا مين ده اللي شهيد ؟ ده عيل صايع و بلطجي
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : لازم ناخد حق الشهيد جيكا من الداخلية
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : لا للاعتصامات و الإضرابات و قطع الطرق و تعطيل عجلة الإنتاج و علي الشرطة التعامل معها بيد من حديد ....
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣: الاعتصامات و قطع الطرق ضرورة من اجل استمرار "الثورة" الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : السيسي وزير بنكهة الثورة
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : السيسي كافر و مجرم و عدو الشعب
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : لو الشعب خرج يعارض مرسي فمرسي حيمشي علي طول
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الخروج ضد مرسي هي حرب ضد الإسلام
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : لا لإعادة هيكلة الداخلية و لازم نقف جنبها عشان تقوم و ترجع تاني الإخوان في ٢٠١٣: الداخلية بلطجية و مجرمين
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الثورة انتهت خلاص و دخلنا مرحلة الشرعية الدستورية و بناء المؤسسات
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الدولة العميقة كانت تحكم مصر طول الوقت
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : نعم للضرب بيد من حديد علي كل من ينال من هيبة الدولة أو من يقترب من المنشآت العامة و مؤسسات الدولة و لا مجال لحقوق الإنسان عندما يتعلق الأمر بهيبة الدولة و ايه اللي وداهم هناك؟ و نعم لقتل الناس في السويس و بورسعيد الثانية
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : البشر اهم من المنشآت و اين حقوق الإنسان ؟ و لا لقتل الناس في الحرس الجمهوري
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : مرسي يحقق انتصارات للثورة لم يسبق لها مثيل
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : مرسي كان محاصر من الدولة العميقة و مغلوب علي أمره و مظلوم الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الاقتصاد يسير من نجاح الي نجاح
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الاقتصاد (نفس الاقتصاد) يسير من كارثة الي أخري
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : تطبيق الشريعة سيكون بشكل تدريجي و بعدين عندما تكون الظروف مناسبة
الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : أطاحوا بمرسي لانه كان يطبق الشريعة و المشروع الإسلامي
الإخوان في ٢٠١٢ : الشعب المصري عنده وعي و فهم عميق و هو شعب متدين بالفطرة الإخوان في ٢٠١٣ : الشعب المصري يعشق العبودية و الذل و المهانة و لحس البيادة اخوان مكس كل حاجة والعكس

I'm both British and Egyptian, thank you.

Palestinians are people to be protected and fought for against a savage oppressor. Bye, bye.

Wow! I found an Atheist :D @Abii Look bro, I found another one! :D
Regarding The Expansion of "what so called" Islamic State , and your threats to anyone that opposes IS ..
Here some Egyptians' responses to ISIS' nasheed "Saleel Sawarim" (Clashing of the swords) ..
I know you're gonna like it !
Facebook is full of all kinds of sarcastic things btw !

Shutup idiot , learn something about satire. And don't speak for all Egyptians, you only reprsent the club which is giving you 10 Jnee every week to support them.

And I'm not responding to your nonsense low iq lies. Your kaffir rregime is a joke, stop fooling yourself that that whole world is trying to overthrow it. Whole world is standing behind it. Let the kaffir regime fire one shell into Gaza and we will see his fate and we will see Israel/NATO bombing Muslims to try protecting the Kaffir regime. You are low iq moron I don't want to waste my time just give you one statement.
Hamas responds to Kaffir Sisi/Zionist regimes:

Salah Baradal:

-Whoever conspiracizes against Muslims has not future

-Gaza is not Libya or Derna

-If the failed regime tries harming one hair of any Palestinian child we will resist the Zionist regime in same way we resisted Israel

-We don't want relations/protection from a regime which massacred and burned protestors ,our morals won't accept that regardless of political price

-The regime should understand that joint regime and Israeli threats don't scare us


Hamas bashes the Kaffir regime which is supported by shaytan Israel in defiant stance against Muslim killing/hating Kuffar

The Kaffirs should know what ever they try doing , God's angels on earth won't dissappear

الله أكبر ولله الحمد النصر للإسلام ولمسلمسن ، العنه على كفار، المسلمين سا يهزمو الاعدا عن قريب ، انتصار بفضل الله عزوجل

قسم بالله يا كفره لو قكرتو تعتدو عا المسلمين غير نيجلكم بل ذبح من كل العالم وننصر المسلمين، وقتكم قرب يا كفره

والله العظيم غير المنطقة اتولع رغير ندك ابواب كل الكفار الحاقديين

نشتاق للجهاد اقسم بالله غير ننتصر على الكفاره لو فكرتو تخدمو اليهود يا عابد الدنيا ولشيطان المسلمين اقوا من ما تتخيلو

ياريت تسترجو تعملوها يا كفره ،على اطلاق الثاثلة غير الخلافة الإسلامية تتنشر انتم بتلعبو بل نار مع ربنا سبحانه وتعالي

مجاهدين فلسطين خط احمر يا صهاينية! نحن خير اجناد الارض، غير نهزم كل أصحاب اليهود اعدا الله وقتلة الانبية
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It's funny how some speak on the behalf of the Egyptians (They feel this , and dislike that ...)
It's just a waste of time arguing with you ..
Say whatever you want about Sisi , The Armed Forces , Police , Judicial System , Media , Revolution/Coup .. whatsoever!
We are the ones who live here ..

And what we've witnessed from MB , and as a result of what so called "Arabic Spring" in Arab world (especially , In Libya , Syria , Yemen and Iraq) .. We are more than ever sure of our decision in 30 June 2013 ..when 10s of millions Egyptians asked the Army to oust the MB from power .

We were fully aware of how MB were going to act and the terror they had promised us before 30-6 (long history of violence and assassinations) yet we went out to streets and squares by uncountable numbers .
We all knew the consequences ..

Most of people here in this forum know very little regarding the domestic affairs ...
And the MB impact on Egyptian society in just one year in power ! ..
MB were stupid enough to make everyone as their enemy .. all the Institutions , all political parties (even if their closest ally : al‑Nour Party - The largest Islamic party in Egypt !)

MB put their bets on western pressure mainly USA , and the violence they've flamed in the country .
And mostly the insurgency in Sinai by ABM/IS ..
100s of lives made us more determined to wipe out MB from our life .
It's going to take some time and some sacrifices .
But in the end .. Egypt will survive as one nation , one government , one Armed forces (Not many militias !) , one leadership ..

MB were trying to found another government in Rabaa camp ! , demanding other countries to recognize them
Arming their militias to fight the Army and police , they were hoping another armed opposition in the region like they did in Syria by many supporters and sponsors i.e USA , Turkey , Qatar and other countries .

MB were asking the officers and soldiers to secede from their position and to join MB as they're the legitimate government , they were calling for insurgency ! (even they faked some videos online!)

They are still asking western governments to intervene militarily in Egypt and to put them back in power
All these actions still shock us .
MB are traitors now who are being hunted in the streets by ordinary Egyptians .

In the name of establishing Islamic state , MB are willing for civil war and destruction of Muslim countries !!
They succeeded in different places , but not in Egypt !!

MB may born in Egypt
MB may govern many Muslim countries
MB may have 100s millions supporters around the world
MB may spread terror and violence .

But MB will never break our will for better , united , peaceful and multicultural Egypt .
Egypt is the oldest civilization on earth . we've been through worse .
So threats and intimidation from terrorists just make us more determined to wipe them out .

تحيا مصــر
تحيا مصــر
تحيا مصــر
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Zionazis and their pet dogs like sisi lead dog squad of mercenary egyptian army epitomizes terrorism and genocide in the ME

This thread has nothing to do with MB of Egypt. Only you and obsessive Israelis keep bringing them up.

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