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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

We would gladly follow pharaohs and all the pharaohs that ever existed!! Why would we follow an Israeli with all due respect ?!! Saying that this whole story is fairy tale but that is another issue

your pharaohs were conquered and disposed.
your army is the right hand of the devil, shame on you for supporting such a worthless pathetic army that cant even touch israel but slaughters its own people by the hundreds.

We would gladly follow pharaohs and all the pharaohs that ever existed!! Why would we follow an Israeli with all due respect ?!! Saying that this whole story is fairy tale but that is another issue

your pharaohs were conquered and disposed.
your army is the right hand of the devil, shame on you for supporting such a worthless pathetic army that cant even touch israel but slaughters its own people by the hundreds.
Muhammad Badi3, the leader of the MB was arrested without any struggle, resistance or bloodshed. Then they claim that MB are terrorists. I don't know what kind of a terrorist group that does not fight before its leader gets arrested.
FNOTW: Sinai peninsula- a dark future for Egypt.
Violence in Sinai has intensified since the toppling of Mr Morsi.

Sinai Peninsula - en • Wikimedia Commons

"Sinai may be a dark omen of things to come in Egypt. "

One of the deadliest incidents occurred - 16 Egyptian soldiers killed in Sinai in August 2012. Egypt's political crisis began.

The Muslim Brotherhood called on the government to "confront this serious challenge to the Egyptian sovereignty" and "protect Sinai from all armed groups".
For all the power of Pharoah,

Moses pbuh had God on his side.

What did the power of pharoah get him when death came calling
He is not "your" prophet.

He is the prophet of three Abrahamic religions.

Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

He's ours.

Our religion is 2,000 years older than yours. You are babies in the region. New guests that arrived.

It's enough that you try and steal our temples and land, leave Moses to us.

If Moses was alive today, he would be kicking YOUR bum just as he did the Pharaoh. He would be bringing TWENTY plagues on Iran for their treatment of the Israelites.
He's ours.

Our religion is 2,000 years older than yours. You are babies in the region. New guests that arrived.

It's enough that you try and steal our temples and land, leave Moses to us.

If Moses was alive today, he would be kicking YOUR bum just as he did the Pharaoh. He would be bringing TWENTY plagues on Iran for their treatment of the Israelites.

You obviously don't know the history of this region.

80% of the people that live in Israel today have no connection to the land.

Also,the Ancient Iranian peoples emerged in parts of the Iranian plateau circa 1000 BCE.

Ashkenazi Jews are NOT from the Middle East and your origin is not Israeli.They are closer to European than any where in the Middle East.

Some of the people that live in the Levant today (Palestine, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria) are the original Israeli people. Some have converted to Christianity, others have converted to different branches of Islam.

Even Persian Jews are not the Israeli people. Their DNA shows they are Indo-European with no sematic ancestry. So, it's kind of outrageous your government pays them to come to Israel and take someone else's land.

After World War II, Zionist ideology was promoted , so Israel could be made into a country, Therefore America could have a base in the Middle East and expand it's hegemony from there. During the cold war, America just poured more money and military help into Israel to counter Soviet Union's influence in the Middle East. And now they support you more to counter the influence of Political Islam.

I have to say it is a genius strategy for America and it's allies.

If Moses was alive today, he would spit in your face.
Official: U.S. temporarily holds up some military aid to Egypt - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- The Obama administration is "reprogramming" some funds to Egypt while a review is underway -- in effect, temporarily holding up some military aid to the country, a U.S. official said.

A spokesman for Senator Patrick Leahy, David Carle, confirmed to CNN his office has been told the aid has been halted. The Vermont Democrat is chairman of the Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee.

But the U.S. official emphasized no decision has been made to permanently halt the aid.
The move means the administration has taken temporary steps that ultimately allows it to move forward on either scenario: pressing ahead with the aid or cutting it off. The source would not detail how the aid was being redirected.

Once a decision has been reached about the best approach, the official said the administration will consult with Congress about how to move forward.
Reporter Josh Rogin with the Daily Beast first reported the U.S. has quietly suspended the aid.

What it means
The move provides the administration with a quick 'on/off' switch.
Under the law, if the U.S. were to designate the situation in Egypt a "coup," the U.S. couldn't restore aid until a democratic government is established.
A coup determination would not be "temporary."

But if the U.S. "reprograms" funds, they can withhold the aid as long as it thinks it's in its interest.
It could restore the aid without needing a legal determination that a democratic government has returned to Egypt. If, for example, Egypt stops the bloodshed, the aid could quickly resume.

At the White House briefing Monday, spokesman Josh Earnest said, "That's the purpose of these reviews: to determine what impact it would have on our national security, whether it's in compliance with the law, and is it going to get us closer to seeing the kind of outcome in Egypt that we would like to see, which is the prompt return to a democratically elected, civilian government in Egypt."

Earnest said the U.S. involvement with Egypt extends beyond the military relationship, and includes influence at the International Monetary Fund, and on tourism "that has a significant impact on the Egyptian economy."
Official: U.S. temporarily holds up some military aid to Egypt - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- The Obama administration is "reprogramming" some funds to Egypt while a review is underway -- in effect, temporarily holding up some military aid to the country, a U.S. official said.

A spokesman for Senator Patrick Leahy, David Carle, confirmed to CNN his office has been told the aid has been halted. The Vermont Democrat is chairman of the Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee.

But the U.S. official emphasized no decision has been made to permanently halt the aid.
The move means the administration has taken temporary steps that ultimately allows it to move forward on either scenario: pressing ahead with the aid or cutting it off. The source would not detail how the aid was being redirected.

Once a decision has been reached about the best approach, the official said the administration will consult with Congress about how to move forward.
Reporter Josh Rogin with the Daily Beast first reported the U.S. has quietly suspended the aid.

What it means
The move provides the administration with a quick 'on/off' switch.
Under the law, if the U.S. were to designate the situation in Egypt a "coup," the U.S. couldn't restore aid until a democratic government is established.
A coup determination would not be "temporary."

But if the U.S. "reprograms" funds, they can withhold the aid as long as it thinks it's in its interest.
It could restore the aid without needing a legal determination that a democratic government has returned to Egypt. If, for example, Egypt stops the bloodshed, the aid could quickly resume.

At the White House briefing Monday, spokesman Josh Earnest said, "That's the purpose of these reviews: to determine what impact it would have on our national security, whether it's in compliance with the law, and is it going to get us closer to seeing the kind of outcome in Egypt that we would like to see, which is the prompt return to a democratically elected, civilian government in Egypt."

Earnest said the U.S. involvement with Egypt extends beyond the military relationship, and includes influence at the International Monetary Fund, and on tourism "that has a significant impact on the Egyptian economy."

So the EU, the US and Britain are all gonna freeze the aid to Egypt :o
Official: U.S. temporarily holds up some military aid to Egypt - CNN.com

Washington (CNN) -- The Obama administration is "reprogramming" some funds to Egypt while a review is underway -- in effect, temporarily holding up some military aid to the country, a U.S. official said.

A spokesman for Senator Patrick Leahy, David Carle, confirmed to CNN his office has been told the aid has been halted. The Vermont Democrat is chairman of the Appropriations State and Foreign Operations Subcommittee.

But the U.S. official emphasized no decision has been made to permanently halt the aid.
The move means the administration has taken temporary steps that ultimately allows it to move forward on either scenario: pressing ahead with the aid or cutting it off. The source would not detail how the aid was being redirected.

Once a decision has been reached about the best approach, the official said the administration will consult with Congress about how to move forward.
Reporter Josh Rogin with the Daily Beast first reported the U.S. has quietly suspended the aid.

What it means
The move provides the administration with a quick 'on/off' switch.
Under the law, if the U.S. were to designate the situation in Egypt a "coup," the U.S. couldn't restore aid until a democratic government is established.
A coup determination would not be "temporary."

But if the U.S. "reprograms" funds, they can withhold the aid as long as it thinks it's in its interest.
It could restore the aid without needing a legal determination that a democratic government has returned to Egypt. If, for example, Egypt stops the bloodshed, the aid could quickly resume.

At the White House briefing Monday, spokesman Josh Earnest said, "That's the purpose of these reviews: to determine what impact it would have on our national security, whether it's in compliance with the law, and is it going to get us closer to seeing the kind of outcome in Egypt that we would like to see, which is the prompt return to a democratically elected, civilian government in Egypt."

Earnest said the U.S. involvement with Egypt extends beyond the military relationship, and includes influence at the International Monetary Fund, and on tourism "that has a significant impact on the Egyptian economy."
Yeah right,they just want to show that the US is ''against'' the killings.
In the meanwhile they are happy that Morsi is gone,who cares about the dead of the innocent.
It will take a year before they come with new elections,if ever.
There are two faces of Coptic Christians in Egypt.

The first face are the rich, the tycoons and the Popes who are Mubarak loyalist, those people control the Egyptian media who spread propaganda and destroyed Egypt's image. Two best examples are spreading propaganda to destroy Morsi's image during the MB's rule and the R4ba massacre how they did not mention it while calling the over 4,000 Egyptians who were killed a "terrorist".

The second face are the middle class and the poor who are equal to the Egyptian Muslims.

The tycoons, the Popes and all the cancerous scums who are very close to Mubarak either need to be killed or put behind bars :butcher:


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