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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

If you think this is a result of liberalism or in any way related to liberal ideology then you are incredibly ignorant.

Bro, do you still support every action of Egyptian army?
I don't like MB in anyway, but we can't call every protester who is killed a 'terrorist'. I do not deny that extremist elements do exist in the protesters who want the violent approach, but why don't we take it in to consideration that maybe some normal people who elected Morsi in an election just want their vote back? They were half of Egyptian society. It's not fair to call everyone who is protesting a terrorist. Egypt now have a legitimate opposition and I hope things don't be dragged down in to a civil war. There are certain countries who would be happy to see destruction of Egypt, its power and its people.
Bro, do you still support every action of Egyptian army?

No, the only move I supported was the ousting of Morsi. Read through my comments and you will understand my views.

I don't like MB in anyway, but we can't call every protester who is killed a 'terrorist'.

Innocent protesters have been killed, however, there are no innocent sides in this situation. These protests were not entirely peaceful nor incredibly violent.

but why don't we take it in to consideration that maybe some normal people who elected Morsi in an election just want their vote back? They were half of Egyptian society.

Only the MB's core support remain. The majority of those who voted for him (either the revolutionaries or sympathizers) were alienated by Morsi and his crew over the past year. Morsi was the illigetimate president of Egypt since November (the constitutional decree). This us no longer about the ballot box.

. It's not fair to call everyone who is protesting a terrorist.

Its not fair on anyone, however, the media on both sides of the divide are fighting a viscous battle for public opinion with one side slandering ordinary Egyptians who supported the coup against Morsi as Kuffars and munafiqeen and remnants of the previous regime and the other using the buzzwords of terrorism and national security (which is actually in danger).

. Egypt now have a legitimate opposition and I hope things don't be dragged down in to a civil war. There are certain countries who would be happy to see destruction of Egypt, its power and its people.

We shall see.

Yeah, they are the twats who support a military over throw of an elected government and slaughter of peacefull protesters

Wrong. You fail to distinguish an ideology from the views of individuals who hold conservative views but are perceived by some to be liberals just because they supported the ousting of Morsi.

If this matter was the other way round and it was those who opposed Morsi that were being killed (which happened) would you be as aggressive in condemning and calling for regime change?
Bro, do you still support every action of Egyptian army?
I don't like MB in anyway, but we can't call every protester who is killed a 'terrorist'. I do not deny that extremist elements do exist in the protesters who want the violent approach, but why don't we take it in to consideration that maybe some normal people who elected Morsi in an election just want their vote back? They were half of Egyptian society. It's not fair to call everyone who is protesting a terrorist. Egypt now have a legitimate opposition and I hope things don't be dragged down in to a civil war. There are certain countries who would be happy to see destruction of Egypt, its power and its people.

I stated this in a post earlier.

The M.B arent terrorists they arent even close, when the liberals accuse them it just sounds stupid

What have the M.B done, they have protested and held sit ins, sure some people are getting angry but throwing a rock or even attacking a building after so much provocation is nothing. Hundreads of innocent brotherhood memebers have been killed, gunned down in cold blood. An elected government has been over thrown and their leadership arrested, humiliated and torutured

Any what bombs have they let off in return, NONE, they havent sent suicde bombers or car bombers or anything.

Look at iraq, afghanistan or even Pakistan now thats terrorism, TTP, Taliban, Let now these are hardcore gorups.

They would have slaughtered throusands of egyptians by now, hundreads of churches would have been over run, they would have sent waves of suicide bombers and car bombers & special terrorist teams to attack Tahire square it would have been a blood bath

M.B have done NOTHING, except be on the receiving end of bullets and slaughter.

The egptian liberal scums should thank the lord they are dealing with the M/B and not the Taliban or TTP
No needs to arm them, there are a lot of weapons circulating in Egypt, beside the MB's, like other radical Moslem groups, have stashed arsenals ready for use.

Arming protesters will just bring another Syria to ME ad will cause more casualties which will be backed by the US and west and no response from UN adding dozens of Saudi Arabian backed terrorists who will join to butcher people there .

I hope it ends in favor of Egyptians as soon as possible .
Stick to your country, if you have no idea what you talking about!!

people really have no idea are those who have no brain and honor and who sell their country to foreigners..If there were no any incitement, encouragement and bribes by foreigners then your junta scums never could dare to comitt that coup..

After ousting dictator Mobarak Egypt got the chance of becoming leader of arab world..but someother aArab countries destroyed that chance by bribing some traitors..That coup has nothing to do with islamists or secularists..Neither MB is a so hardline nor Egypt army is an so secularist army.. MB relatively to other arab religous orgs.and jamaats is regarded as moderate...Salafist Al Nour party is much more hardline but has no problem with high ranked junta army staff and minor elite looter circle due to GCCs influence..
I smell a civil war or something like that which is going to be supported by US , West and their puppet states such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar in favor of Israel .

The strongest Arab country is going to be destroyed in order not to be a danger for Israel and US interests in region . This is the way they behave Muslim countries when they're in the right path .
Over 2000 killed so civil war is likely. Check all this images on dailymail Egypt protests: Sky News cameraman Mick Deane shot dead and '100 killed' in bloodbath | Mail Online
people really have no idea are those who have no brain and honor and who sell their country to foreigners..If there were no any incitement, encouragement and bribes by foreigners then your junta scums never could dare to comitt that coup..
After ousting dictator Mobarak Egypt got the chance of becoming leader of arab world..but someother aArab countries destroyed that chance by bribing some traitors..That coup has nothing to do with islamists or secularists..Neither MB is a hardline nor Egypt army is an secularist army.. MB relatively to other arab religous orgs.and jamaats is regarded as moderate...Salafist Al Nour party is much more hardline but has no problem with high ranked junta army staff and minor elite looter circle due to GCCs influence..

It was the MB who struck a deal with the SCAF to hold elections before the drawing up of a new constitution. The MB had the advantage of being a long standing quasi political group and were destined to make gains if elections were held quickly, in return the military's powers/position would become entrenched in the constitution (before the revolution their powers were not entrenched in the constitution) and so ensuring their interest wouldn't be hurt.

You have no idea what you're talking about. You're just regurgitating the official Islamist lines on this matter.
3.35pm BST

Egypt health ministry say 95 dead and 874 injured

Here's the latest from Reuters:

Egypt's health ministry said on Wednesday that 95 people had been killed on Wednesday in a police raid on supporters of deposed President Mohamed Mursi at a Cairo protest camp and clashes nationwide.

"The dead are both from police and civilians. We are waiting to get more details," said the ministry's spokesman, Hamdi Abdel Karim, adding that 874 people had been wounded.

Here is a longer report from them with some wider context:

At least 95 Egyptians were killed on Wednesday after security forces moved in on protesters demanding the reinstatement of President Mohamed Morsi, and the government imposed a state of emergency as unrest swept the most populous Arab nation.

Troops opened fire on demonstrators in violence that brought chaos to areas of the capital and looked certain to further polarize Egypt's 84 million people between those who backed Morsi and the millions who opposed his brief rule.

The state of emergency, starting at 1400 GMT on Wednesday, was to last a month.

In the streets around the Rabaa al-Adawiya mosque in northeast Cairo, where thousands of Morsi supporters have staged a sit-in for the last six weeks, riot police wearing gas masks crouched behind armoured vehicles, tear gas hung in the air and burning tires sent plumes of black smoke into the sky.

At a hospital morgue nearby, a Reuters reporter counted 29 bodies, including that of a 12-year-old boy. Most had died of gunshot wounds to the head. A nurse at the same hospital had said she counted 60 bodies, and expected the number to rise.

The unrest spread beyond the capital, with the cities of Minya and Assiut, and Alexandria on the northern coast, also affected.

Seventeen people were killed in the province of Fayoum south of Cairo. Five more died in Suez.

Updated at 3.35pm BST
anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain can see what is going on. The military regime is consolidating power and it is doing so over the bodies of Egyptian civilians. The only question is how high will the body count be.

Martial law is back. That means civil law no longer applies. The military now have absolute power, they can close any institution, the secret police can arrest anyone, shoot anyone, torture anyone with impunity.There is now no judicial oversight, no constitutional oversight to military power. This is the closing act in the coup that occurred in July.

The revolution is dead. Democracy is dead. There is now no difference between the Sisi regime and the Mubarak regime. None.

and liberals support this?
anyone with a pair of eyes and a brain can see what is going on. The military regime is consolidating power and it is doing so over the bodies of Egyptian civilians. The only question is how high will the body count be.

Already had the power. There was no need to consolidate anything.

Martial law is back. That means civil law no longer applies. The military now have absolute power, they can close any institution, the secret police can arrest anyone, shoot anyone, torture anyone with impunity.There is now no judicial oversight, no constitutional oversight to military power. This is the closing act in the coup that occurred in July.

So you were in favour of martial law when Morsi announced it for various cities around the Suez canal for a total of three months or were you against that?

The revolution is dead. Democracy is dead. There is now no difference between the Sisi regime and the Mubarak regime. None.

You should include Morsi in there. The only achievement he brought was that he was Egypt's first elected autocrat.

and liberals support this?

Seriously, what is it with you and liberals?

You neither understand the ideology or the people who claim to follow it. Would you say that I'm a liberal?
As much as, I think the that MB's are not fit to rule, the reaction of the Egyptian security apparatus, is despicable... The Egyptian army will have a heavy burden to carry for a long time to come, because she took on a job reserved to police forces that weren't probably trained in crowd control. My deep sorrow to the Egyptian contributor in this forum
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