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Egypt | Army Ousts Mursi govt, violence erupts | News & Discussions

Ali Ahmed: the 12-Year-Old Boy who Put Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Shame

Must watch! Ali Ahmed, an Egyptian 12-year-old boy gives his opinion about the current situation in Egypt and how the Muslim Brotherhood failed at governing the country. This remarkably smart kid is destined to play an important role in Egypt's future.

This kid gets it: "What is built on falsehood is false itself." And he understands the tricks of how "Islamic law" can be employed to make nonsense of the liberal provisions of the Constitution: "This is abuse and insanity, all of this political process is void because the parliament in the first place is void, popularly and constitutionally void."

Feel free to disagree with your twisted zionist concocted logic.
It's a much better, finer, and more noble thing to be a Zionist than an Islamist, isn't it?
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because they dissolved their government

it is like kicking throwing down and dis respecting and then helping them to standup

So instead of actually engaging in a transitional phase (if they're confident of their numbers they should be successful in) they seek a confrontation with the majority of the Egyptian nation and its armed forces (seen by many as a symbol of Egyptian nationalism) leading to further hate and tension.

The actions of those in this video only serve to demonise any and all Islamists (no matter how respectable they are) and has already proved that the MB has no intention of using democratic or legal means to contest the removal of their (Other than the supreme guide) leader from power.

If the MB and their affiliates weren't politically naive (as I fear you are) they would have accepted the military's proposal and proved that they are indeed committed to setting up a democratic (process not event) nation in Egypt and would have proved that they are indeed nationalistic and value Egyptian blood from any side, however, their decision is seen by many as proof that they have no loyalty to the nation, rather, they seek to destroy the nation state in favour of a utopian (and misguided) caliphate and have no problem (directly or indirectly) with the death of their own supporters or those who oppose them.

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It appears to be paid agents. Fake beard. I thought that Al Qaeda flag on the roof was kind of suspect from the begining. Can someone confirm?

Here is his picture, released by the Ministry of Interior:

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It appears to be paid agents. Fake beard. I thought that Al Qaeda flag on the roof was kind of suspect from the begining. Can someone confirm?


What a joke. That guy doesn't even look like that Salafi guy. Not the difference in forehead and hairline. The first guy has a much smaller forehead and shorther hairline.
the wind began to blow in the opposite...Now all criminal govertnments that involved in millitary coup against MB begin to deny and swear that they have not been by any way in conspiracy of m.coup...The fear of a$$ rise to till throat..

USA is about to leave alone his Egyptian criminal partners to save his tail..KSA has made a fatal mistake and will be the bigest loser of crediblity with his Egyptian Juntas.. KSA has deemed that after military coup they boosted has been carried out they sent several crates of dollar with gifts of perssiman Medina and zamzam water to poor Egyptians then they would easily convince all politic sides of Egyptians even including MB by time..

the presidency of Mahmud Adli Mansur is illegitimate and suprious just like the child born out of wedlock..Votes is the will of people. The will is the honour of people.. People could die and fight for their honour....There is only one way to protect Egypt from falling into a terrible turmoil..Mursi gonna to back to his duty

I have a question regarding AKP hypocrisy:

If democracy is just the election, how is egyptian mursi legal but Iraqi Maliki is not legitimate?

It appears to be paid agents. Fake beard. I thought that Al Qaeda flag on the roof was kind of suspect from the begining. Can someone confirm?


Why does anyone need to fake the al Qaeda flag?
Just see how many users like you are pro mursi and have al Qaeda flag as avatar.
Why does anyone need to fake the al Qaeda flag?
Just see how many users like you are pro mursi and have al Qaeda flag as avatar.

I'm not pro morsi. And that's not the Qaeda flag.

Gen. Amin Ezzeldin to OnTV: Police arrested the bearded man in video

Seems to be in line with the photo given by the Ministry of Interior!


Egyptian security forces have arrested Mohammed Hassan Ramadan, the man suspected of taking part in throwing two young protesters off a residential building in Alexandria, Al Arabiya reported on Sunday.

Authorities: Man who threw anti-Mursi protesters off building caught
Hopefully, the MB will soon realize that violence won't be tolerated. They can run for parliment if they want to, in the near future. For now, let just wish all the best of the Egyptian people.
they need to accept what happened they cant finish off the army and the police and the people then rule
the wind began to blow in the opposite...Now all criminal govertnments that involved in millitary coup against MB begin to deny and swear that they have not been by any way in conspiracy of m.coup...The fear of a$$ rise to till throat..

USA is about to leave alone his Egyptian criminal partners to save his tail..KSA has made a fatal mistake and will be the bigest loser of crediblity with his Egyptian Juntas.. KSA has deemed that after military coup they boosted has been carried out they sent several crates of dollar with gifts of perssiman Medina and zamzam water to poor Egyptians then they would easily convince all politic sides of Egyptians even including MB by time..

the presidency of Mahmud Adli Mansur is illegitimate and suprious just like the child born out of wedlock..Votes is the will of people. The will is the honour of people.. People could die and fight for their honour....There is only one way to protect Egypt from falling into a terrible turmoil..Mursi gonna to back to his duty

So basically what you are advocating is that Egypt goes back to the status quo...
How about those 20-30 million people that were protesting fiercly against Morsi?

You need to realise that Morsi governing Egypt, in long term, is untenable.
People call me nut because I post nonsense but the truth is I am not and I'm trying to show them what is really going on. Second, I am a Muslim so I cannot lie. There was scholars in Egypt, the only Arab country with true scholars like Mohammad Hassan, Safwat Higazi, Qwaini and Yaqoub who has innormous followers with them and Qaradawi just declared fatwa which is a legal binding to go out and finish the revolution after the Egyptian army banned the prayer in Alexandria and attacked the supporters. Things are getting worst at the moment. Also, the majority in this forum are secularist so I don't care what they say and pretty much the mainstream media focus on "one" side only which is the anti protesters. Just like Turkey. :coffee:

Anyway, the people were attacked by anti morsi groups and the forces.


He was shot while praying.








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42 die in clashes between Egypt army and pro-Morsi protesters

Clashes between the Egyptian army and pro-Morsi protesters at the Republican Guard headquarters in Cairo left at least 42 dead and 322 injured overnight, the health ministry said.

In an official statement published by Al-Ahram Arabic news website, the army said an "armed terrorist group" attempted to break into the Republican Guard headquarters in the early hours of Monday and "attacked security forces."

One officer died and 40 soldiers were injured, including seven in critical condition, the statement said.

The Muslim Brotherhood, which spearheaded a sit-in for the last several days at the army facility to demand the return of deposed President Mohamed Morsi, said the army used live ammunition against peaceful protesters.

The army, however, said it had arrested at least 200 people who had “large quantities of firearms, ammunition and Molotov cocktails.”

It also said that it had reopened Salah Salem Road which had been blocked by pro-Morsi protesters.

President Morsi was deposed by Egypt's Armed Forces on Wednesday following nationwide protests calling for his ouster. Judge Adly Mansour, the head of the High Constitutional Court, was sworn in as the country's interim president on Thursday.

Morsi's removal sparked anger among his supporters, mainly Islamists, spearheaded by the Muslim Brotherhood.

The National Alliance for Supporting Legitimacy, a pro-Morsi group formed to back his right to complete his term of office, continues its sit-in at Rabaa Al-Adawiya Mosque in Cairo’s Nasr City district.

Other pro-Morsi groups have been protesting elsewhere, most notable at Nahdet Misr Square in Giza.

The Brotherhood's FJP issued a statement saying, “The Egyptian people woke up on 8 July 2013 to the sound of bullets being fired at peaceful protesters in front of the Republican Guard HQ while they were performing their dawn prayers, turning it into a horrible massacre.”

“This has never happened before in the history of the Egyptian army,” the FJP statement added.

“Perhaps there are still some wise men in the army who can put a stop to this behavior which is abnormal to the Egyptian army.”

UPDATE 1: 42 die in clashes between Egypt army and pro-Morsi protesters - Politics - Egypt - Ahram Online
@MooshMoosh can you pls give links of the videos so we can share on other websites? thx
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I feel sorry for poor GCC first they had to finance jihad against syria and now it seems that they must prepare yhemselves to finance jihad in egypt .

Probaly later they also have to finance jihad in Jordan and ........
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