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Egypt announces international anti-Turkey alliance

Man, what happens if someone like Nasser appears in Egypt? We can rape Israel together. You know what, lucky Israelis are surrounded by Arabs hence breathing freely. If we had any borders with them, they were eating dust by now. You Arabs are a total shame to Sunni Caliphs, do you know Umar did to those who are ruining Palestine?
You cant rape anyone. Iran is a paper tiger. If anyone rape anyone is Israel raping Iranian in Syria and come one their faces without any response
It seems that Arabs need to gang up on other Muslim countries once in a while to remind them how little they matter in the region now.
One day they form a failed alliance against Iran, the other day they form an alliance against Turkey.
Pharons budu (bedoiun)axis of evil. Note how Egypt is protecting its master(israel). They are calling the real shots and these dumb african bedouins are chucking blunt speaks again

Any Muslim country that recognizes israel, is under the Zionist Western Axis' control. Turkey, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Emirates, Saudis, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain or Qatar wouldn't dare think of attacking israel. They are all puppet states, whose leadership has no backbone to stand up against israel, instead is the submissive slaves of Zionist Western hegemony.

Turkey is an integral part of NATO, it also has very close ties to israel and all that yuppie slogans about being independent is pure unadulterated BS meant to sucker the rest of the Muslim World outside the sphere of the Arab, Turks and Egyptians. If Turkey had the balls to stand up against israel, it would've attacked israel with vengeance when israeli terrorists murdered Turkish citizens on their boats sailing to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. But they didn't do a damn thing. As proof that Turkey is a slave of Zionist-West, Turkey shot down Russian Air Force jet when the Russian Military was in Syria to help fight against the CIA-Jihadi Terrorist network, ISIS.

Egypt is not part of NATO, but still is an obedient slave of it's Zionist Masters. Same goes for the Saudis, Qataris, Emiratis, Kuwaitis and Bahrainis. Together with Turkey and the Zionist host states i.e america, britain and france, have destroyed Libya, Syria and Iraq. They're all the same .... yuppies and puppets who serve their true masters, the Zionist.
Any Muslim country that recognizes israel, is under the Zionist Western Axis' control. Turkey, Egypt, Azerbaijan, Emirates, Saudis, Jordan, Kuwait, Bahrain or Qatar wouldn't dare think of attacking israel. They are all puppet states, whose leadership has no backbone to stand up against israel, instead is the submissive slaves of Zionist Western hegemony.

Turkey is an integral part of NATO, it also has very close ties to israel and all that yuppie slogans about being independent is pure unadulterated BS meant to sucker the rest of the Muslim World outside the sphere of the Arab, Turks and Egyptians. If Turkey had the balls to stand up against israel, it would've attacked israel with vengeance when israeli terrorists murdered Turkish citizens on their boats sailing to provide humanitarian aid to the people of Gaza. But they didn't do a damn thing. As proof that Turkey is a slave of Zionist-West, Turkey shot down Russian Air Force jet when the Russian Military was in Syria to help fight against the CIA-Jihadi Terrorist network, ISIS.

Egypt is not part of NATO, but still is an obedient slave of it's Zionist Masters. Same goes for the Saudis, Qataris, Emiratis, Kuwaitis and Bahrainis. Together with Turkey and the Zionist host states i.e america, britain and france, have destroyed Libya, Syria and Iraq. They're all the same .... yuppies and puppets who serve their true masters, the Zionist.

This is one of the issues with our community and it is crepping on PDF which is intellectual bankrupty and low IQ deficiency..

The world state politics is to complex for your brain to comprehend. The world state politics has always been the same since the dawn of mankind and it is only for the smart who understand it and know how to play. Than there are these beneath laymen like you who don't understand a dime. You have just declared an outpost that is owned by someone else as the supreme. Besides you put allies as slavery and trade ties into conquests what is next... Pakistan is chinese slave? Why not throw it in as well while you are at. Don't go full retarded my mann states have interests and everyone does something for a good reason you may not understand it because it is to complex for you... Politics is selfish and everyone does something to further his or her's own agenda..
This is one of the issues with our community and it is crepping on PDF which is intellectual bankrupty and low IQ deficiency.

I'm sure you're the leading authority on intellectual bankruptcy and low IQ deficiency.

The world state politics is to complex for your brain to comprehend.

So it is a complex matter in "World State Politics" when the Western World has been involved in War or has been the instigator of War or has been an imperialist colonizer/occupier/invader, through clandestine means or outright aggressor, over the last 200 years?

I have been a student of geo-politics, international relations and military history for the last 20 years. You got little to zero idea what my brain can comprehend.

The world state politics has always been the same since the dawn of mankind and it is only for the smart who understand it and know how to play.

Of course it's the "smart" ones who sit back while tens of millions of people are massacred due to WW1, WW2, GW1, GW2, War on Yugoslavia, Libya, Syria, Somalia, Yemen and Afghanistan. And yes of course they know how to "play it" since in their minds this is all a "great game."

Than there are these beneath laymen like you who don't understand a dime.

Hey bud, learn to use correct grammar, as your sentence in context is using the word "than" where you should be using "then". I'm sure your "more than layman" brain is capable of using basic grammar in your sentences.

You have just declared an outpost that is owned by someone else as the supreme. Besides you put allies as slavery and trade ties into conquests what is next... Pakistan is chinese slave? Why not throw it in as well while you are at.

That statement right there goes to show you have zero clue about Islam, the Noble Qur'an, the creation of the illegal state of israel and the Muslim World. Go back school and get yourself educated on the subject first. The Noble Qur'an is a lot older than your absurd argument of "World State Politics".

Don't go full retarded my mann states have interests and everyone does something for a good reason you may not understand it because it is to complex for you... Politics is selfish and everyone does something to further his or her's own agenda.

Politics is the cheap, debased theater meant to keep the population divided, dumb and ignorant. Politicians are the cheap prostitute that dance to the tune of their real handlers and masters. It's yet another squeal from those who have been the perpetrators of slave enterprize, colonization, imperial grab of wealth and resources of other nations and the architects of lies and deception.


Do yourself a favor, little bunny, go try and convince the ignorant idiots that are devoid of the Noble Qur'an. Your squeaks are what they are, just squeaks. Now run along and type away to someone dumb enough to be convinced by your layman argument.
You cant rape anyone. Iran is a paper tiger. If anyone rape anyone is Israel raping Iranian in Syria and come one their faces without any response
Other than online huff and puff, what else do you have to show us?

Watch your nuclear scientist and leader of Israeli missile forces burn to death in Acre

Guess what, Iranian sources are the only ones unveiling a video clip of the attack, watch here :

The missile factory of Israel in fire of multiple explosions

A Syrian missile exploded in southern Israel. The incident triggered warning sirens near the secretive Dimona

Missile strike on Israel from Lebanon

Missile attack on Israel from Syria

Fateh-110 successfuly bombing Israeli installations which was never intercepted by Israel unlike what Hasbara media reported.


All that just by accident?
Other than online huff and puff, what else do you have to show us?

Watch your nuclear scientist and leader of Israeli missile forces burn to death in Acre

Guess what, Iranian sources are the only ones unveiling a video clip of the attack, watch here :

The missile factory of Israel in fire of multiple explosions

A Syrian missile exploded in southern Israel. The incident triggered warning sirens near the secretive Dimona

Missile strike on Israel from Lebanon

Missile attack on Israel from Syria

Fateh-110 successfuly bombing Israeli installations which was never intercepted by Israel unlike what Hasbara media reported.


All that just by accident?
Keep bullshit it's good for us. More then 200 airstrikes on Iranian mullah without zero effective respond.
And debka is known for bullshit "news" channel. I read few years ago that Russia ready to start war world 3 with Israel while Russia and Russian have good relationship with us. As i said bullshit
I am against killing scientists as a principal but in the case of Israeli scientist being BBQed in his hotel room...well I hold Israel responsible...they started this game now they have to see it all to the end...

I must admit the mullah supporters are warrior. Keyboard warriors 🤣
The only time you guys hold a rifle was in call of duty
I must admit the mullah supporters are warrior. Keyboard warriors 🤣
The only time you guys hold a rifle was in call of duty
We have been around for 7000 years You on the other hand something like 70 years...we shall see who will be around in the next 50 years..
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only bit I dont understand is that Syrian military is saying they intercepted the missiles fired by the F16s

why not shot down the F16s?
only bit I dont understand is that Syrian military is saying they intercepted the missiles fired by the F16s

why not shot down the F16s?
the f16 was probably far out into the Mediterranean sea
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