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Economy suffered Rs 69 bn loss in three days

Torpedo its not even question if they can afford it. They need a stable political situation before anything else. A pakistan can not stand on current broken legs created by this political dilemma. Be it a billion $ or 100 billion. people need to protest and fight for their right.
Its always good if such conditions be avoided but here in this case it was inevitable.
Torpedo its not even question if they can afford it. They need a stable political situation before anything else. A pakistan can not stand on current broken legs created by this political dilemma. Be it a billion $ or 100 billion. people need to protest and fight for their right.
Its always good if such conditions be avoided but here in this case it was inevitable.

Good point. But I tend to differ.

My point is simple. You can be STABLE only if you are ALIVE.

Yes, it was a symbolic victory of people. But,

1. There is no chance that Zardari will suddenly start to take sensible decisions.

2. There is no chance that all the people will suddenly awake and won't tolerate anything wrong.

3. There is no chance that all the politicians will learn a lesson.

4. There is no chance that the 'economical image' of Pakistan will improve from this and Pakistan will attract more investment.

Pakistan has a very very long way to go (almost certainly with many setbacks) and there is little fuel left in the economy.
Good point. But I tend to differ.

My point is simple. You can be STABLE only if you are ALIVE.

Yes, it was a symbolic victory of people. But,

1. There is no chance that Zardari will suddenly start to take sensible decisions.

2. There is no chance that all the people will suddenly awake and won't tolerate anything wrong.

3. There is no chance that all the politicians will learn a lesson.

4. There is no chance that the 'economical image' of Pakistan will improve from this and Pakistan will attract more investment.

Pakistan has a very very long way to go (almost certainly with many setbacks) and there is little fuel left in the economy.

Torpedo - If you think there is no chance then - they should stop trying?
Brother you know - i am/was so hopeless about India. when i came back. I was think this country just cant work. politicians are corrupt government office are lazy and corrupt. We know what kind of infrastructure problem we face- i found bloody shyt in water supply , there was no electricity in delhi for 4 days, roads were broken. it was my trip to India in 1999.
then i saw a big change when i visited after 6 yrs - in Delhi. i saw a ray of hope- this shiela dixit government did it single handedly in delhi. she found against people for their illegal constructions. she did everything and broguht the change. now u come to Delhi u find new roads with good public transport in making. etc ewtc.
So here my intention is - there had to be some initiative - if things look dark we just cant let it go on.
And i know things will change in pakistan. I hope so. because we as India cant afford a failing pakistan. and we shouldn't want it too - at a humanitarian level.
You said things don't change -
Well justice Chowdhry is back
Musharraf was taken out of power.
Jardari is loosing his sleep.
Media is getting freedom back again at a smaller level.

Most of all people of pakistan have realized after this March: that people can change the system!
Good point. But I tend to differ.

My point is simple. You can be STABLE only if you are ALIVE.

Yes, it was a symbolic victory of people. But,

1. There is no chance that Zardari will suddenly start to take sensible decisions.

2. There is no chance that all the people will suddenly awake and won't tolerate anything wrong.

3. There is no chance that all the politicians will learn a lesson.

4. There is no chance that the 'economical image' of Pakistan will improve from this and Pakistan will attract more investment.

Pakistan has a very very long way to go (almost certainly with many setbacks) and there is little fuel left in the economy.

A good post. My friend in Pakistan in the current environment even a small bit of good is a huge step towards the right path. You are right it will not change the way that our politicians and leaders think, but it is important to note that a wrong has been corrected.It has been corrected by a show of force by the people. There have previously been concerns expressed by the Jurists that the people expect them to always do right yet they wield no power. The people have now empowered them and it is now there turn to return the favour. While it will not change much, it will make the politicians realize that the people will step out on to the streets to rectify any wrong doing. I think from that point alone it is a revolutionary step.
As to pakistan's progress towards democracy, it is early days still in our fractured path towards democracy. This story also has just started. Now for the next round see what the CJP does.
As to the economy , we have seen many downturns and this certainly will not be the last. We have come closer to the edge many a times before as well. However, unless we rectify the wrongs and get the country moving on the right and sturdy path, these things will keep on happenning. So all in all a price worth paying for progress.

Torpedo - If you think there is no chance then - they should stop trying?
Brother you know - i am/was so hopeless about India. when i came back. I was think this country just cant work. politicians are corrupt government office are lazy and corrupt. We know what kind of infrastructure problem we face- i found bloody shyt in water supply , there was no electricity in delhi for 4 days, roads were broken. it was my trip to India in 1999.
then i saw a big change when i visited after 6 yrs - in Delhi. i saw a ray of hope- this shiela dixit government did it single handedly in delhi. she found against people for their illegal constructions. she did everything and broguht the change. now u come to Delhi u find new roads with good public transport in making. etc ewtc.
So here my intention is - there had to be some initiative - if things look dark we just cant let it go on.
And i know things will change in pakistan. I hope so. because we as India cant afford a failing pakistan. and we shouldn't want it too - at a humanitarian level.
You said things don't change -
Well justice Chowdhry is back
Musharraf was taken out of power.
Jardari is loosing his sleep.
Media is getting freedom back again at a smaller level.

Most of all people of pakistan have realized after this March: that people can change the system!


You completely misunderstood me.

Or I should say, I failed in explaining.



Please try to understand. All your goody-goody philosophical words look nice on paper. But unfortunately, there is another hard-cold-brutal reality waiting outside the door. :tsk:

I think, I have answered to you too, araz.
And what will you say if I tell you - "I like Musharraf for many things"?

Nothing actually but I would understand you being an Indian would look forward to a more American controlled Pakistan rather than a separate Pakistan.
The movement had nothing to do with Nawaz, absolutely correct but without his support this march would have never been successfull. He should be applauded for sticking to his principals and spearheading the cause to bring justice back to our land. I am glad this mess has been sorted out, but i really hope the government focuses on the economy now. We need to bring our economy out of this mess, relying on foriegn aid is just killing our country.

When Gen. Musharraf came to power, I had suggested that Pakistan apply my proposal about money to its economy and said "Of course, this will force the cockroaches of the Indian government to emulate Pakistan or perish". His response was that it was only theoretical. In fact, nothing can be more practical. See
How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per year Or More


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When Gen. Musharraf came to power, I had suggested that Pakistan apply my proposal about money to its economy and said "Of course, this will force the cockroaches of the Indian government to emulate Pakistan or perish". His response was that it was only theoretical. In fact, nothing can be more practical. See
How India's Economy Can Grow 30% Per year Or More

Peril of Importing Electronic Equipment From U.S.

India's Technological And Economic Emancipation

Could you please quote links like ToI or BBC or even CNN NDTV may even do but please don't make us read blogs. I think anyone can write a blog about anything and I say this because even my sister writes a blog and i can't think of anyone quoting that.
See post # 32 in the following thread:-

And addendum dated August 1, 2001 to the letter dated July 21, 2001 in the following:-
WEB SUBMISSION: Terrorism - Opinions

And post # 1 in the following thread:-

I don't know about your sister but I am in 'Who's Who In America' and Who's Who In The World'.

Congratulations I am sorry but I just found out you are a blogger another one of those people from the millions we already had and I am glad you blog very good of you but whenever you are trying to quote things from economics could you quote from sources that are deemed neutral and credible nothing else except for a very big fact that I think that we shouldn't have grown economy by giving high interest rate loans to successful businesses as well as destroying our electricity growth program and hence crippling industries that provided livelihood to millions.
None of the examples of 'credible' sources you give -- TOI, CNN NDTV or BBC -- are neutral. You have to learn how the West keeps countries like Pakistan and India in slavery. I can't make you read my blog, but if you would like to educate yourself, you have to read, study and absorb what I have said in http://NuclearSupremacyForIndiaOverUS.blogspot.com .

Best of luck!
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None of the examples of 'credible' sources you give -- TOI, CNN NDTV or BBC are neutral. You have to learn how the West keeps counties like Pakistan and India in slavery. I can't make you read my blog, but if you would like to educate yourself, you have to read, study and absorb what I have said in Nuclear Supremacy for India over U.S. .

Best of luck!

Ok lemme breathe on this we are all free individuals who have the ability to think on our own something that can't be influenced do you agree?

I have worked in a journalism company very briefly and trust me I wish they could have been manipulating BBC I can guarantee is one source that spends hours trying to find any kind of cover ups or anything that would deem tham non neutral they don't support any cause or agenda had that been the case Gordon Brown wouldn't be edging the way he is nowadays and on top of that they don't atleast show one end of the picture BBC is the only source that bought the Talian viewpoint to the table they have thinktanks hired that think on what the Talibs want what a patriot of Pakistan wants and god knows what not if their is an institution with a million free minds how can it be manipulating how can it show a popularist agenda??
I have a certified letter, return receipt requested, from the United States' CBS television network which wanted to do a 'Sixty Minutes' story on me, which was the United States' most widely watched news and current affairs program at the time, with an audience of over 100 million. I did not respond.

You are no more naive about the media and how the world works than a lot of other people. If you want to educate yourself, you have to read Nuclear Supremacy for India over U.S. . Sorry, there is nothing more I can do.
Tell me is Zardari better then Musharraf??

I expect only one answer from all of u!!


Plz only one answer!!
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