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Economy bounces back to record 5.7% growth, highest in over two years

Please do not include words like Bangladesh, Srilanka and major economy in the same sentence...Your economies do no even figure in top 30 economies of the world is not even 1/10th size of India's.

Otherwise Afghanistan is the fastest growing economy in the region with a consistent double digit growth for past one and half decade.

While you arguing and doing big talks our economy is big and our economy is like this blah blah blah, Sri Lanka will pass you in every possible ways (Already ahead in the region than others) to become the first fully developed country in the region, (Currently on track to become advanced economy by 2035). you can continue your big talks until then.

Indians should first need to cure their Inferiority Complexity if you really hoping to develop. having a world 2nd largest population in the world, India still lagging behind so far from the rest. China holding the most populous tag yet reaching economic milestones and becoming real mighty power in the world (Pride of Asia),

India will keep dream and do big talks while others outperform you guys. so stop doing nonsense talking and try to give solutions to cast systems, Poverty, Slums, Aids, Dirty polluted environment and millions of other problems inside India and within states, and start developing your country.
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Sri Lanka with just 20 million people (Close to Population of Australia) has GDP worth of $77 Billion for 2014, with the expected GDP per capita will rise $3800+ by this year, and $7000 Mark by 2019

GDP will rise as estimated figures
$88 Billion by 2015
$101 Billion by 2016
$116 Billion by 2017
$133 Billion by 2018
$153 Billion by 2019
$175 Billion by 2020
$200+ Billion by 2021 Doubling GDP less than 5 years and reaching $15000 per capita by 2021 to become high income country. and from their marching forward to becoming first advanced economy in the region
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Sri Lanka with just 20 million people (Close to Population of Australia) has GDP worth of $77 Billion for 2014, with the expected GDP per capita will rise $3800+ by this year, and $7000 Mark by 2019

GDP will rise as estimated figures
$88 Billion by 2015
$101 Billion by 2016
$116 Billion by 2017
$133 Billion by 2018
$153 Billion by 2019
$175 Billion by 2020
$200+ Billion by 2021 Doubling GDP less than 5 years and reaching $15000 per capita by 2021 to become high income country. and from their marching forward to becoming first advanced economy in the region

And by 2022, it will colonize the mars, moon and entire solar system, by 2023 entire galaxy and in 2025, entire universe..
And by 2022, it will colonize the mars, moon and entire solar system, by 2023 entire galaxy and in 2025, entire universe..

Well it is possible for India as they are suffering from over population, most probably India will colonize Mars, and export Millions of people there. BTW at least keep Mars clean :sarcastic::sarcastic:nothing personal though
Well it is possible for India as they are suffering from over population, most probably India will colonize Mars, and export Millions of people there. BTW at least keep Mars clean :sarcastic::sarcastic:nothing personal though
Better compare srilanka with country of its size and population because even if it will become developed in 2014 ,still it will remain insignificant in world stage.
Better compare srilanka with country of its size and population because even if it will become developed in 2014 ,still it will remain insignificant in world stage.

Country should first able to be give wealth and comfort to its people. if people are wealthy and rich, what could you ask more?

Sri Lanka is becoming a Business Hub to the South Asian Region whether you like it or not, like what Singapore and Hong Kong did, imagine what could Sri Lanka achieve if with 700+km2 of Singapore with 5 Million people and 400+ Km2 with 6 Million people compare to 65536+km2 with 21 Million people same no of Population in Australia and in Countries like Malaysia, Taiwan who have 20 Million 30 Million range of population. it is not we have this much of land area and we have this much of people, it is willing to be developed it is courage to become an advanced economy soon and thriving forward to it. Significance or insignificance will be counted only if your Country people live happy and wealthy life.

Population or Country size is not the only thing in the world, like Japan with mere 200 Million people got thrice the size economy that of India and of Course England with just 70 Million people has a GDP which can bought whole of India. This thinking pattern of some Indians is called Inferiority Complexity, they does not believe there's a world outside their Country. only thing im seeing is they bringing childish arguments with Country Size and Population which is insignificance to count whether you are rich or not.
I really hope the new president of India Mr. Narendra Modi will take initiatives to put India on the correct path.
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Country should first able to be give wealth and comfort to its people. if people are wealthy and rich, what could you ask more?

Sri Lanka is becoming a Business Hub to the South Asian Region whether you like it or not, like what Singapore and Hong Kong did, imagine what could Sri Lanka achieve if with 700+km2 of Singapore with 5 Million people and 400+ Km2 with 6 Million people compare to 65536+km2 with 21 Million people same no of Population in Australia and in Countries like Malaysia, Taiwan who have 20 Million 30 Million range of population. it is not we have this much of land area and we have this much of people, it is willing to be developed it is courage to become an advanced economy soon and thriving forward to it. Significance or insignificance will be counted only if your Country people live happy and wealthy life.

Population or Country size is not the only thing in the world, like Japan with mere 200 Million people got thrice the size economy that of India and of Course England with just 70 Million people has a GDP which can bought whole of India. This thinking pattern of some Indians is called Inferiority Complexity, they does not believe there's a world outside their Country. I am not surprise as what HDI Index of India shows

I agree Population and Size of country is not the only thing in world ,but demographics is also one of the most important factor in judging the country's future prospect, eg a country with smaller population can grow at much faster rate but also its growth rate will fade sooner than later and it heads towards stagnation(eg: japan and European countries),so I think it is not fair to compare the growth of Srilanka with India .

Beside We always welcome Srilanka achieving high growth as Srilanka is not a competitor of india and it's development will bring more opportunities to Indians.
Sri Lanka with just 20 million people (Close to Population of Australia) has GDP worth of $77 Billion for 2014, with the expected GDP per capita will rise $3800+ by this year, and $7000 Mark by 2019

GDP will rise as estimated figures
$88 Billion by 2015
$101 Billion by 2016
$116 Billion by 2017
$133 Billion by 2018
$153 Billion by 2019
$175 Billion by 2020
$200+ Billion by 2021 Doubling GDP less than 5 years and reaching $15000 per capita by 2021 to become high income country. and from their marching forward to becoming first advanced economy in the region
From where you got these datas??
IMF estimates are considered to be the most accurate one..
By IMF recent update..
Srilanka gdp nominal in 2019= $108billion..
Gdp per capital~~ $5000 dollars..
Well it is possible for India as they are suffering from over population, most probably India will colonize Mars, and export Millions of people there. BTW at least keep Mars clean :sarcastic::sarcastic:nothing personal though
Nah, we will just colonize you, as we did 1000 years ago.
While you arguing and doing big talks our economy is big and our economy is like this blah blah blah, Sri Lanka will pass you in every possible ways (Already ahead in the region than others) to become the first fully developed country in the region, (Currently on track to become advanced economy by 2035). you can continue your big talks until then.

Indians should first need to cure their Inferiority Complexity if you really hoping to develop. having a world 2nd largest population in the world, India still lagging behind so far from the rest. China holding the most populous tag yet reaching economic milestones and becoming real mighty power in the world (Pride of Asia),

India will keep dream and do big talks while others outperform you guys. so stop doing nonsense talking and try to give solutions to cast systems, Poverty, Slums, Aids, Dirty polluted environment and millions of other problems inside India and within states, and start developing your country.

Yeah right.. Wait till you have to pay back the massive interests on the loans taken to build those white elephants in Hambantota to please the ego of a tin pot dictator.. By that time the Rajapassa's will be long gone to the US(Cos almost all of them are dual citizens), Unlike some delusional simpleton like you

Then everybody else in the neighborhood will be laughing their arses off for simple minded idiots like you for the unnecessary chest thumping

How the hell do you think Sri Lanka is going to archive it's service hub status without the Indian market ??

Dont accuse others of inferiority complex when your whole tangent reeks of it
Country should first able to be give wealth and comfort to its people. if people are wealthy and rich, what could you ask more?

Sri Lanka is becoming a Business Hub to the South Asian Region whether you like it or not, like what Singapore and Hong Kong did, imagine what could Sri Lanka achieve if with 700+km2 of Singapore with 5 Million people and 400+ Km2 with 6 Million people compare to 65536+km2 with 21 Million people same no of Population in Australia and in Countries like Malaysia, Taiwan who have 20 Million 30 Million range of population. it is not we have this much of land area and we have this much of people, it is willing to be developed it is courage to become an advanced economy soon and thriving forward to it. Significance or insignificance will be counted only if your Country people live happy and wealthy life.

Population or Country size is not the only thing in the world, like Japan with mere 200 Million people got thrice the size economy that of India and of Course England with just 70 Million people has a GDP which can bought whole of India. This thinking pattern of some Indians is called Inferiority Complexity, they does not believe there's a world outside their Country. only thing im seeing is they bringing childish arguments with Country Size and Population which is insignificance to count whether you are rich or not. I am not surprise as what HDI Index of India shows.
I really hope the new president of India Mr. Narendra Modi will take initiatives to put India on the correct path.
Srilanka's economy is not comparable with India's..
One economy represents 5.8% of world gdp[ppp] while other represents only 0.15%. Srilanka's good gdp per cap and hdi are your plus points..
well who told SL is a potential Competitor to India???? India is a opportunity to Sri Lanka, with 1.2 Billion Market near us there are huge potential
Country should first able to be give wealth and comfort to its people. if people are wealthy and rich, what could you ask more?

Sri Lanka is becoming a Business Hub to the South Asian Region whether you like it or not, like what Singapore and Hong Kong did, imagine what could Sri Lanka achieve if with 700+km2 of Singapore with 5 Million people and 400+ Km2 with 6 Million people compare to 65536+km2 with 21 Million people same no of Population in Australia and in Countries like Malaysia, Taiwan who have 20 Million 30 Million range of population. it is not we have this much of land area and we have this much of people, it is willing to be developed it is courage to become an advanced economy soon and thriving forward to it. Significance or insignificance will be counted only if your Country people live happy and wealthy life.

Population or Country size is not the only thing in the world, like Japan with mere 200 Million people got thrice the size economy that of India and of Course England with just 70 Million people has a GDP which can bought whole of India. This thinking pattern of some Indians is called Inferiority Complexity, they does not believe there's a world outside their Country. only thing im seeing is they bringing childish arguments with Country Size and Population which is insignificance to count whether you are rich or not. I am not surprise as what HDI Index of India shows.
I really hope the new president of India Mr. Narendra Modi will take initiatives to put India on the correct path.
Just the highlighted part show how must G.K you possess
From where you got these datas??
IMF estimates are considered to be the most accurate one..
By IMF recent update..
Srilanka gdp nominal in 2019= $108billion..
Gdp per capital~~ $5000 dollars..

It is what Sri Lankan Government aiming for with strategy called "Unstoppable Sri Lanka 2020", so far SL achieve its targets making IMF estimates a lie.

Yeah right.. Wait till you have to pay back the massive interests on the loans taken to build those white elephants in Hambantota to please the ego of a tin pot dictator.. By that time the Rajapassa's will be long gone to the US(Cos almost all of them are dual citizens), Unlike some delusional simpleton like you

Then everybody else in the neighborhood will be laughing their arses off for simple minded idiots like you for the unnecessary chest thumping

How the hell do you think Sri Lanka is going to archive it's service hub status without the Indian market ??

Dont accuse others of inferiority complex when your whole tangent reeks of it

Well, before look in to others, just look in to your self mate. it is not only what you think that is count in this universe... well your negativity has been shown throughout this forum and in your past posts as well. it is because of similar people like you with are backward attitude, always blaming and negatively thinking "it is impossible".... glad SL has come out of people like you
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