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Economy bounces back to record 5.7% growth, highest in over two years

well who told SL is a potential Competitor to India???? India is a opportunity to Sri Lanka, with 1.2 Billion Market near us there are huge potential

Delhi or Mumbai alone has 20 million population each, so better stop comparing Sri Lanka with India, go compare Sri Lanka with countries Sri Lanka's range.
It is what Sri Lankan Government aiming for with strategy called "Unstoppable Sri Lanka 2020", so far SL achieve its targets making IMF estimates a lie.

Well, before look in to others, just look in to your self mate. it is not only what you think that is count in this universe... well your negativity has been shown throughout this forum

Being positive about the country is one thing and being a total irrational dick weed is another.. Every Lankan have the right to be positive about the genuine achievements about the country, No thanks to chest thumping idiots but those hard working quiet archivers.. So what was the reason for thrash taking another country ?

Just shows what a little person you're
Being positive about the country is one thing and being a total irrational dick weed is another.. Every Lankan have the right to be positive about the genuine achievements about the country, No thanks to chest thumping idiots but those hard working quiet archivers.. So what was the reason for thrash taking another country ?

Just shows what a little person you're

who has done thrash talking?? or is it just replying to the posts???, go through the posts. and who are you to judge me? judge yourself first, and be positive. and irrelevantly don't be against with the people who talk about Country's achievements and etc.. may be you are against SL's development, or hate to bear or hear SL is becoming develop, I wonder whether you can be called as SLn by going through your previous posts. looks like you are running through Political Agenda UNP or .... :D

Delhi or Mumbai alone has 20 million population each, so better stop comparing Sri Lanka with India, go compare Sri Lanka with countries Sri Lanka's range.

Well I have the same reply to you as well mate, first step be intelligent and come up with a proper arguments, and as for second step is to learn what I say about the people like you, so please refer the previous posts please. if you still didn't learn anything yet, just keep repeat step 1 and 2
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who has done thrash talking?? or is it just replying to the posts???, go through the posts. and who are you to judge me? judge yourself first, and be positive.

Look chum.. I'm not somebody who would cough up for the sake of coughing.. When there are positive things to talk about i would, And when there is a need to highlight delusional idiots jumping on bandwagons that i would do as well.. Being positive does not mean a being mindless drone, Degrading others just to show your insignificant importance
Look chum.. I'm not somebody who would cough up for the sake of coughing.. When there are positive things to talk about i would, And when there is a need to highlight delusional idiots jumping on bandwagons that i would do as well.. Being positive does not mean a being mindless drone, Degrading others just to show your insignificant importance

"Degrading others just to show your insignificant importance" Highlight this Dumbass, this is exactly what you have done throughout this forum. oh wait, I almost forgot, ohh yes you are the only intelligent SLn here isn't it ehh??? :D thinking what you say is right while others are wrong, delusional, idiots... who are you to judge others??? actually who are you??? who care for you??? just another pathetic creature acting on political agenda seeing everything negative??? I repeat who are you?? who cares for you mate??
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"Degrading others just to show your insignificant importance" Highlight this Dumbass, this is exactly what you have done throughout this forum. oh wait, I almost forgot, ohh yes you are the only intelligent SLn here isn't it ehh??? :D thinking what you say is right while others are wrong, delusional, idiots,

Nope there are couple of more others.. Who would be equally disappointed with the latest low standard addition
Nope there are couple of more others.. Who would be equally disappointed with the latest low standard addition

Well I have disappointed about you even before I direct contacted you on this day. well mate so what is about you disappointed on me? is it because I have talk about development or counter arguing few Indians to show them what they think is not right? BTW who cares what others think about one's self?.. this forum is for everyone to share their knowledge and ideas in proper manner, not for those who countering stupidity on political agenda.
Well I have disappointed about you even before I direct contacted you on this day. well mate so what is about you disappointed on me? is it because I have talk about development or counter arguing few Indians to show them what they think is not right? BTW who cares what others think about one's self?.. this forum is for everyone to share their knowledge and ideas in proper manner, not for those who countering stupidity on political agenda.

Dude stop embarrassing yourself further, Where is the counter argument ? This thread is about economic projections for India, Where does Sri Lanka come in to the picture ? Had any of the posters in the thread belittled SL's achievements ?

And sharing idea's in a proper manner ? Do you think going on a tangent about poverty and social ills of India that is totally irrelevant to the thread somehow makes you sharing ideas's in a proper manner ? Or make SL economic achievements more significant ? Get real

You maybe new to the forum, Simple advice, Yes there are lots of morons but there are also many intelligent posters from all over who can see right through potential keyboard warriors. So get in line
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Sri Lanka with just 20 million people (Close to Population of Australia) has GDP worth of $77 Billion for 2014,
Estimated figure for 2014 is $70bill
with the expected GDP per capita will rise $3800+ by this year,
$3,300 is the projected figure for 2014 FY.
and $7000 Mark by 2019
$5139 is the estimated figure for sri lankas per capita in 2019.

GDP will rise as estimated figures
$88 Billion by 2015
$101 Billion by 2016
$116 Billion by 2017
$133 Billion by 2018
$153 Billion by 2019
$175 Billion by 2020
2014-$70~$71.5 bill
2015-$78.4 bill
2016-$85.6 bill
2017-$93.5 bill
2018-$102.1 bill
2019-$111.4 bill

$200+ Billion by 2021 Doubling GDP less than 5 years
If SL economy is estimated to be $111 billion in 2019 i wonder how would it climb to $200 bill by 2021
and reaching $15000quote per capita by 2021
Gdp per capit in 2019 is $5139 , $15K by 2021 is not happening. Dont mix up GDP(PPP) & GDP (nominal).

These projections are from IMF ,could you provide the source from where you got those no's???
Estimated figure for 2014 is $70bill

$3,300 is the projected figure for 2014 FY.

$5139 is the estimated figure for sri lankas per capita in 2019.

2014-$70~$71.5 bill
2015-$78.4 bill
2016-$85.6 bill
2017-$93.5 bill
2018-$102.1 bill
2019-$111.4 bill

If SL economy is estimated to be $111 billion in 2019 i wonder how would it climb to $200 bill by 2021

Gdp per capit in 2019 is $5139 , $15K by 2021 is not happening. Dont mix up GDP(PPP) & GDP (nominal).

These projections are from IMF ,could you provide the source from where you got those no's???

Read this, Interview with CBSL (Central Bank SL Govenor)
FYI, Current SL GDp (2013) stands at 67.18 Billion USD, and expected to grow 7.8% this year to $77 Billion Mark

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) believes that by end 2016 Sri Lanka’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would surpass the USD 100 billion mark.
CBSL Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal revealed this when addressing the Defence Seminar 2014 being held in Colombo, while adding that Sri Lanka’s GDP would near the USD 77 billion mark by end this year.
In 2005 Sri Lanka’s GDP was USD 24 billion.
While explaining further, the CBSL chief said the government has invested nearly USD 3.5 billion on reconstruction and infrastructure facilities in the northern province.
Some 12,000 LTTE members have been rehabilitated and re-integrated into society, he further pointed out.

and please google unstoppable sri lanka 2020

Sri Lanka's GDP will reach US $ 150 billion by 2020 Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal said. The Per capita income by that time will reach US$ 7,000 he said speaking the 14th Economic Summit organized by Ceylon Chamber of Commerce at Cinnamon Grand yesterday. The Governor said currently the GDP is at US $ 77 billion and could easily reach this target by 2020. He said that several other economic indicators and international rankings for Sri Lanka too will improve and Sri Lanka will definitely be placed among the top 20 in the Doing Business Index. He also predicted that the worker remittance that is one of the highest contributors to the Lankan economy will reduce in 2020 since most of the ‘would be Lankan expatriates’ would find better and more paying employment opportunities in Sri Lanka. Cabraal said that Sri Lankan is now adding key infrastructure that should have been build long time ago. “More than the cost of building highways, the land acquisitions are very expensive and it would be almost impossible to build a highway after five years in Sri Lanka due to the high cost. The Governor said the regional disparity will further reduce and all provinces would be enjoying similar incomes in the next few years. He also said that today the private sector too is reaping benefits from a strong economy and this could be easily observed if companies compare their balance sheet today and 10 years ago -
Read this, Interview with CBSL (Central Bank SL Govenor)
FYI, Current SL GDp (2013) stands at 67.18 Billion USD, and expected to grow 7.8% this year to $77 Billion Mark

The Central Bank of Sri Lanka (CBSL) believes that by end 2016 Sri Lanka’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would surpass the USD 100 billion mark.
CBSL Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal revealed this when addressing the Defence Seminar 2014 being held in Colombo, while adding that Sri Lanka’s GDP would near the USD 77 billion mark by end this year.
In 2005 Sri Lanka’s GDP was USD 24 billion.
While explaining further, the CBSL chief said the government has invested nearly USD 3.5 billion on reconstruction and infrastructure facilities in the northern province.
Some 12,000 LTTE members have been rehabilitated and re-integrated into society, he further pointed out.

and please google unstoppable sri lanka 2020

Sri Lanka's GDP will reach US $ 150 billion by 2020 Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal said. The Per capita income by that time will reach US$ 7,000 he said speaking the 14th Economic Summit organized by Ceylon Chamber of Commerce at Cinnamon Grand yesterday. The Governor said currently the GDP is at US $ 77 billion and could easily reach this target by 2020. He said that several other economic indicators and international rankings for Sri Lanka too will improve and Sri Lanka will definitely be placed among the top 20 in the Doing Business Index. He also predicted that the worker remittance that is one of the highest contributors to the Lankan economy will reduce in 2020 since most of the ‘would be Lankan expatriates’ would find better and more paying employment opportunities in Sri Lanka. Cabraal said that Sri Lankan is now adding key infrastructure that should have been build long time ago. “More than the cost of building highways, the land acquisitions are very expensive and it would be almost impossible to build a highway after five years in Sri Lanka due to the high cost. The Governor said the regional disparity will further reduce and all provinces would be enjoying similar incomes in the next few years. He also said that today the private sector too is reaping benefits from a strong economy and this could be easily observed if companies compare their balance sheet today and 10 years ago -
Dont mention regional sources even if it from Governer. If you have an article from IMF or World Bank then do post it,rest simply dont count. And still it fails to explain how did you get projction figure from 2016-19 ,the Governer himself hasn't mentioned it.
IMF estimates SL gdp at $111bill in nominal by '19, so its either your governer who's incorrect or the IMF ! Go through ghis link and check for yourself SL gdp projection by IMF, 2014-19.
List of IMF ranked countries by past and projected GDP (nominal) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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